Showing Posts For Daewind.1072:

whats the fastest way to get hero point

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daewind.1072


Train gliding to the max and all kinds of transport (Nuhoch wallows), and later Itzel poison. That will make your life in HoT a lot easier (some hp in VB can be directly accessed via wallows teleport).

Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daewind.1072


Had to do this quest 5 times because of bugs. Finally got it. The air columns are a bit scary the first time, but afterwards it is ok (the sixth time they become easy unless you get hit by a rock ;-) ). Anet really needs to iron the bugs out of this quest.

Empty Dragon's Stand maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daewind.1072


I tend to do map by map progression (moving to next map when I have done almost all content of previous one). I have done all meta events in VB and AB, but I lack MP’s to feel comfortable to do the last two maps and I suck in stupid arcade games.

Many people left because of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daewind.1072


On the contrary, none of the HoT maps are designed for people that “have a life”.

I agree. Too much grinding and waiting for enough others to do some events.

Move adventure mastery points to normal ap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daewind.1072


I have tried some mini arcade games lots of times. I am not that young anymore and I am not good in arcade (I avoid these games). I’ve read that these arcade games are easy. This is bs. I can say similar things about other skills that are easy to me but hard to others. I’ve read you can earn the MP without the arcade games. Maybe true, but people who are good in it, have more MP much earlier and thus can do extra content sooner that is otherwise unavailable (like fighting the champs). I hope Anet is giving people alternatives for gaining MP sooner for clumsy arcade gamers, so we can also enjoy some extra content before we are too bored to care anymore ;-)

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daewind.1072


I tried this game, saw the fun exploration and adventures I could do (alone or with a group of ppl on bosses if I wanted to). So, I start buying gems, mining tools, other stuff, etc. In short: I tend to spend quite some money on this game, but now since HoT it is less casual friendly and hence, I have recently decided to stop buying stuff unless the game becomes more casual friendly and less arcade like (sub games). In the end the real question for Anet is: who puts the most money in their game? Hardcore players? Casual ones? What is the right mix? Can they satisfy both?

why shooting gallery challange sucks

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daewind.1072


I really suck in arcade games. That is why I never play them. Hiding that many MP in these mini games is a real bummer, makes the game unbalanced in that aspect and scares players like me away. And no, I do not want to try it more than 50 times and reduce my gaming to arcade gaming. And yes, I have looked up ley line gliding on youtube, but still I cannot do it (maybe I will reach bronze after 50 more attempts). And what about balance? I had to do 5 outposts in VB to get only 1 MP (which is fine and I have enjoyed it), but only 1 MP for that long work while some good arcade gamer can get easily 2 for 1 run (and multiple in a map)? Is that really what this game stands for now?

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daewind.1072


Last quest: Hearts and Minds.
Three times we have tried. First time the owner was suddenly gone and we had to restart from scratch (we were near the end). The next two times it was because there was no rift at the end phase in the fight with Modremoth. So, due to bugs (surely the last two times) I have played the last quest 3 times with no result. Each time the fight was not far from the end. It is necessary that the bugs are removed if you want to have a playable game till the end.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daewind.1072


personal story quest “buried insight” bugged. Taimi was involved in a fight with another sentry golem and after that she is not responding anymore. And it is not fun to restart it from the start and to hope that now it completes without bugs.