Showing Posts For CrazyJuggler.1498:

[EU]Evolution of Loneliness - friendly guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


NOOOOOOOOOOO I was too late

[EU] LF Guild - Returning player

in Looking for...

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


Hello everyone!

After a long break I thought of returning to the game, that’s why i am searching for a guild!
I was in a “semi-hardcore” guild before taking a break.
I stopped playing a bit before the second wing came out for some personal reasons that made me unable to play and train so many hours a day for raids!

I am looking forward to find a guild that are doing:
-Raids (i do not mind failing but i mind using optimal builds, only that, i am a “metakitten”) (metakitten lol)
-Fractals (T4)
-Guild missions
-and most of all are having fun in the game.
-I do not care about guild lvls or having 300+ ppl
-I am willing to learn from scratch and change builds if needed

As you may understand I have little to zero experience on the new raid wings and i only have 20LIs.
I have many classes that i can play that are full ascended so feel free to contact me if i meet your requirements or for more information!
(I mostly like to play what the group needs)
I have around 4-5 hours a day (maybe more on weekends) to play because i study in university!

PS: Should i have written AP and hours in game?What do ppl ask these days? xD

(edited by CrazyJuggler.1498)

[EU] Forged In Erebus Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


Guild Name: Forged In Erebus [ZeRO]
Guild Focus: PvE (/sPvP)

[ZeRO] is recruiting more active/core members:
We are looking for dedicated and casual players who love to do things in groups who want to grow and who want to be part of a cohesive group. Ppl who like to do Fractals, Events, HoT and looking foward in Raids as veterans but not Hardcore ones. We do some sPvP lately and growing but not pros for sure.We are a small guild with 40 ppl!

What we search:
-We seek those who’ll make ZeRO their main guild, but rep only required when doing stuff with guildies and ofc at Guild Missions, but we seek those who’ll make ZeRO their main guild (did i already mentioned that?)
-People who can have fun, but know when to focus up

What we offer:
-A fun, active, and friendly environment
-A TS3 Server to communicate with your guildies
-Players with knowledge of the game that can help ppl grow or want to have a pleasant time without !!salt and drama!!
-A guild lvl 10Lost Precipise Guild Hall
-Guild Missions and Lotto after them.

For more info/ join, please contact us here or in game.
Guild Leader: Crazyjuggler.1498
Officer: Narcolic.8105

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


~~2days ago~~
-One lvl50 Fractal (3rd dungeon) bugged to me on colosus last boss that he wasn’t there after failing him 3-4times (sorry i was noob and didn’t got him the first time). That’s for yesterday after-patch.
-One CoF p2 bugged on the Magg running part that magg wasn’t “communicating” with the stone
-One AC p2 on the traps (not last boss) that after completing it there was no chest and the progress was blocked
-One CM p3 that after the “snipers” on the wooden platforms therewas no chest (but progress was not blocked so i should’t care. right? )

I have reported every bug i got (that by the way when i am tryig to select what to report i get codes like ((43567)) -(random code)- in most of them instead of “dungeons” for example).

New Patch bugs-bugs-bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


Is it me or everyhting bugs A LOT in gw2 after the patch? I do not want to do critique on chat color and fp camera that i do not like (chat color) or care (first-person camera)… but that’s a personal opinion.
-One lvl50 Fractal (3rd dungeon) bugged to me on colosus last boss that he wasn’t there after failing him 3-4times (sorry i was noob and didn’t got him the first time). That’s for yesterday after-patch.
-One CoF p2 bugged on the Magg running part that magg wasn’t “communicating” with the stone
-One AC p2 on the traps (not last boss) that after completing it there was no chest and the progress was blocked
-One CM p3 that after the “snipers” on the wooden platforms therewas no chest (but progress was not blocked so i should’t care. right? )
I play gw2 from the start and i have always defended this game, always. Even though i quitted a few times i was coming back and back again! I liked it! but you seem like you do not care about this game! You threw us this “expansion” thing and then you expect us to silence on every other failure because there is an expansion on it’s way and we should be happy for that and let you focus there. I am happy for that as long as i can also play now xD
How am i gonna play this game when my progress is blocked and not because i am onlyt a freaking noob but because of the game itself? Why should i try do an explorable path 2-3 times in order to complete it. I saw that the patch was meant to be on march 10th. It came out yesterday because there was some things that had to test. is that a tested patch?
I have reported every bug i got (that by the way when i am tryig to select what to report i get codes like ((43567)) -(random code)- in most of them instead of “dungeons” for example).
I guess everyone has problems like these. Sorry to make a different topic and didn’t write to a topic already created.
In my opinion you should have relased all that with the expansion to test them more.
And just to be clear i feel more tired/disapointed than angry. This is not a hating/flaming topic.

