(edited by Corvus.2831)
Showing Posts For Corvus.2831:
Eh, the other side of the coin is that we’re already putting up with so many queues where only 9/10 players accept and people who never miss a q pop are waiting 20min+ because of all the people who queue up and then afk repeatedly. If there is only a minor slap on the hand for continued offenses, this will only get worse. (Playing devil’s advocate here, lol.)
In unranked? average wait time is 2-3 minutes, with system set to just refill with the next person it would take 30s for him to have his time to confirm and then you play. I know how ti works in wow and when you get a queue call, then someone fails it you get another call instantly because you wait for the new person to get in, its extra 30 seconds and then you play. It almost never goes to another 30s which still wouldnt be a problem.
And you dont get penalised for missing the call there, you only have to start queueing agian and thus start from the back of the line which is enough of a problem. After all you queue in the fist place because you want to come play the game.
Ok i got screwed by queue pop for 3 hours. i made this thread, now i just tried to play the game again, i was there for the queue and i got disconected during loading. Not my net issue, everything else is fine. I immediately reconnect. 3h45m wait penalty! Screw this crap! im out! NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO PLAY THIS GAME I PAID FOR BECAUSE OF YOUR LACK OF PERSPECTIVE ANET. Its not a dificult thing to fix. Not seeing this happen to players speaks to a lack of understanding of gamers habits ad behavior, i should not be blocked for 4 hours for not being there for a queue prompt that lasts only 30 sec. FIX THIS!
(edited by Corvus.2831)
All you have to do to make it stack is miss it once or twice a day. ive been playing for about 5 days now. Im at 3 hours and the fact that this happens at all is ridiculus.
We are talking about changing the system, so if its written to brake everyones queue it can and should be changed. I also seriously doubt it is like that.
Leaving queue would be something that You have to remember, if you remember then you are engaged with the game which pretty much comes back down to expecting people to sit at the computer and stare at the screen pointelssly for 3 minutes. And if you dont think its annoying just try sitting in silence for 3 minutes and see how many times you drift away to thaughts of doing something else. The sound either has not played for me or is too silent.
Fundamentally i think kicking someone out of pvp for 3 hours because he missed a queue pop is ridiculus and harms everyone including the people who didn’t miss it by extending queue times by reducing the amount of people able to join it.
I think its deplorable to give people stacks of dishonor for missing queue pops. Most people don’t sit and stare into the game screen waiting for 2 minutes. they alt+tab to a browser or leave the room for a minute to make tea or even just take a leak, the timer is set to 30 seconds and i miss it all the time. If a person fails a queue ready check just push them down the queueing list or make them requeue but don’t make them wait for 3 HOURS to play the kitten casual unranked game.
From the perspective of the queuers that lost a person or two its just a few more seconds when the next person in line gets ready.
Overall the amount of people in queue will increase with no dishonor penalty for missing the queue because people who missed the queue still want to play the kitten pvp match. Locking them out is not in the interest of the people who also want to play. Its not the same as ragequittting because you lost or even having a bad connection.
Dishonor after disconnect is another issue that could be improved.
(i sometimes got disconnected, i reconnected after a minute of loading, we still WON the kitten game so everyone was happy and i still got dishonor.) I get that dishonor is there to stop people who brake the connection to escape a loosing game, but in that case it shouldn’t be applied to people who genuinely had connection issues and reconnected to the game to play it to the end. In that case amnesty should be the option.
So here’s the summary of suggested changes:
Queueing to a game:
-no dishonor for missing the 30 seconds queue pop – definitely has to be done
-increase the queue popup time to 60 seconds? – optionally
Dishonor for disconnecting:
-no dishonor for people who got disconnected but then reconnected and played the full game which shows they want to play and that wasnt a fakeout to avoid finishing a loosing game or something
Hopefully You understand my point.
Because of 1 or 2 disconnects and more than a fev queue misses now i cant play the game. i have a 3 hour dishonor timeout and if that happens – my entire play session is pretty much canceled.
Thanks for understanding
I think whats good for your class shoudl be for You to feel out and decide for yourself. Ofc you can ask arround or even go on a website and check popular builds which most of us do annyway but theres no reason for the game to tell you you should do THIS and not THAT. After all the freedom to build a lot of viable characters with diferent weapons and stats was the one of the major selling points.
