Showing Posts For Crycerasobs.7864:

Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I’ve been doin a bit of “sketching” (which to me means COPY EVERY LINE AND ANGLE) and trying to listen to the things you told me (but old habits die hard, heh :p) I’m having a lot of fun, I’ve been sketching my desktop backgrounds, which is a slideshow of gw2 concept art. and given the sketchy nature of gw2 art, there are a lot of vague contours and details that cant really be copied with a humble mech pencil and the tiniest drop of sanity :p but i relaxed a bit and made a couple drawings im proud of! helps to have some chill music in the background haha. thanks for the inspiration and encouragement

Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


That’s a really enlightening way of looking at things actually often when i draw i look from a reference and try so hard to copy it exactly, but of course that’s really difficult and frustrating and with all the effort and precise angles you try to get down, you lose the spirit of the subject and the drawing looks very rigid and tortured. I’ve always wanted to be able to draw in a way that looks lively and spontaneous, like artists like yourself. I’m gonna to try and draw more from memory, or at least not enslaving myself to a ref picture :p I gotta tell you that 2nd to last sentence is really sticking with me, that’s probably gonna get stuck in my head xD Thanks for the advice, I hope to see more of your art stuff things in future <3

"The Predator's Path": Disks don't play

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I ran the repair, same story

Crash report sends password to anet?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I have multiple accounts, hence -password and -email.

Yes, doing this is extra risk, but a crash reporter sending the full command line without cleaning up fields it knows are sensitive is sloppy.

Also I would hope that Anet do NOT store my password. They should be storing a salted hash of my password (seems they bcrypt from reading the crash log), not the password itself.

Besides that, my login data would be on a secure system without general access, while a crash report would be send to their QA system. I expect the security levels of these two systems to be very different.

Not to mention there are plenty of cases of people pasting the crash logs to the official forums or reddit – if someone did that without realising the command line is included in the crash output it would be Very Bad.

As an aside, wonder if GW2 needs to comply with GDPR and what (if anything) Anet are doing about it.

Here’s the information on ArenaNet’s Privacy Policy, including addresses to contact them should you have any questions/concerns:

Good luck.

i’ve never read that in full, yikes there’s a scary amount of tracking that they do

Mix and match outfits?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


All I’m gonna say is this: if anet one day finds a way to sell the goggles of the mad scientist outfit as a seperate skin, I will personally walk 2000 miles to their studio and empty my life savings at the front desk

Privacy error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Ah, I probably should have done a search on this shouldn’t I’ Well, good to know everything’s alright. So there’s nothing to worry about, right? Completely false alarm?

Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Kralkatorrik on a cracker, you are talented! All your drawings look so elegant and effortless. I can tell you’re gonna go really far. Man, I wish I could draw like that, I’ve been an on-again off-again drawer my whole life, so I have had a very wibbly wobbly learning curve to say the least :p If you don’t mind my asking, how did you learn to draw? Did you take classes, read books, observe the world, follow reference pictures, etc? Also, do you have any tips for someone looking to get back into drawing? (a purely hypothetical someone, OF COURSE :p)

"The Predator's Path": Disks don't play

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Hi, I did have a ticket open with support, but it expired and I’m waiting for them to respond to my request to reopen it. I will run a repair, but I just did a clean install so I find it odd (with my limited knowledge of computing :P) that a corrupted file would carry over to cause the same problems. Thanks for the advice, and believe me I need all the luck I can get :p

Privacy error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Recently when I tried to click on the “support” link while I was in the forums, I received a troubling message. I was told that my connection was not secure, and attackers may be trying to steal information. Strangely, this message only seems to occur when I try to access support from the forums page. It seems to be fine when I try to click the link from any other part of the site. I’m using the latest version of google Chrome on Windows 7.
I have attached a picture of the message below. In the interest of being mobile friendly, here is the plain text:

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Google Chrome tried to connect to this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an attacker is trying to pretend to be, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Google Chrome stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.

You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.

Is this happening for anyone else? It’s been a while since I’ve used the support link, so I wouldn’t know how long this has been going on. This could be completely benign, but I don’t want to let it go unreported in case there really is something serious going on. And with the phishing that’s been going around lately, I have worries about security. Hopefully this is just a case of my antivirus being overprotective!


"The Predator's Path": Disks don't play

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


believe me, there’s hardly ever anyone there. the place is swarming with mordrem tho, so that could be a contributing factor. but it’s always swarming with mordrem, so why wouldn’t others have been through quite a journey since I first posted this. I did a clean install of my whole os. The problem still persists

Crash report sends password to anet?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


o_o i’m not sure about how the crash reports work and who has access to them and stuff, but that is…yikes

Why would they even need that?

"The Predator's Path": Disks don't play

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I am currently working on the HoT story step “The Predator’s Path”. This is the story step where you have to talk to the exalted guy and then find Taimi 's disks. I supposedly find the disk, and I am told to find the next one. But the disk didn’t do anything. There is no audio, and no hologram. The first time I did this, I thought it was odd, but maybe nothing was supposed to happen. But I find the second disk and it plays as it is supposed to. Then I go to look for the third disk, and like the first disk it doesn’t play, but tells me to fetch the next one. At this point I get fed up and quit the mission and restart. The same thing happens. I read up on it and supposedly this can happen if you change maps. I didn’t recall switching maps, but I restarted anyway and made sure I didn’t switch maps. Here is a list of things I have tried. [I reset the episode by quitting the Predator’s Path (TPP), switching to a different episode, and then quitting that episode]

-in auric basin > quit TPP > reset > start TPP
-in auric basin > quit TPP > switch to another map >, reset > return to auric basin > start TPP.
-leave auric basin > quit TPP > reset > start TPP > return to auric basin
-leave auric basin > quit TPP > reset > return to auric basin > start TPP

There may be even more permutations of this that I’ve tried, but I don’t remember and the story location is a pain in the ass to navigate and I’m tired and frustrated and disheartened I don’t even want to play anymore. I could just brush through the episode and accept the missing chunk of story, but I don’t want to do that and I don’t play the game just to ignore the story, or go on youtube and watch someone play it for me. I hope someone knows of a fix for this, and if an ArenaNet employee is reading this I really hope this can be fixed, and I hope you understand why this is so upsetting for me and probably many other players as well. Look at this wiki page. It’s two years old. I care about every small bit of this game, and I sincerely hope you do too.

