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Thief Nerf Inc.?

in Thief

Posted by: Corrsk.7618


So how am I being unreasonable to have a discussion.

By ending a discussion with “People like you”.

People think nerfs are how you fix things in mmo’s, it is not you have to take into account how it affects everything with the class and or encounter.

You have a different definition of Nerf than me, him, her, etc… And so do i. That’s it.
The worst is, actually, we probably both agree on the same thing. It’s just for me, a Nerf is not “Keep the same skills/traits, but reduce the damage/duration/etc”, it’s just… Well, Nerf the class. Make it less powerful, and not “Powerful” like “Bam bam, how my god it hurts”. General, powerful.

Thief Nerf Inc.?

in Thief

Posted by: Corrsk.7618


No thieves do not need to be nerfed. They need to be redesigned

When Thieves will be “redesigned”, if i won’t be able to go 1 v 4 and manage to kill one guy every now and then without taking the slightest risk of being downed, then yes, i see it as a Nerf. Because that’s what Nerf mean.

People like you are the reason gw2 and othe mmo’s are so unbalanced

Peoples like you are the reason why we can’t discuss about broken classes (Any, classes)

Thief Nerf Inc.?

in Thief

Posted by: Corrsk.7618


I really hope they don’t nerf us again, as all we ever get is nerfs.

Because Thieves don’t need to be?

Hero Panel slot for Mini-pet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Corrsk.7618


You can use a Safe box, to avoid the “Deposit collectibles” issue, but i agree a Minis slot would be really useful.
And a tic box on the Minis slot, like Helmet and Shoulders, to turn it on/off.

It’s even more needed as pretty much everyone will have at least one mini now.

Charrzooka. Is it worth it?

in Charr

Posted by: Corrsk.7618


Yeah, quite good in some of the smaller area in WvW, like in the cave near Ogrewatch.

Or just to have fun when you are defending, right behind the gate, and it fall. Push 2.