(edited by CrystalFlower.4890)
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My name is Anselm Drenro, noble guardian from Divinity’s Reach. My story is a…strange one, to say the least. Unlike most of you, my problems don’t stem from my puppetmaster’s main (we all happen to like her), but instead with a fellow alt. After reading a few of your stories, I’m considering myself lucky though. My mistress happens to be quite fair with all of us, but I can tell she picks favorites…..Especially with her “precious”-….My apologies. I’m getting ahead of myself.
You see, when I was created, my puppetmaster already had several alts at 80. That didn’t really phase me until I noticed two things. 1) I was not the first guardian she’d created, and 2) I was surrounded by sylvari! 4 of them! Also 2 asura and a charr. Yes, I was the ONLY human! And my fellow guardian? He was one of these sylvari AND already at 80. For a while, I kept my eye on him. However, I noticed my presence didn’t unsettle him at all.
That’s when I had a rather horrifying discussion with one of the asura. It turns out, I was not the first human my puppetmaster created. There were 2 others. But if that were the case, where were they? Yes…You guessed it. She’d killed them long before I came along, and I happened to share their last name. Hearing this made me nervous. I was horrified! To think my mistress would simply kill off some of my fellow humans! Why wold she do that?? Then it hit me. I was there for the story achievement, for “racial diversity”. Why? My puppetmaster is a….I hate to even say it….salad lover. Yes, that’s right.
I became incredibly weary after that. Surely after so much time her thoughts on humans had changed…right? I was leveled slowly over the next month. Each day I questioned “Is she going to kill me too?”, and each day she didn’t. Around the 30s, it finally happened. (Obviously I wasn’t killed or I wouldn’t be telling you this) I was given a story, just as she does with all of her creations! I had been accepted by my puppetmaster! I was SAFE!!! I had made it so much further than the other 2 humans before me. I climbed through levels much faster after that.
But then….it happened. You all know what I mean when I say “character slot sale”. Suddenly, I wasn’t the youngest anymore. She’d created a ranger….a sylvari ranger. I tried not to pay much attention to her because I was already so far ahead, but the fact that she was a sylvari worried me. Not to mention the new face and hair she was given almost instantly upon creation did as well.
I began to be leveled slower after that. The ranger was climbing through levels behind me a bit too fast for my liking. I started to focus on cooking to keep myself distracted. After several more months, I made it to 75. I was so close I could taste it! I could almost feel the exotic armor I was to be given, the beautiful ascended trinkets. But….it was out of my reach. I couldn’t get there. And why??
Because my puppetmaster didn’t have a level 80 ranger yet.
I was furious! I was created first! I was almost to 80! Yet I had to sit around for months, watching the salad ranger climb closer to my number. All because I wasn’t born a ranger. No. I had to be made another guardian! I wasn’t special enough to even be considered one of her real “profession” characters. I nearly eliminated myself to join the 2 humans before me when I saw the salad pass me and hit the magic number.
Then the spoiling happened. Mistress gave her not one, but TWO full sets of exotic armor and ascended trinkets! (And I’m not even going to go into the talks between them about a certain weapon called Kudzu. I’m surprised lady main hasn’t become upset about that yet). I didn’t even get to travel Tyria to level the rest of the way! I was given tomes lady main had acquired instead. I was humiliated!
However, I definitely got my revenge. Did I forget to mention my puppetmaster loves to make us look pretty? I see this Light of Dwayna backpiece as an apology gift. (The other guardian doesn’t even have an ascended back item. Who’s the favorite guardian now?!)
Have to say, the beta was pretty good. There’s only one thing that I found problematic.
The Masteries Tab takes up more than half of the screen and obstructs most of the UI. I was looking at it in an area I thought was safe and heard a creature attacking closeby and couldn’t tell if it was targeting me until I closed it. It also blocks the chatbox completely yet you’re still able to accidentally access it while the tab is open. I also found that the tab will stay open if you enter the map screen.
Other than that, I enjoyed the demo and am looking forward to what the expansion brings.