Showing Highly Rated Posts By Dahir.4158:
An old vid I found recently recorded last month.
(edited by Dahir.4158)
ok lads. i used to keep my new build a secret for a long time, but i think today is the day i reveal it to the world.
this to me is the greatest wvw condi build ever created
with this build you can beat almost every single build in this game. there is no need for you to camp in one attunement.
you can stack up to 15+ bleeds and 10+ burn stacks with ease PLUS infinite amount of condi removal. this is the pinnacle of all the builds ive made, tested and improved so far.
(most of the time) you can 1vX but obviously that depends on the enemy’s skill level : )))
you wanna fight:
condi thief? easy
condi mesmer? easy
condi engi? easy
condi warrior? easy
condi necro? meh bit of a challenge but you can do it
most of the other builds? yeah sure why not
(edited by Dahir.4158)
I would like to thank my mother for giving birth to me, my friend Sangsa for purchasing this game for me, all the EU servers except for Whiteside Ridge/RoS/Dzagonur/Vabbi/FoW. I haven’t had the pleasure of dying to you guys yet!
I would like to thank Narai of [VoTF] for witnessing my countless RTL fails on the top floor of Stonemist!
I do not die purposely. I fight for my server. All my deaths were heroic.
Run when you see this guy. He’s a criminal known for his brutal acts towards any enemy that stands before him.
He has no mercy.
He will massacre everyone you have ever loved.
He is Broski.
Ele Condition Damage build in PvE is pretty bad, sorry. Honestly I think it’s pretty bad in all formats, though I’ve started to see some Signet-Condi Eles in sPvP (that I don’t think are that good) and of course Perplexity Runes can turn almost anything into a passable condi build in WvW.
For WvW, you don’t really need perplexity runes to make condi builds usable. After half a year of constant b#tching, I’ve seen the light lol.
But I still get hate
the elementalist version of weapon swap is to switch attunements.
Not going to the windmill now.
Been happening to me as well as soon as I log in or begin fighting shortly after that. It’s getting ridiculous now. Can’t do anything without disconnecting or have insane lag spikes.
EXG what is up with the hate towards our members ? You guys drop everything you are doing just to gank 1 guy and drop siege on him… This has been going on for a week now and it has to stop. Upset that you lost the GvG ? You guys are prbly mad that we made you ragequit the border after wiping your entire guild twice in open field with half the numbers. BTW we are still waiting for you guys to accept the score on the official GvG page,
It will never stop.
d/d elementalists: the only class that can rush into a zerg get focus fired at and still come back out alive.
ArenaNet wants to promote build diversity for all classes, yet the Elementalist is stuck with the same meta build for a long time. Others, as well as myself, have been trying hard to break the meta by coming up with different builds such as a workable Fresh Air build or a condition damage build, but are restricted by the pointless trait-lines that could very well promote the build diversity we all want.
For example, on June 23 2015, the Power Overwhelming master-tier trait was added to the game by replacing the former trait called Fire’s Embrace.'s_Embrace
I don’t know about you guys, but I think PO is a very underwhelming trait to have in the Fire trait-line. With Fire’s Embrace, there would no doubt be a change in the builds we could be able to use, and now with the introduction of Tempest, the formerly used trait would synergise well with Invigorating Torrents and Cleansing Water.
Signets have been in the game from the start, but are rarely used in a PvP format because the activation on them were laughable. Thankfully, changes were made on the Signet of Earth and Fire, and have been somewhat usable in some builds, but the same cannot be said for Air and Water which have been left in the dust since the start of the game.
If the FE trait were to be brought back into the game, unchanged, we could possibly be able to play with new builds that wouldn’t be extremely boring as the “Auramancer”.
Now that PvP has come into the conversation, do you really think the base health of 11,645 for an Elementalist is justifiable with the sudden “power creep” in the game? This is why people stick to the Mender’s amulet in PvP.
What use is there to use another amulet that doesn’t include vitality only to be killed in a matter of seconds by other classes with better base stats? Increase the vitality and toughness of this class and just maybe there’ll be some form of change in the way the player-base plays.
Conjures: the shameful son of the Elementalist, unwanted and neglected since its birth. Frost Bow is dead, Lightning Hammer is usable in PvE (maybe) and Earth Shield is a lost cause. What is the Flame Axe by the way and what is its purpose?
Good work on the GoEP + GoEH buff, although Glyph of Storms could use some work. Haven’t really seen that skill used in action since the first year of GW2.
I would really like to see an ArenaNet response to this thread and many other threads on this site instead of having to see them on Reddit. Contribution goes a long way.
Give me your thoughts on this, my fellow Elementalists. Who knows, we may even see some changes if we give them.
