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Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


I am gonna just add my 2 cents as well. I was pretty burnt out on the original gw2 release after having spent days and days and days in the SW. So I took a break thinking I would come back for the elite specializations. Now I wish I had never pre-ordered. (Dumb on my part I know) Never again though.

They buggered us with adding in Ascended gear when they said they wouldn’t and we took it, they buggered us with re-adding in the trinity and we are taking it – as well as adding yet ANOTHER tier of armor which they said they wouldn’t do, they buggered us and lied to us in numerous ways… but putting a gate on content like this? fraid that’s too much for me. I may be stuck with HoT, but kitten ed if i ever buy another GW expansion before the reviews come out.

Bone Pick and sound effects

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


So I got the new Bone pick for my necro and while I love that they are trying new skins for these items, I would like if there were matching sound effects. I know there is suppose to be a scythe sound attached to it, but it rarely procs and there is no bubbling sound effect for the oil like there is for the fire from the molten alliance pick.

Please add in some sound effects, otherwise it’s nothing more than a skin for a regular mining pick.

As a side note, I would LOVE to see a deathly logging axe and harvesting tool leading up to Halloween.

I feel im going to relinquish this game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


OP: You obviously haven’t been to the warrior forum.

You call getting icon updates a buff? The only thing they got was a 10% dmg increase on one single bow shot and a few combo finishers, which is still useless in anything but PVE. I think you should do a wee bit of research before spouting on about buffs.

And come on. The only place thieves REALLY got a nerf was in PvP because they needed to be. When over half the players in a sPvP match are thieves you gotta realize there is a problem somewhere.

Seriously though, play a warrior or at least understand their patch notes before making asinine comments.

(edited by Dallyoop.6037)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


I am also one that does not agree with the changes made this patch. This is a horrible idea that will do nothing but create rifts in the player base and cause elitism, which is something that GW2 was designed to be against.

Gating is bad idea in any game. Look at Lotro, it created radiance as a gating mechanism and since then they have had to remove it because they realized that is was a bad idea from the start, it also did nothing but stop players from being able to enjoy content together as a community.

I hope that Anet stops this new gear grind from staying in the game and reverses it’s decision before it permanently damages it’s reputation and alienates it’s loyal player base.

I for one don’t want to see this game go the way of the dodo bird. But if this mechanic stays in, I will be joining the masses of players heading for the door. It may be too late for me to get a refund, but I can still choose if I want to buy future expansions and gems from the store.

Thanks for the fun couple months Anet. Was awesome while it lasted, but sadly this betrayal of your own MMOmanifesto cannot pass unnoticed or unpunished.

(edited by Dallyoop.6037)

what happened to my hair?!?!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


Your head blossomed? It is fall… perhaps your character dropped it’s leaves.

Why is there no preview option in the Auction?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


I second this opinion. I wanna make sure what I am buying is what I actually want since sometimes I am just looking for a new skin to toss onto some armor or a weapon.

Why are Players Limiting Themselves with Chests???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


I shot the fire ele once. Then he turned his fiery glare upon me and I burned to ash. Then he had his little minions come and mop up the mess.

Dragons are easy. Fire ele will toast you in seconds. Plus, I would rather have a chance at a precursor weapon. Which ever one I find first decides which build I go with! hahaha

How logn until the Lt. exploit is fixed in AC explorable?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dallyoop.6037


^ I have been having the same problem as Account.9832. It’s like they REALLY want us to skip Kholer. Now there is no waypoint OR chest. So I’m not sure I will even know when this gets fixed because I just always skip him now. Why bother kill a boss if there is zero reward?