Showing Posts For DanielIsAwesome.6039:

Living Story Questions (S1 and S3?)

in Living World

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


The moniker “season three” hasn’t been confirmed. What has been confirmed though is that there will not be any new story content if you do not purchase the Heart of Thorns expansion. So should there be a season three of the Living Story, it will continue in the Heart of Thorns expansion which Randulf briefly mentioned.

Do you have a source for that, Weskay?

Next living story episode release date?

in Living World

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


This makes me kinda sad. I thoroughly enjoyed the living world. I liked having little chunks and updates to look forward to. It helped the world feel dynamic and alive. I don’t want to wait for one big chunk released as an expansion. It seems kinda counter to their original philosophy.

Open world and LS

in Living World

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I agree with your thoughts completely. So far I am really liking the story of Season 2 and the way it’s presented but it does seem more personal. Before, the releases felt like world altering events. Its a tradeoff, I suppose. I too thought the new map felt like GW1 and would rather have it be like the other maps with ecploration.

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I’m with the OP on this. To my mind the issue isn’t simply paying for cosmetics, it’s the ‘pay-per-use’ mechanic that grinds my gears

THANK you. Your post eloquently got to the root of my point.

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


It is simply not going to happen. As someone said, we’d love it if it was free (ala Lotro), but this is the trade off for a non-sub game. Non-game mechanic play will be funded by the gem store. Too much money will be generated from thsi for them to change it, agree or no

I know, you’re right. Wishful thinking I guess.

On the other hand, doesn’t it feel like double dipping that you can buy cosmetic gear from the BLT and then have to pay more gems to get charges to transmute that gear?

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


For pete’s sake. Why aren’t you using Gold to obtain Charges, then?

Because the gold to gem ratio is incredibly low. It would translate to an incredible time investment.

The idea I’m trying to convey is that I want to be able to change my look without such an investment. Because it’s fun to do that and shouldn’t be a time/money sink.

(edited by DanielIsAwesome.6039)

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


you can complete a city map with a lvl 2 toon to get a guaranteed transmutation

I mean, that isn’t the most compelling gameplay. Why not just use gold, which is a resource you can earn in any game mode/type of play?

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Well, just answer this: if you could choose between the current system of spending charges to transmute or a system where it simply cost a small amount of in-game currency, which would you choose?

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


So, I take it this is an unreasonable request? All the responses seem a bit negative. :-/

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I’m pretty much fine with everything else you can buy in the gem store. Gaining exclusive cosmetic items is fine, boosters, etc. But paying to simply shift between gear you already own feels…wrong to me.

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Oh I know it has always cost gems. I just wish it didn’t. I don’t like the idea of paying real money to adjust cosmetics. That feels like an area of the game that should be free.

Transmutation for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I wish that transmutation did not cost charges. I know that even before the feature pack, transmutation cost stones. needs to make money somehow but it would be so nice if I could change my look more often without worry of having to buy gems. Perhaps instead, transmutation could simply cost in-game gold?

It’s true that you can acquire charges without ever paying for gems but not at a comparable rate to earning gold. I guess the spirit of this request is that I want to be able to change my look frequently with as few roadblocks as possible.

(edited by DanielIsAwesome.6039)

Multi-Outfit Capability?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Do you have a link to that Dev Post?

When is the new sPVP currency?

in PvP

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Will you be able to buy tomes of knowledge with just gold at some point? (And not with glory+gold)

Armor/Weapon Skin Collections

in Suggestions

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I think it would be really cool if there was an interface for collecting skins. I don’t like that applying a skin is a one time deal and it overrides your current skin. What if you could “collect” the skin of any armor/weapon giving you permanent access to apply it as a cosmetic look to any gear you’re already wearing/using? It could use the current transmutation stones as a cost to change skins but you could switch them in and out at will. Are there any plans to integrate a system like this? It could be similar to how the Zenith skins work right now, where you always have access to them.


Bug on the Piken Square

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I can verify this as well.

Engineer PVE Build

in Engineer

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I’m sure this has been asked before. I need build advice. Right now i use pistol/shield grenades, flamethrower and elixer C and H. I want a high damage duneron run build.

Any advice?

Act 3 Cutscene Event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Phew. Thank goodness. I just watched it on Youtube.

Act 3 Cutscene Event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I missed the cut scene. Were there any rewards associated it?

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039



Took me 2 hours of trying to finally lock it down. That was a very frustrating puzzle.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I just beat it Ok so it turns out my original post was just me being a big baby. It was a ridiculous challenge but I feel really gratified now.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay!


Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Those parts where you get stuck, that’s where you have to learn your timings and reflexes.

I will concede this point. I do still think my other two points were valid however.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I guess you dont understand sarcasm nor did you read the rest of my post. Oh well.

I read the rest of your post. That sentence was still mocking.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039



GRR, you all dont agree with me that this is too hard! youre being antagonistic!

And this sentence is specifically mocking me. Not constructive.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


No, many of you were being antagonistic. You’re entitled to disagree with me. My original post did not convey the root underlying my frustration. It was indeed just me complaining. However, I do think there are some fundamental design flaws with the puzzle, none of which make it unbeatable. It simply has some aspects that are innately unintuitive. For example, the wait time. having to run with a large group of people hindering your vision of platforms. Some platforms being designed in such a way as to “catch” your character. These are all elements that in my opinion are poor game design. The puzzle, apart from that is a difficult challenge and that’s not a bad thing.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Yeah, that’s all I’m saying. Sloppy design.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Thanks for the advice Synk. the rest of you are not being constructive, merely antagonistic.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Its less a problem that its difficult. I can handle difficult. But there are portions where my character just gets caught every time. If it were difficult merely due to timing and reflexes I;d be okay with that. I’d learn and do it. It’s just not smooth.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


It’s not gratifying or rewarding gameplay.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


Oh I’m going to get it. But my original statement still stands.

Mad King's Tower is Too Hard (edit: It is hard but i mostly posted this topic out of frustration)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


And it isn’t fun, its just frustrating. Please reduce the speed at which you have to go to beat it.

(Edit: I beat it. I still don’t think it was fun but it was gratifying to finally complete it. Took me about 2 hours of trying. My original post was really just complaining.)

(edited by DanielIsAwesome.6039)

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I just made another post on this topic before I saw your post. I would love this system! Another version of it would be: you can store your gear for free and then transmutation stones are used to apply any of your stored gear’s looks to your items. Please implement this system Arena Net!

Armor/Weapon Collection

in Suggestions

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


I think it would be nice if any unique gear skin you collect could be saved in a collection. This way you would be able to keep all gear you find for cosmetic purposes. You could still require the use of a transmutation stone to change looks but it wouldn’t destroy the item, you instead choose from a list of “collected” items. Thoughts?

I found Town Clothes in game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


It seems strange that only ONE npc in the entire game would give you town clothes…

I found Town Clothes in game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielIsAwesome.6039


There is a Charr NPC in Iron Marches that rewards players with a head slot town clothes item after fixing his vehicle. I was so excited! Has anyone else found town clothes in game apart from the gem store?