Showing Posts For Crisu.9378:

Votekicking Has Gotten Out of Control

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crisu.9378


You sure you didn’t just leeroy boss and other 3 just had to follow through? Personally I was never kicked from instance in progress so I don’t think its out of control. However I see how votekick could be abused and perhaps it should get little bit of attention to ensure people are not getting trolled by it.


in Thief

Posted by: Crisu.9378


When I read most of those posts made in this section I want to stay away from it too.

Stability/Stealth need more hard-counters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crisu.9378


Damage Mitigation is the ultimate form of survivability. What Stability and Stealth both provide are forms of inherent damage mitigation. Stability, with it’s use of completely ignoring any form of stun or Stealth, which cloaks the players allowing them to avoid damage all together by taking advantage of other player’s inability to virtually see them. Both of these mechanics are very powerful when used by competent players.

The problem that I see is that while some classes have access to these buffs/boon more than others, the same applies to counters. It is unfair to give classes more access to these tools more than others. Sure we could all roll classes to counter this problem, but that is just a means to and end, and is not addressing the issue. I believe that there should be more boon removal across all classes, and also Stability/Stealth as well. While I understand that Stealth is exclusive to the Thief and Mesmer, it is just too powerful for just them to use. Either give all classes the ability to steath, provide a legitimate way to counter it, or rework the mechanic, blind AoE is just a quasi form of dealing with it and frankly, I’m fed up with culling playing to it’s advantage.

Tell me what you guys think: whether you agree and if not, why.

I think you should LEARN thing or two about thiefs before you post stupid solution to obvious problem.

(edited by Crisu.9378)

Evolving the Living Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crisu.9378


At very least they need to add more content so there is something to do.

Ranger F4 (default swap pet key) cause AoE "pointer" to appear.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crisu.9378


If this will ever happen to you then here is why.


Those are your utility slots “HEAL/ 1 / 2 / 3 / ULT”
Your profession skills are set: F1, F2, F3, F4 – default.
If you set Prayer of Kormit skill to:
- slot 1: F2 Will cause AoE pointer
- Slot 2: F3 Will cause AoE pointer
- Slot 3: F4 Will cause AoE pointer
I’m using F1-F4 as example if you set them to A,B,C,D problem will still exist.

Please try it out if you have Prayer of Kormir skill available and if this will happen to you – post here. Remember you must use actual keys on keyboard or mouse. Clicking on profession skills with mouse wont trigger aoe pointer.

(edited by Crisu.9378)

Problem with Rangers pet swap.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crisu.9378


Problem solved I found out what is causing this thing.

For example those are your utility slots “HEAL/ 1 / 2 / 3 / ULT”
Your profession skills are set: F1, F2, F3, F4 – default.
If you set Prayer of Kormir skill to:
- slot 1: F2 Will cause AoE pointer
- Slot 2: F3 Will cause AoE pointer
- Slot 3: F4 Will cause AoE pointer

I’m using F1-F4 as example if you set them to A,B,C,D problem will still exist.

(edited by Crisu.9378)

Problem with Rangers pet swap.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crisu.9378


Here is an update so you can take a look:

I also compared barrage skill pointer to this bugy pointer associated with pet swap. Every time I hit key for pet swap (even when its on cd) it pop this smaller green circle.

Problem with Rangers pet swap.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crisu.9378


That’s the first time I hear about this problem (and there are plenty of rangers in my guild).

I can only recommend at this point to check if all your drivers are up to date. Perhaps you should also post your Game Advisor report.

I also believe there is an option in the game settings that allows you to disable those green AoE circles altogether.

Option you talking about turns off AoE rings that show up on ground after casting spell.

Funny thing is that this problem exist ever since I created my engineer and another thing is that AoE pointer matches with size of engineer potion pointer (throw option). It may be bug that is triggered when unusual conditions are met. Therefore I will be single out on it and it wont be fixed. With all bugs and now this on top of it Im really close to quit game all together so I may delete my engineer just to see if it has anything to do with it

Problem with Rangers pet swap.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crisu.9378


Anybody? It’s game breaking to me and last time I was trying to get help from ArenaNet it took them almost 2 weeks to respond to my ticket and response was incorrect.

