Showing Posts For DarkOne.2946:

Name : Cat Von G not allowed ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarkOne.2946


Hi all…

As English is not my native language can anyone tell me why I can’t pick the name :
Cat Von G ? ( G as in Guardian )

I already have characters named :
Cat Von T ( T as in Thief )
Cat Von E ( E as in Ele )
Cat Von N ( N as in….. right, Necro )

What is offensive in the “Von G” part ? I do not understand…

( I name my Character Cat Von Guar, but I don’t like it…. )

The Dark One

Strange midi music

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarkOne.2946


Does it sound like a Nintendo game from like the 80’s ?
Then don’t worry…

There is somting in Rata Sum that caused it…. Has to do with an ingame-game about to start in a coiple of days/weeks

The Dark One

Connectivity Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarkOne.2946


Massive DC’s all through the evening….
One hour play, 8-10 DC’s. Totaly unplayable.
( tried to finish one part of my storyline 4 times, got DC-ed every time )

On Siverpeak server, doing the storyline ( amongst other things ) in Rata Sum as Human… speek to Gorr…

I give up, time to receive some TLC from my gf, as A-net doesn’t

Skillpoint - Bear Shaman Marga - Broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DarkOne.2946


Working again)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkOne.2946


" We have …… ect ect ect…. solution in place.
Thank you, and we apologize that you were unable to claim your rewards. "

Hmmmm…. Thnx for apologizing to the fact that people were unable to claim their rewards at the end…

But where is the apology for this whole event ?
I mean, seriously, is A-net only sorry that people couldn’t claim their reward at the end of this horrible event ? Didn’t they read all those post about how crappy people think this event was?
This one time event was so poorly implemented, realy, it brings tears to my eyes…

And then : what about the people who couldn’t play at all on sunday ? Is A-net looking for a soIution for these players too ?
I tried to skip this whole event by leveling up further with some characters, doing some personal story bits, but I got DC-ed every 15-20 minutes, had lagg all through the afternoon and evening, including some random freeze-ups too…
( no, my internetconnection was fine before this event, and yes, my computer is up to date, as it was before this event started )

So, to cut a long story short :
We need apologies for this entire event-weekend due to the fact that is was so crappy.
We need apologies for all the DC’s and the poor FPS’ due to ( again ) poor server capacity management ( same thing happend during the launchdate ).
And we need overall compensation for this bad event-weekend, not only for people who participated in the event, but also for the rest of the community who tried to skip it.

The Dark One

Buggy One Time Event is one thing....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DarkOne.2946


Realy, go make some more buggy one-time events, but please, let the players who do not want to participate in those event do their thing…
All through the day I have been kicked of the server, or had crashes, or suffered freeze-ups….

Seriously, do not tell me it is not possible to play GW2 when some crappy half finished event is going on…

I just want to play GW2…

( for those about to comment on my internetconnection or PC-hardware… it was running great before …. )