and i ask again..
Is it only me?

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


I would really like an invite if possible! (EU Servers)

Let's unite for a Mac OS X native client

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


I read the whole Topic and no ANet Tech or whatever answered to anything….. I find it ""unfair""!! I have late 2011 iMac and i play in LOW settings! I have a 4Gb RAm and when i am playing GW2 i can’t do much as long as 4Gb is what Anet asks for Mac client as minimum requirements. Also iMac becomes hot. (Is there any solution/suggestion to that fellow Mac users? ) I really enjoy this game and i really want to see ANet understand that has a Mac community too. So… Absolutely YES for the native client.

(edited by CrazyJuggler.1498)

CoF p1 i can't see fire rolling stones

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


I have the same problem after the last patch and my whole guild doesn’t have it. Is it maybe because of the Mac Client? -All graphic changes checked-

Fractal Capacitor (Infused) Skin change

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


So what is the right answer? Can I put the flower and then mystic forge it?

Zodiac weapon skins!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


I am ok with putting things that you can only buy with gems.. They have to earn some money beside the price of the game.. But pleeease.. If you can’t find another way ( by putting them with achievements or craft) ANet just do it the way you did it with the Dragon look-alike weaps. Put a way to get them without paying… I think that someone will pay for something that it is not by chance… For example.. I really like Fused weapons but i will never pay 10-20 euros or 100g just for the chance to get it!!!!! A chance!!!!! Stop make things by chance and create ways to ACHIEVE things!!! Game will become waaaaaay more interesting if player has real goals and not just hoping that on luck….

Zodiac weapon skins!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


Oh my god I’m pretty mad right now… Zodiac weapons in GW1 were acquired in 2 elite dungeons, and were really nice. At least back then you had to complete challenging content in order to get your weapons.

Now, RNG boxes.

I heard people like those RNG boxes. Oh wait they don’t.

I hope the guy that came up with the idea to put zodiac weapons in BLC’s steps on a piece of lego. Barefoot.

No I actually wish a lot worse things upon this person, but since I don’t like infractions or being banned, I’ll keep them to myself.

I hope one day they will stop it…. I fully agree with you mate. I wasn’t playing gw1 so i do not know about these skins but….
I prefer to put more Challenges and to do stuff to acquire the skins than put them in a box with a chance.
Don’t we already have enough things by chance in gw2 ANet?

Superior Rune of Vampirism Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


I got mine today! I haven’t read the post so i was wondering.. I have become mist only one time and it was at 5% health even less. Also I was doing Jormag and when i got the debuff the mist never triggered! What is the meaning of having it if it works below 5% ? and can’t be triggered if you have a condition on you. I haven’t really tested the 4th rune’s effect but the 6th one’s is useless as it is now….

(edited by CrazyJuggler.1498)

Mac Pro Black Screen After Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


Drax I looooooooooooooooove you dude really! i will create a statue for you! thanks a lot!

(BUG) The Hatchery (level 45)

in Personal Story

Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


Patience boys and girls.
It is sure annoying but personal story is not so crucial. I mean there 3-4-5 other ways to level up and the items you gain is not something you can not take by yourselves. I have the same quest so i am stacked on personal story, but that does not prevent me from leveling or get legendary or whatever anyone wants.