Showing Posts For Cruiser.3506:

Horrible Character Graphics

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


I’ve played GW2 since the Beta stages. I’ve never had an issue with the graphics until the latest major patch. All of the normally high-detailed graphics have an almost fuzzy look, with very little detail. Characters look blocky, with almost no detail to armor/clothing. Faces are similarly slightly blurry.

I’ve got an AMD Radeon 5870, which I’ve updated to the latest driver/catalyst version just yesterday. I have done an uninstall of all drivers with a fresh install with no luck. I’ve tried a repair on the game, with no luck.

I’ve changed a myriad of settings in CCC from the game having graphical control to complete overrides with no luck and absolutely no visible changes to the problem.

I can play any other game without a graphical issue. I monitor my GPU heat with a utility and it never goes over 60. My CPU similarly never goes over 50.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, what did you do to correct it? Again, I’ve had ZERO problems with in-game graphics on GW2 until the latest patch.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


you paid 50 bucks knowing it was a gamble. you lost and now instead of being able to accept it you blame others. great logic.

a-net needs to make money. people are willing to gamble knowing full well they will probably see no return. i spent money and lost. i’m not complaining because i knew and accepted the risks before i made the purchase. take some responsibility for your own actions people, please.

Anet would have lost nothing if they gave better droprates.
On the contrary: they would have sold way more chests in the future than they ever will now.

Ponder on that a bit.

They could have been generous to all the players who were so generous to buy keys en masse for the event alone… they weren’t.

If anyone gambled and lost it’s Anet.

The skins were never intended to be doled out en masse, REGARDLESS of your interpretation. Rare means RARE. Look it up. If you still don’t get it, look it up again. If everyone got a rare, it wouldn’t be rare anymore, now would it? Gee, lots of fun getting the exact same thing half the game population already has? That’s soooo unique, isn’t it?

Don’t like the event? See all the forum posts with people complaining about the horrid chances to get something aesthetic? Why, you simply MUST spend your money! They’re twisting your arm and pointing a gun to your head, right? No?

Move along, nothing to see here.

I’m guessing you’re not smart enough to understand the implication of the post you quoted, so I’ll spell it out for you:

If Anet had been more generous with the rewards, more people would spend more money on the cash shop. Since they were not generous, less money is being spent, which leads to a loss in revenue, and will also cause future events to suffer. Anet screwed themselves with this fiasco, whether you rabid fanboys want to accept that or not.

Really? How much less money is being spent now? Clearly since you’re an established economist with full access to the accounting data at A-Net/NCSoft you know how much they’ve lost because of all of this, right? You’re able to back what you’ve said with more than sneer, jibes and conjecture? Or are you perhaps giving us your PERSONAL belief in how this has and will affect their overall income from player purchases?

Will this impact some people? No doubt, as many of those who aren’t happy with the end result of their losses are saying so quite loudly (and quite frequently) on the forums. And hey, since we know the forums represent the core beliefs and ideals of that majority of GW2 players (who never even LOOK at the forums), it must be so!

Rant on. rant on.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


There’s a middle ground where ‘rare’ and ‘common’ could meet.

I’m not saying half the things you put in my mouth, but i am saying this:

as a business transaction, based on player trust, they did the wrong thing to even risk the chance of having this controversy.

You can argue about ‘rare’ and gambling all you want.
But you can’t convince me this was smart business.
You don’t kitten of your best paying customers over some event skins.

This hurts the reputation of the game, regardless of what you think of those buying chests or not…

No, there’s not a common ground where rare and common can meet, beyond enough people finding items that are rare, to the point of them no longer being considered rare.

Gold in real life is rare, there’s only been so much of it found and so much of it available. Copper is not rare, it’s a common metal found in a myriad of geographical zones. Copper is common, gold is not. There is no common ground between them beyond them both being metals and both being sold as commodities.

The rare drop items in the event chests are meant to be rare, not common. Increasing the chances of them becoming less rare/more common decreases their rarity. Period.

Will the player base leave in massive numbers over this issue? Isn’t that a bit Chicken Little of you? Do you have the data to back that statement up or are you simply providing conjecture based on your personal opinion? Are you a marketing specialist who can advise Anet on how best to provide content to their player base? No? Well then your credibility is zip in this matter. You’re an unhappy player

Move along, nothing to see here.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


you paid 50 bucks knowing it was a gamble. you lost and now instead of being able to accept it you blame others. great logic.

a-net needs to make money. people are willing to gamble knowing full well they will probably see no return. i spent money and lost. i’m not complaining because i knew and accepted the risks before i made the purchase. take some responsibility for your own actions people, please.