Some additional info: I have played as an Elementalist for 9,254 hours over the past 1,597 days with many different builds. The class is very enjoyable to play, but could be much more if certain changes were made.
(edited by Dahir.4158)
Nonsense, the only thing you’re obligated to use metabuilds for are raids, raids need the higher numbers and that spot can only be occupied by ONE build.
Don’t bring PVP into this because there’s a lot of viable builds in and especially out of metabattle, and the rest of pve and WvW is the same.
Not really. In PvP, you can try to use other builds as I do that aren’t meta and people will cry about it because it’s not “support”. Most classes will destroy you because you don’t have the legendary Mender’s amulet or shout utilities.
WvW is different. You can roam with whatever because the stats there are different and can compensate a little for it, but the build variation for the Elementalist is quite poor.
Hey thief roamer on deso border at bay from SFR.
I am a GS+Longbow warrior, and you are only hiding and hiding, I even tried to kill you but its impossible due to your hiding skills.
That’s why I lured you into the water, and there you was running from me!
So why do you go up land, be in your safe hiding zone and press /laugh?
I even came out to land to try to kill you again! But you were traited for 1v1s and I was GS+LB, eventually I just leave.
But too be honest mr SFR hide in shadow thief? If you are so good, why didn’t you kill me on land? Twice?
So stop laughing and get more skills instead of hide every 2 seconds and shoot from distance. SFR chicken.
Because Magnetron, he sensed your immense power emanating from you. Don’t blame him, blame yourself for being too powerful.
Really??? Don’t like 12K Eviscerates? Then stop running around with 1800 armor seriously. It is kind of funny that these are the kind of people that are complaining. Don’t run glass then, or if you do, don’t complain if you get hit that hard.
What if they have 2500+ armor and still get hit with numbers close to that?
If you don’t experiment with the class how are you going to find out what suits you the best? We can’t just tell you what to do or use.
And no, there are plenty of eles that prefer to use other setups like d/f or s/d. Some even use s/f, but that’s just not for me.
I kill them dead 1st before they get thier condi dump off.
Zerk stance ?lbF1 ?pindown ?AA ? rush ? 100blades ?whirlwind ? bladetrail.
They are usually dead before or after 100blades.
And what if they know how to dodge?
Hello everyone,
I’ve been messing around with Blinding Ashes lately and I like it a lot more than what I used to run with my hybrid condi build (Diamond Skin). I can still kill classes at the same speed, if not then quicker with the exception of Necromancers; they’re a pain my butt.
The video that I’ve linked below is just me roaming around with the trait activated, but doesn’t show all the classes in-game.
I think I missed out Engineer/Necromancer/Elementalist and maybe a competent Ranger (haven’t faced a good one yet). Fear not, those classes are still killable with BA!
Updated build:
(edited by Dahir.4158)
We just need to l2p.
• 85% condition duration and fairly high condi damage
• Nightmare runes = fun
• Lots of bleed = fun
• Doesn’t need perplexity
• Not staying in one attunement to spam conditions
• Can handle more than 1 player sometimes (depends on class)
• When facing warrior or sometimes a thief, you can switch out Geomancer’s Alacrity for Stone Heart. Also, Cleansing Fire for Armor of Earth if you feel you need more stability.
• If you think you can’t handle the condi from a necromancer (you should tbh) go Diamond Skin…
• Easiest class to beat are engineers and condi thieves!!!
• Condi mesmers are easy – Power mesmers will f#ck you over with this build. (only weakness)
• Condi rangers are easy too, but sometimes take a while to kill since they remove conditions a lot.
You will get a sh#t-ton of QQ and crybabies through whispers, but it’s okay. Tell them to get some condi clear!
Enjoy your new build.
Superior Rune of the Krait instead of Nightmare.
Less condition duration for more condition damage.
Apothecary/Dire instead of Apothecary/Shaman.
(edited by Dahir.4158)
Sigil of Greater Nullification
Your next attack after swapping to this weapon while in combat removes 2 boons from your target.
(Cooldown: 18 Seconds)
Make this sigil remove resistance first and at least make the cooldown 12 seconds long. That’s something I can live with.
It would be a very nice sigil for Elementalists as we don’t have any boon-removing skills ourselves and the healing meta isn’t helping either. We might actually feel like we’re doing something for once!
I’m back.
No perplexity.
Do I still get carried by perplexity?
All videos so far:
(edited by Dahir.4158)
A little birdy tells me DVG are leaving Deso soon.
Soon to be Piken Square Vanguard it seems.
This is great news for a server that has up to 1hr queues already at primetime.
