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[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cowwie.1745


A great simple but awesome quality of life improvement suggestion.

Please add a “auto recentre cursor” option to options so its easier to keep track of your mouses cursor while playing.

GW2 is a pretty chaotic intense game at times with alot of stuff going on screen at times its quiet easy for some people to lose track of it.

As a example of what im talking about here is a perfectly working autohot key script that i use to help me keep track of my mouse cursor i honestly can’t play with out using it, its a great quality of life improvement.

Click Down Right
StartTime := A_TickCount

RButton Up::
Click Up Right
ElapsedTime := A_TickCount – StartTime
if ElapsedTime > 500 ; if more than 500 milliseconds then move mouse to centre of screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, (A_ScreenWidth // 2), (A_ScreenHeight // 2)

In order to get this script to work you will need to install then extract it and then go into the zips compile folder and use the program ahk2exe to compile this script into a program so that it can run while you play GW2.

I urge anyone savy enough to please give this script a try, its great you never lose track of your cursor because when you mouse around to look around after a certain amount of time it automatically recentres your cursor to the centre of your screen once you let go of your right mouse button, it doesn’t hinder your game play in any way.

(edited by Cowwie.1745)