Showing Highly Rated Posts By Crossplay.2067:


in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Would you guys still be mad if she showed up under your tree dressed only in a ribbon?

I would likely go blind after my eyes bled out and, after weeks of recovery in a hospital, be transferred to a psychiatric ward where I would be treated for PTSD. My loved ones would come to visit me every week for over a year, weaping and consoling one another as they left, unable to cope with how warped a creature I had become. Eventually, when my scarred psyche reached its breaking point, I would become the image of the monster that appeared under my Wintersday Tree. I would reek havoc across the face of Tyria until I was finally subdued by a band of brave heroes, my body burned and ashes scattered to the wind. Tales of my horrible life would echo throughout eternity as bedtime stories to frighten naughty children. Shiro Tagachi would have nothing compared to me.

And you would be a better living story villain than Scarlet.

Why No Official Google+ Group?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


I still wonder why they are doing more socializing on other sites than their own. I don’t frequent Facebook or Reddit and even though I’m on these forums at least 5 days out of the week, I have yet to hear of any news here first.

More support for people who lost money.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


If you really want a drop improvement, STOP BUYING RNG CHESTS!!! When it becomes more profitable for anet to put the skins in the gem store instead of in those stupid !@#$%^&* chests, you will get what you want!