Anet would have lost nothing if they gave better droprates.
On the contrary: they would have sold way more chests in the future than they ever will now.

Ponder on that a bit.

They could have been generous to all the players who were so generous to buy keys en masse for the event alone… they weren’t.

If anyone gambled and lost it’s Anet.

The skins were never intended to be doled out en masse, REGARDLESS of your interpretation. Rare means RARE. Look it up. If you still don’t get it, look it up again. If everyone got a rare, it wouldn’t be rare anymore, now would it? Gee, lots of fun getting the exact same thing half the game population already has? That’s soooo unique, isn’t it?

Don’t like the event? See all the forum posts with people complaining about the horrid chances to get something aesthetic? Why, you simply MUST spend your money! They’re twisting your arm and pointing a gun to your head, right? No?

Move along, nothing to see here.

you’re the one not understanding what I wrote.

I know what ‘rare’ can mean in a game, I also know how dubious it can be to say ‘a chance’ wihout specifying.
Cuts both ways.
But that wasn’t what I was saying.

I was saying how they didn’t need to make it rare… they would have gained a lot more out of this, financially and ‘game-wise’ if they didn’t make it this rare.

How? By putting something common and mundane in the game that everyone will want to dole out $50 for? Really?

Come on, you’re saying the drop rates need to be changed so people have a better chance at a rare item. That in turn was responded to by Anet by giving those who spent their money a second chance. Tell me where there’s a gambling house (spending money on the chance of winning something IS GAMBLING by the way) that will let you spend your money twice if you don’t win anything.

By making things NOT rare they would NOT have made more money, because nobody would have been interested in getting something common and not special.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


you paid 50 bucks knowing it was a gamble. you lost and now instead of being able to accept it you blame others. great logic.

a-net needs to make money. people are willing to gamble knowing full well they will probably see no return. i spent money and lost. i’m not complaining because i knew and accepted the risks before i made the purchase. take some responsibility for your own actions people, please.

Anet would have lost nothing if they gave better droprates.
On the contrary: they would have sold way more chests in the future than they ever will now.

Ponder on that a bit.

They could have been generous to all the players who were so generous to buy keys en masse for the event alone… they weren’t.

If anyone gambled and lost it’s Anet.

The skins were never intended to be doled out en masse, REGARDLESS of your interpretation. Rare means RARE. Look it up. If you still don’t get it, look it up again. If everyone got a rare, it wouldn’t be rare anymore, now would it? Gee, lots of fun getting the exact same thing half the game population already has? That’s soooo unique, isn’t it?

Don’t like the event? See all the forum posts with people complaining about the horrid chances to get something aesthetic? Why, you simply MUST spend your money! They’re twisting your arm and pointing a gun to your head, right? No?

Move along, nothing to see here.

The lack of server community feeling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


WoW has migrated from what you spoke of to cross-server everything. PUGs for dungeons, raiding and PvP battlegrounds: All cross-server.

Now, if the community feel to the game was so kitten strong, why would they have implemented such a massive change to the nature of grouping and interaction?

Easy: People were facing long wait times in queues for practically anything PUG-related. In other words – the social community wasn’t being social enough.

If you think the social atmosphere in WoW is so grand, have a sit in any major city and just watch trade chat at prime time. There’s half the community right there, and brother it ain’t grand.

Look, MMO’s on a whole have changed. They’ve migrated to a form of entertainment. When WoW first came out the only game it really had to compare with was EQ. WoW was new and fresh and something a lot of people had yet to experience.

Leveling in WoW early on also took ages. You had to spend quite a lot of time to level a toon then – how long does it take in WoW now, eh? GW2 allows you to level quickly, granted, and that could have something to do with your feel for lack of community. Still, you get out of an MMO what you put into it. Seek out a guild or group of like-minded folk and then see how the game feels. Don’t expect the game to make friends for you!

(edited by Cruiser.3506)

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


Hitting you from both sides? Beyond laughable. JQ has a heavy presence of players in the wee AM hours compared to CD and DB and he’s actually pretending JQ’s being challenged? How hard is it to zerg when there’s nobody there to fight?

As for JQ’s prowess, to date the only thing they have going for them is numbers. Period.