Showing Posts For DOV.7362:
Too much speculation in this thread, can someone that claims the leagues were decided on march 14th provide link that proves it is so ?
Btw, if it was set march 14th, then its big hit and unfair for servers like RoF that was actively trying to push for EU silver league to the last moment
fun few fights against III. that last fight had us with no cooldowns so we couldn’t do much.
@doa, whats that obcession with the north camp? ^^ at least its easy to find a fight if you guys are always there :p
Dunno … there was this small roaming gandara guild constantly trying to cap it ^^ …
Same problems here now. I have huge ability lag and frequent disconnects. I bought GW2 mid-january, played without any problems for a month. All problems started for me mid february after one of the builds. Connecting to GW2 is like playing russian roulette for me … some days its lag free, some I almost cannot play. And it seems absolutely unrelated to hour i play on
Server: Aurora Glade
Country: Slovakia
ISP: Slovak Telekom
In general, I fully agree with previous post. But I also want to add something that I think is missing in most of these discussions.
Getting 100% world is not only matter of getting legendary …
ANet made GW 2 by design appealing to more casual and solo players (beside usual MMO crowd).
Then they stuck giant, golden, sun-like medal on login screen and made it visible in game near player names.
Lot of these people will automatically match this with “game complete” goal. And when they realize they have to do WvW to get it …
No wonder you have lot of frustrated people clogging WvW queues and making “why WvW for 100%” posts on forums :).