Having said all that i dont think explaining the stats is a problem. the problem is blocking off elements that gave the game some degree of depth out of fear of causing confusion. Remember it is better to be confused for an hour than to be bored for 5 minutes, and what thechanges have mainly been are making the game dumb boring and contrived.
Instead of striping away complexity to then “reward it” they should have spent the time to enritch the game environment with more gameplay elements because THAT is what the game is having problems with . The game has not enough complexity to it, not too much…
I like the hearts system, i like the random encounter event system. Both of which are small 5 minutes or less bitesized experiences but i would like to see traditional long questing chains added on top of that. I would like more dungeons to be found in the existing world both new open and instanced dungeons and caves. I would like to see more random quest item drops that would start questchains. I also would like to see the personal story quest to have more viable paths that lead to diferent outcomes. What if my character had the oportunity to fall to zaithans influence and from there try to sabotage the pact and help the dragons. Or become a legendary blacksmith or a separatist spy…
All those things would add to the complexity. infortunatley its just easier to take away functionalities to then give them as a “reward” than to create new content on a large scale.
Annyway, if i ask for too much and i propably doo ask for alot of work to be done. i ATLEAST expet the designers not to chip away what little depth the game had expecialy not to take it away from the new players as the levelign experience now is much WORSE than it was.
Primum non nocere
Firstly dont cause harm, its a proverb aplicable traditionaly to medicine practice but gamedevelopers should keep it in mind aswell.
(edited by Corvus.2831)
I was a new player, and so were You, the game is easy and was easy since launch. now theyre stripping off metrica province and other starting zones of usefull npcs for absolutley no good reason.
Its not like existance of gathering nodes or auctioneers stopped annyone from progressing. Remooving those is using a 10 ton hammer to solve an imaginary problem.
“MY GAME IS TOO HARD, MY DOG STILL DOESNT UNDERSTAND IT” developer approach to design.
How are non obligatory game elements like gathering nodes, dodging ( at the starting levels not required due to low difficulty level), or auctioneer npc’s a hinderance to annyones progression? If someone is to stupid to understand the concepts of auctioneering npc 1. he SHOULD NOT be pandered to and 2. he can progress without ANNY problems annyway.
Arenanet, please understand that you are destroying your game by stripping elements that give it depth. You are pandering to your imaginary audience of idiots. If annything the game was to simple in general annyway and not overly complexe.
Enritch the world with quests tasks and random occurances instead of stripping away basic functionalities.
tell me, how changing a password will prevent it from being stolen from the arenanet? – it wont. So they should leave it alone. I dont give a f |_| c k about what they worry about, they SHOULD wory about the security on theyre side thats theyre job, what is not theyre job is making me do something on my end. They want me to do somehting for them they should pay me money otherwise im not working for free. It is my judgement to keep the pasword as secure and to as manny aplications as i like not arenanets. theyre obligation is to keep theyre servers secure.
And finaly no its not my problem if i was forced to come up with new pass whenever an paranoid admin comes up with stupid ideas about security. HE made the problem for me. and that means i got a problem with HIM and his company, that also means they kitten off the customer.
Hi i would like to use my old password , my password requred no change it is secure and safe and i remember it. i have changed it because your idiotic system forced me to. now i have a password that i am sure i wont remember tomorow. i tried setting my normal password back but your idiotic system prevents me from doing so.
Let me enlighten You, it is YOUR problem and job to keep my account safe server side. I am ABSOLUTLEY sure my password is secure, i know how to keep my stuff secure. And finaly the most important thing is for me to remember my password a week or month or year from now so when i am in a mood to play the game i bought and OWN i dont have to go through some tedious password recovery system ( which propably uses secret question and answer like “whats the name of your pet” which makes all passwords more vulnerable to atempts of hacking than annything else. )
Let me use what security i think is reliable, it is my job to make up secure passwords and my job to keep them to myself. making annyne come up with new passwords all the time serves only 1 purpose – making life tedious. if johny cant keep his secret word to himself or his PC secure NO AMMOUNT OF PASSWORD CHANGING WILL PREVENT IT BEING STOLEN AGAIN. Fortunatley this johny knows how to keep his accoutn secure on his end so LET ME USE MY OLD PASS.
Thankyou and have a bad day for making my day worse.