Problem with Rangers pet swap.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crisu.9378


I checked with some other ranger and it seems to be problem on my end. If anybody could for starters point out where game is hiding config files I would very much appreciate it.

When I’m swapping pet with keyboard key I get AoE pointer as well (big green circle). In my case it’s F4 at the moment, every time I press F4 I get AoE pointer – regardless if pet swap is on cd or not. AoE pointer after clicking on ground have no effect.

What I did to fix it:
- Removed game files from Documents/Guild Wars 2 folder
- Uninstalled game, removed any files if left after, removed every entry about guild wars 2 from registry
- Reinstalled game to different folder – problem still exist.
- Changed key from F4 to C – both keys produce same effect.
- Restored controls to default

It’s very annoying, each time I swap pet I think I hit arrow barrage by mistake.

Here is pic.


(edited by Crisu.9378)

The Most Obnoxious MMO Community To Date?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crisu.9378



Crisu, why would we do that when map chat in every zone in this game is just as bad as barrens chat?

I dont know about that… Barrens chat was pretty rough last time I checked.

The Most Obnoxious MMO Community To Date?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crisu.9378



I know no good can possibly come from this, but every time I drop by the forums I can’t help but notice how disrespectful and defensive this community has become. Anyone that has anything critical to say is given the old Thousand Hand Slap by the game’s fans.
In MMOs with subs I chalk it up to people wanting on whatever level to defend the money they spend every month on the game. But here it is as bad as I have ever seen and the game has no I am at a lost.
Why all the hostility?

I see your point, but Most Obnoxious MMO Community To Date? Let me try to change your mind.
1. Install WoW
2. If you dont have subscription you can pick up free trial
3. Create Orc or Troll – make sure you fit in with other as far as name go “yoMoma” should do it.
4. Run straight to Barrens, ignore all mobs.
5. Once you get there, waste 10 min of your life by paying FULL attention to chat. Don’t hesitate to ask how’s everybody doing if chat is silent.
6. Come back here and apologize.

Ranger F4 (default swap pet key) cause AoE "pointer" to appear.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crisu.9378


Whenever I hit F4 key with my hunter it causes pet to swap but also green aoe circle “pointer” appear, it doesnt have any effect but its extremely annoying.

What I have done:
- Repair game files by putting extension -repair to game shortcut.
- Restore Control Options to default
- Made supper duper sure that F4 have no assigned functions in windows that wouldnt be default for it

What is happening:
- When I hit F4 it causes green aoe circle (pointer) to appear.
- After clicking anywhere with green aoe circle pointer there is no effect at all
- Regardless if pet swap is on CD or not
- It started happening ever since cooldown for pet swap out side of combat was added*
- Pet swaps just fine and cause cd timer to go up (in and out of combat)
- Clicking pet swap with mouse cursor does not cause AoE pointer to appear

  • Swapping pet out of combat causes 20s trigger on pet swap skill, this used to happen only in combat before. Is this known change or another bug, because I don’t quite understand what is the point of this.

(edited by Crisu.9378)

Opening Strike and Alpha Training

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crisu.9378


I dont know if this could be any buggier than this.

Opening Strike – barely ever works. Boon icon is present but when I shoot from further distance than 300-500 it does not apply vulnerability – ever. If I take shoot from less than 300 then sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt.

Alpha Training – When boon icon present, sometimes works, sometimes doesnt. Same issue as above but even in melee range it doesnt work most of the time.

Ranger Opening Strike and Alpha Strike Not Working?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crisu.9378


It works only from very close distance… Obvious bug.

My thanks, for a few reasons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crisu.9378


What game are you playing?

PvP Incentive?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crisu.9378


Fun. You play PvP for fun. All else is secondary.

Perhaps YOU play just for fun, a lot of people, myself included, need to feel a sense of progression and reward as well as fun from our games :P

Then you should have gotten a job, not a game. Srsly sick of people expecting to be “paid” for being entertained.

Way to miss the point…

spvp: any chance for "join as group"?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crisu.9378


So you are asking for unfair advantage over solo players because they can just leave and join another game. I think I see why your idea is being ignored and I hope it will remain that way. Tournaments are for premades and if I’m not mistaken free ones can be joined solo or in smaller group and additional players will join from solo pool.