DVG can’t leave Desolation. Who am I gonna call scrubs and squishy pugs in map chat?
I heard this guy equals 3 Aurora Glade guild groups… Better not mess with him.
Look at that glare in his eyes.
Rumor is that even Monsieur Grotesque cant control him.
kpop ftw bro <3
Elementalist able to use mist form and Engineer using Elixir S to shrink themselves and avoid all damage while finishing a player off is a unfair advantage.
Vabbi is the best
None can compare to our strength
Fix the bloody lag
The point isn’t so much whether it’s OP or not, but rather that it’s a stupid design. You shouldn’t be punished for defending yourself.
I disagree. I feel it is an absolutely brilliant design. You shouldn’t be rewarded for spamming skills while not being aware of your surroundings.
Similarly, you shouldn’t be rewarding for not carrying enough condition removal. Too many people focus to much on offense, then blame the game when they dye due to a lack of defensive capabilities. Such a dreadful shame to see folks unable to accept responsibility for their own mistakes if you ask me.
It’s a nice rune. I use it, but on an ele, not engi, necro, thief… whatever. It does the job and even makes people rage and immediately whisper me. Is it the perplexity user’s fault you don’t have condition cleanse while roaming or whatever? Did you expect everyone to be power?
Lol, no.
Maybe invest in a couple defensive utilities and not expect a perfect 12k hit eviscerate win or 99,000 backstab damage
carried by blinding ashes and burning lol
/age = 4,277 hours
/deaths = 9,137
4,277 × 60 = 256620
256620 / 9,137 = 28.0858049688
I’m not a rallybot. I actually fight!
I downed an ele and let it die to a veteran wolf tonight… Am I a bad person?
facepalm come on PT member… we are better than this.
What I want to know is who thought this would be a good idea and to authorize it? The previous aura effects we’re pretty cool along with the sound that came with it, but as of now it is pretty boring and in really bad taste.
The appearance of the auras look pretty rushed and unattractive. Bring back the old versions ASAP. I’m 100% sure everyone who plays ele or has fought against one relies on the appearance and sound of the auras as it affects the outcome of a fight.
For example, warriors attempting to kill an elementalist with a rifle; imagine the ele popped it’s Magnetic Aura up, the warrior would have ample time to react to that and cancel whatever rifle skill they were about to use.
Let’s say after this update the warrior wants to fight the ele. The ele uses the aura skill and the rifle uses Killshot. The unsuspecting warrior wont realise it, because they can’t see the aura. Do you understand?
I will let you think about that, ArenaNet.
Good initiative!
Name: Sylvari Boss Broski (old name Broski Supreme)
Game mode: WvW
Role: Teacher
Realm: Fort Ranik
Other info: I mainly specialise in WvW roaming with condition ele, but I will be happy to help you create a power build for zergs and guild raids.
Idk about the siege on bodies, I THINK that JDGE started that when we met FSP and started “ramming”(putting ram buildsite on the corpse) a guild called [Lion] that we thought were pricks. It got pretty widely known and we got donated like 500 ram bps, alot of them from AG and FSP aswell haha. After that it has grown I think.
I think after that Frou influenced us to ram [BORD] XD
Few of us on Desolation are in support of the new “Ballista Finishers”.
Dude you use longbow. How he could stop laughing?
Only the best of the best use Longbow. That thief was just too stupid to see that.
So uh… DVG, when we meet in the open field no mercy, right?
I’m gonna teabag you Ljoey/Elprozam and spam junk items in your mail Ydesia.
So many stories about this Wemil character.. I must meet him in the open field and harass his puny behind when he’s stacking up. smirk
in eb?
I haven’t been wiped morning for weeks:)
and I have been running pink guardian upscaled commander from lvl 11 to 43 I am currently lvl 43 and I have sometimes this week faced a blob and survived in midd battle:)
I love guardian why didn’t I make one kitten . warrior sucks…
when I fought against vizunah and deso for 3 months I got wiped 2 times per week so bring it:)
when I scream hammerstun peoples die around me. <3
Low level guardian eh? What is your guild tag kind sir and which map do you play on? I will find you. I will hunt you down. I will make you cry. I will not give up. I am a deso hero.
Lets ask for the usual as well:
-More base toughness/vitality
-Blah blah rtl renerf
-Some skill cool-down reduction
New things:
-New elite skill that focus on conditions.
-Fix those bloody runes that rely on elite activation. I’m not waiting 180 seconds for my 6/6 to pop when fighting 3v1
-Make Earth dagger #3 skill second phase faster pls
-Can we have better Fire Magic master traits? ATM they’re kinda meh.
But that’s just my two pennies’ worth.