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[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Daithi.4820


i have this same problem too just waiting when it get fixed

Battle of ffort trinity bugged cant finish

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daithi.4820


hi im already lvl 80 but i cant finish my personal history because this quest its bugged right in the begin when it says to talk with the sylvari NPC and nothing happen plz take a look on that quest asap because i heard that many ppl had many problems with that quest too

Fix Elementalists. Seriously.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daithi.4820


Im elementalist lvl 74 and i feel really good with him in PvE and sPvP.

i use sceepter/dagger and my traits are:

fire 10 with 30% to burn on critical
air 30 with +25% speed max using air, more dmg vs low hp targets and shock aura when i get disabled
earth 20 with more dmg to bleed enemies and -33% time on disable
arcane 10 with buff when changing element

gear with dmg/crit/condition dmg
my second weapon is staff but i only use when i have a safe position and only to annoy/support because with staff is really slow and easy to dodge

in direct combat i really feel good with scepter/dagger with blinds chill shield buffs and dmg i really focus on condition dmg and criticals plus arcane skills that give an extra but the most important thing for me its movility and speed thats my way of play and i own pretty good/easy most of the times so i dont think the elementalist is weak i only could say our downed state sux betwens others, we sure die if help dont come mist skill have high cd and we cant stop their “fatality” like others can do and also melee classes that are strong in def/dmg and also can use range skills/weapons and have many gap closers elementalist just need a buff in downed and melee classes a nerf they have def/hp (warrrior/guardian) great dmg op critical (thief/warrior) and also range and gap closers thats is so op for me

for the elementalist its ok just learn to play, remeber this is not a game about stats you all should find your own style to play him

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daithi.4820


Hi alll i just want to talk about my experience with my Elementalist, my main lvl 74

(sorry for my bad english i will try to do my best)

with my experience in my last game (Aion) were i played a sorcerer i learned that its better build a survivor than a glass cannion, at least for PvP.

when i started here i goes instantly to sPvP to start test differents builds:

my first build was full def/hp with gear dmg/crit/condition dmg
Water 30
earth 30
arcane 10

Using a staff for the range.

was a totally fail, i got sooo owned by almost all classes xD well maybe for my low skills being anewbie but still now i think that build not works because having full def/hp still not give me much sustain vs full geared cap lvl enemies and my dmg was poor also i think the staff is not usefull in sPvP because make you slower attacking and the melee classes have good cap closers and also range skills that i think its the only think that maybe could get nerfed in the game

after tested my second build full dmg and didnt liked

fire 30
air 30
arcane 10
Dagger x2

yes great dmg but the lack of range makes you an easy target to kill, lets be honest all will prefer attack a weak elementalist that comes in melee than a warrior or a guardian or a faster thief or an annoying mesmer so we will be always first target so this seems like if you use this build you only can “gank” or get owned, well ye not totally owned but i feel like in a fair 1v1 fight an elementalist have less chances going in melee but yes there are many situations differents to say this as a fact but i still prefer to dont take the chances in a situation like that.

i was a bit upset after this test feeling that my favorite class in mmo’s was so underpowered and without a personality, i see that all classes have a way of play and i cant find the elementalist’s way.

so i said well nvm lets start to learn in the best way, playing and now, after 74 lvls i think i found the best build for my way of play

Fire 10
Air 30
Earth 20
Arcane 10


the traits i use is more to speed buff by element and criticals with arcane spells for more attacks and a style of play of movility.

Really now in sPvP wow the difference is big thx to the exp i got playing but also after find my way of play tecnically i just move and move and move till i made dmg, you can say that maybe my dmg now wont be so hard but i focus. More in criticals and condition dmg thx to my traits in air/earch plus my improvement in def/m.speed give me a bit more of sustain, for enemies that still with my kite can get me closer i have ring of fire to any that want get closer to me will get hurt, 2 blinds will low cd’s chill shield a dodge bar regen health with condition remover 2 nocks downs and great condition dmg with my burst and bleeds, can run away or get closer really ast with my ride the lighting and the arcane spells give the extra that i was looking for so now i feel so strong and complet with a style and personality that i never had with a caster before so i only can say about all this as conclusion is that this game is a new challenge for all and if you dont feel good right now with your class i suggest you try and explore all differents build you can imagine when you build a pj in GW2 you must forget stats this isnt like older mmo’s you must build a style of play .

so keep trying i really feel pretty balanced the elementalist only could say to nerf a bit melee’s classes, they have def, power and also range/gap closers ANet should nerf at least one of this things and btw fight vs mesmer is really annoying but great challenge at least he is pretty slow and for last i suggest yyou to use staff only in safe positions like in a castel or tower during a siege most to annoy than to kill and if you go to direct combat go to scepter/dagger, will give you a decent range and usefull skills but use your brain remember rthis isnt a game to just spamm skill without taking care what is happening around you.

again sorry for my long post and poor gramma, english isnt my main language also im writting from my phone so sorry and i hope this can help, gl.

Seafarer’s Rest