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please get mesmers out of pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Crimson.8043


If this isn’t one of the most narrow-minded perspectives…

My perspective is they vanish a lot and throw a lot of fluff on my screen and make a joke of the games targeting system, which works very well in any other fight. I don’t know what more you want.

Guild Wars 2 has a targeting system that works. I just happen to think the Mesmer downplays it quite a bit and I think it gives them a good advantage, especially against newer players. Thief also. I don’t think a classes strengths should be based on how well it downplays the game itself.. that might be bad design, but hey, I’m no game designer.

longbow – single target damage. POINTLESS
shortbow – single target damage. POINTLESS
Axe – bounces multiple targets, kitten damage. POINTLESS
Greatsword – single target damage, slow. POINTLESS
Sword – single target damage. target dodges, goes invisible. POINTLESS
Entangle – Thief and Mesmers completely immune to my control. POINTLESS

Are you honestly going to post all this in your OP and then claim…

What I’m saying there is that my weapons are useless at dealing damage when an enemy is untargeted, as with most weapons in the game. I didn’t explain that well enough. Invisibility and Untargeting is a counter to pretty much all of my weapons. And with the thief, I think it’s a bit too accessible for them.

You know how a lot of thieves come across as really confident? That’s because they KNOW how well they can abuse invisibility so they feel kind of invinsible at times (a good thief actually can be). Makes beating them all the sweeter, though. Burning up downed thieves with my torch is a hobby of mine

Ok while I am still fairly new to this game. I am pretty sure the removing target is not new. I have seen it in EQ2 and other MMOs. You have to realize where warrior get high health, high armor, and variety of weapons, guardian while low health have multitudes of regens/buffs, necros get pets, ranger bow, traps etc. Each class has awesome mechanics. I wish I could play all them. I see what the other posters are saying is that you have to understand Mesmer and Thief both cannot rely on high health or armor so the mechanics are set up to yes give them an advantage in some instances, but as others have said this is NOT IMMUNITY. Mesmers are there to dazzle peoples eyes and make them wonder where they are what they are doing…OMG they are illusionists at heart. They are their to befuddled opponents…that is their style..just like EQ 1 where the Enchanters (which were absolutely fantasitc) could charm and mezmerize their foes. My damage was average to other casters, but I enjoyed that instead of AOEing and hoping mobs dies. I could be the traffic cop and stop mobs/people from attacking so my group could take them on one by one. I found that fun. I also liked making mobs fight for me. Was I liked in groups not at first (due to people wanting dps), but once people realized how useful the class was…most loved having one in the mana regen didn’t hurt You may not like the mechanics of these professions, but doesn’t mean class isn’t viable. That is the reason people play them. Not everyone wants to blast and be up front..but to slim their damage just because they don’t get in your face is wrong. Each class has a reason for it and that is why people enjoy it.

Elementalist and Sticking with It - EQ1 Reasoning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crimson.8043


Yeah I agree with both your replies. Just saying playing the enchanter is almost like GW2 in that you cannot stand in one place and blast…..EQ1, EQ2, and even WoW had caster being the non moveable…or extremely limited moveable ranged blaster…GW2 I was saying is really good at making the caster able to cast on move and keep defending using his own skills…I was referencing the Enchanter in that respect..that you had to keep your wits about you at all times…because the flow of battle was very fluid like it is in GW2. Even with Enchanter in EQ1 having to stand in one spot and still meant you had to cast, move, cast, move etc…other classes did this too druid/necro/mage etc…but they all had high damage spells..enchanter was a bit more tricky through the levels…I agree that ele should be high damage do the fact they are blasters….just saying I like that we have to rely on dodging stuff ourselves….makes it more realistic then just relying on armor and taking a hit needlessly.

Elementalist and Sticking with It - EQ1 Reasoning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crimson.8043


I see a lot of this class is bad comments out here and I am an old gamer…I played an Enchanter back in EQ1. The comments here remind me a lot of what players said at the start of EQ1 with Enchanters….they were not top damage dealer nor did they fit a specific mold. I stuck with the class and I was happy…because eventually players figured out our unique abilities (mana regen, haste, slows..yes shamans were better-but still one of only two classes to get it, top notch crowd control-basically traffic cop). While I am low level Ele and I know that the these two classes are far from equals. I am just saying sometimes you have to stick with a class you love until they balance it or you figure out how to play it. I say play it, because Enchanter in EQ1 was NOT blast, blast win….you had to use strategies. Charm, mezzes, mem wipes etc. to win. I do like how some players are saying, “I have to dodge or move around to win” in a way even with us old schoolers used to OH I don’t have to stand still to cast (killed myself a few times forgetting this). It brings us a more viable caster that isn’t a stand in place cannon that gets owned because we cannot move. The enchanter in EQ1 was phenomenal at doing this…mezz, run off to just extent of casting range, charm another mob, debuff other mob, then have another mob attack…all in all it was constant keep you on your toes battle…same thing in GW2 IMHO.
Like I said I know I am low level and I am not saying anyone is bad player or that the class doesn’t need change, just saying sometimes you stick with a class you like/love and hope that you either figure it out or hope that devs at least bring it back to viable.
Please say there are others who see this view…if so please feel free to comment