Showing Posts For Daddy.5986:
Every time random norn NPC screams “BEAR” I punch a kitten… That gotta be most annoying word in game, in fact I hate bears now…
Now I even imagine norns as apes that managed to learn 1 word… And that accent… God T_T!
… that ranger skills are really boring we got like one skill that actually does damage with longbows and auto attack spam with shortbows. In my opinion I think we got too much “CC~crowd control” skills and to few for damage actually. Maybe reducing rapid fire cd on longbows and actually getting rid of auto attacks and instead making it so we have to press it every time would make it more fun.
I seriously have never been so bored with ranger class at other mmo’s but here I just want to stuck a pen into my eye so I don’t fall a sleep while playing it. Sword/axe/GS skills are all fun to use but tbh if I wanted to go “Melee” style I’d roll a f* warrior or thief.
Just my 2 cents. Probably some of you will disagree with me but this is how I feel. I recently stopped playing since I got nothing else to do in game (I’ll keep my eye on forums and stuff to see what will expansion/patches bring but I don’t think I’ll log on for a while), anyway back on topic: How do you feel about rangers and their bow skills?
They’re about tastes, pros and cons. I personally agree with Lymain. I’d swap yours.
Yeah this was aim of my post. Every one has different opinion~ so bringing up important issues like this is always good. It’s good to see both sides of coin. I always enjoy reading constructive criticism and also I love to write some. Even tho my english is not really perfect and sometimes it can be a bit off when I try to express myself.
Also another thing that I would like to add is really terribad crafting system. I mean idea was good but the way it was implemented… well it’s poor.
Aight I’m here to drop my personal opinion on game so far what I like and dislike and what I think it needs to change. So instead of being kitten fanboy please read and respect my PERSONAL opinion on stuff since I will do same for you.
- Fun leveling experience
- Unique questing system
- Good itemization
- Melee combat is lovely animated.
- Amazing story with really good voice over
- Enviroment design is mind blowing in a good way (especially norn areas)
-Sylvari (unique)
-Really boring end game
-WvW is nothing more but zerg vs. zerg (there is no real skill involved)
-Spvp is not really balanced as much it could be especially since they oriented entire game around pvp.
-Boring tournaments
- Playing around orr/arah is mindblowing and frustrating experience unless grouped with 5+ people
- PvE is everything but fun (we don’t want our players to grind) and yet you grind like mad man to complete that set you desire so much (yeah time and effort needs to be rewarded but they could made it much more fun and exciting instead of just boring and repetitive runs).
- PvE content needs more mechanics… fights are just really bad and nothing more but
avoid fire or w/e and dodge once or twice trough entire encounter.
- Forced to do mostly pvp (what I mean by this is the fact that sooner or later you will have to pvp. Since after you complete everything at PvE side of the game you will be stuck with boredom- because you got nothing else to do) And this happens rather fast because only “hard” part of PVE is the fact that you have to grind alot for good looking items and thats all everything else goes fast and all of this you can get done under 150 hours played (I did it with casual play so every one should be able to do it).
I got only 140 hours and 59 mins played on my main and around 201 hour on all characters. So basically I did not burn out I just got nothing else to do.
-Crafting Legendary… honestly it sucks it’s just a big grind. I don’t have any suggestions myself on this one, but they could have done it better. Once again this is my opinion so I’m entitled to write it up how I feel about this.
- No healer profession (this one was really big letdown for me, I always enjoyed playing healer/support class in mmo’s. This is where MOST of you if not all will disagree with me but well F* it. PvE simply can’t have any proper mechanics without healing class. Unless they give us option so we can dodge way more at PvE instead of just twice.
I got more stuff that I don’t like but I’ll end it here for now. Obviously some of you will just flame because you got nothing better to do. But bring it.
I will see you when next expansion launches (hopefully it will bring some kind of nice PvE) If not GW2 will be just another game on my list that was marked as huge letdown with big potential. It’s funny how most of latest mmo’s start out well but end up as huge disaster (I’m not saying GW2 is bad or anything but currently it lacks stuff and content to keep people like me interested into playing)
And I honestly can’t queue up for another WvW because I’ll f* freak out.
~Peace out.