Aetherblade Armor Scales Poorly with Backpiece/Shield

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Many armor and back pieces result in things “floating” rather than looking “attached” to the character.

Fixing them all would take a long, long time requiring people of their team, who currently work on new content, to focus only on these things.

While I would appreciate the effort (and welcome the better results), I doubt ArenaNet will ever fix all the item attachment issues this game has (what with several silly looking items on specific races etc.). They probably would have to make adjustments for every item in this game separately, and that is a time-consuming endevour.

Why even put anything other than skinny humans in the game then? They chose to take on this “time-consuming endeavor”. They haven’t delegated the proper resources to making quality armor and it’s their own kitten ed fault that they make their people pump out large quantities of ill-fitting buttcapes, hovering shoulderpads, and horn-crushing hats. It just feels to me sometimes that they have no respect for the races they created.

Aetherblade Armor Scales Poorly with Backpiece/Shield

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Yeah, Arenanet doesn’t really seem to care about charr. Everything they make is meant to fit humanoids and then stretched and mangled to fit us. I doubt they’ll ever fix it, but one can dream.

The Economy: Draining the Liquid Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


i’m not an econ expert, but wouldn’t making gold easier to acquire make it less valuable?

The Economy: Draining the Liquid Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I don’t really get what the big deal is. You dont need gold to survive or anything. That’s why they let you buy it, because it doesn’t give a huge advantage. I guess you could buy ascended armor and weapons, but they throw that at you if you just play the game. Then again, I’ve only been playing 3 months and haven’t done hot content and dont do many dungeons so I don’t really know. Correct me if I’m wrong. Interesting analysis though.

Guild black lion party?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I see. I’m gonna have to get the Order of Whispers in for a little bit of guild espionage. Thanks for the input B)

(edited by Crycerasobs.7864)

Primordus sword held upside down

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I don’t care which way your sword curves, I think it looks wonderful just the way it is!

I don’t think that hot blade fits in any sheath.
can you embed gifs on this site?
I do have to say though. that second picture is a bit…oddly positioned lol

(edited by Crycerasobs.7864)

Primordus sword held upside down

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Leaving aside obvious gripes with the heft/weight/balance/grip/curve of the entire weapon, the spikes are awesome. Just think about them for a minute. Stab in, twist, get yourself some nice spaghetti. Buh-bye to your opponent’s guts if you hit them mid-body and from the front. Stab only, well, if you apply enough force your opponent now has three holes he’s bleeding from, instead of just the one from the main blade.

But to get the spikes into play, you’d have to get the sword as deep as the main blade first. and that thing looks like it could go through an entire person. The guy’s already done for, the spikes are just a bit of salt in the wound. Now with that gw1 sword to the lower gut…ouch lol. But that’s just adding insult to disembowelment.

(edited by Crycerasobs.7864)

Guild black lion party?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


So you can send an anonymous gift to someone?

Guild black lion party?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


it says it’s from the bltc, and it has the little logo. can you do that if you’re just a regular player?

Why do sylvari have boobs?

in Lore

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864



[Suggestion] Human Male Hairstyles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I so agree with everything you’ve said. The modern hairstyles in this game just feel so discordant with the whole fantasy setting. I can’t stand the anime kitten either. I want something more Aragorn or Jon Snow. And I would love dreadlocked beards, even just for norns. And while we’re at it, why is it so hard to make a legitimately “ugly” character in the game? Especially women. Why do all the faces have to be pretty? the human females have one face i would characterize as “rough”, meaning, a couple of wrinkles, while the males have like 3-4 older looking faces, with one beat up face that still looks like a pretty boy lol. The humanoid males in general have much more variety than the females, so much I kinda wonder why you guys are complaining more about the male faces. The norn men are better, having only 3/9 pretty faces, and having 4 which i would consider to be genuinely “ugly”. The norn women have…one scarred face, with the rest of them looking like supermodels of course. Now let’s talk about bodies. Even the largest norn woman is a rail compared with the skinniest norn man. IDK if that’s just the sexual dimorphism of the race, but that sounds like yet another excuse a video game dev would use to avoid diversity and cater to males. Even the human males can be completely ripped. The women are tastefully “toned” at most. Jesus h christ sometimes video games make me want to burrow my head in the ground. /endrant

PvE vs PVP community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


I’m sorry to hear that. My experiences have been pretty much the other way around, but I’m sighted. The PvP community seems to have a lot of jerks that only care about their score. PvE seems to have been designed with cooperation in mind. I guess it’s not so much the mode you’re playing in as the people you’re playing with. If you’ve got a good helpful group with everyone’s needs in mind, that’s when you have the most fun.

Guild black lion party?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Has anyone else been having a magic space christmas in their guild tonight? It’s so weird. we were talking about these new skins in the store, and in the mail we get that item!
We pushed this to its limits, and for like an hour whatever items we were talking about, we got. Has anybody else been experiencing this?


(edited by Crycerasobs.7864)