Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
I’m Drq and I’m the leader of Guild Wars 2 Division of Circle of Nine . I would like to take some of your time and tell you what Circle of Nine™ is, what our goals are and plans for the future.
We’re proud to say that our community is comprised of gamers of every color, creed and gender from all across the globe. Apart from the social side we focus on Quality Gaming which is very important. We want to represent the highest possible level of gaming in all games we play, as we always have. So in order to join our ranks you need to prove yourself. Activity, Manners and most importantly Skill is required from all our members.
What are our goals and plans for the future ?
We want to be a community that offers all gamers what they truly need. A place of discussion, merits and insight. We want to cover every aspect of every game we play, meaning: Patch coverage, game status, guides, run-throughs, let’s play, tricks, interviews with devs, cast tournaments, stream important events, interesting discussions with our guests and anything else you can think of that is connected to gaming!
Circle of Nine is going to stream our events each day. We will answer all questions posed to us on our forums (within reason guys!).
Our “Let’s play” division will add new videos on a weekly basis so if you guys have a game you would like us to play or play with us and being streamed and posted on our channel, just give us a shout. We will help if possible, failing that we promise to entertain!
We accept challenges in all games. Come and fight us !
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Best regards
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine™
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Soooo tomorrow is Christmas…
We thought it’s a good opportunity to wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year. We hope that all of you guys can progress with your life both rl and ingame and venture into the new year with your head up high! We wish you all best of luck, legendary drops, awesome epic fights, epic GvGs, fun time with your family and all the best in life.
We hope to meet you in dungeons, sPvP, GvG or on the field ! We hope you will enjoy this awesome game as much as we do and do it with us ! ( no kinky stuff involved ! )
Best regards
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine
Soooo tomorrow is Christmas…
We thought it’s a good opportunity to wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year. We hope that all of you guys can progress with your life both rl and ingame and venture into the new year with your head up high! We wish you all best of luck, legendary drops, awesome epic fights, epic GvGs, fun time with your family and all the best in life.
We hope to meet you in dungeons, sPvP, GvG or on the field ! We hope you will enjoy this awesome game as much as we do and do it with us ! ( no kinky stuff involved ! )
Best regards
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine
Soooo tomorrow is Christmas…
We thought it’s a good opportunity to wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year. We hope that all of you guys can progress with your life both rl and ingame and venture into the new year with your head up high! We wish you all best of luck, legendary drops, awesome epic fights, epic GvGs, fun time with your family and all the best in life.
We hope to meet you in dungeons, sPvP, GvG or on the field ! We hope you will enjoy this awesome game as much as we do and do it with us ! ( no kinky stuff involved ! )
Best regards
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine
I’m sorry but I’ve never seen BuLL blob up. Serious here. One of the few guilds I have some respect left. Cheeerioooo !
[CoN] Drq
On behalf of the whole Circle of Nine we would like to send thanks to everyone who gave us some decent fights. Thanks to Kodash for awesome small scale fights, especially to [Buka] – you guys earned our eternal respect, you have cohones gentleman ! and to [siN] for some nice skirmishes.
We didn’t believe we could find small scale fights anywhere or roaming and dueling. Very nice matchup. Clean thread, manners and “no” trolling !
Yet again, thanks to everyone. Good luck and see you on the battlefield.
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine.
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(edited by Darkman.1257)
We would like to thank everyone who gave us some decent fights in this Match-up. Big ups for OP and VM for running apart from the blobs. (at least sometimes)
We encourage all guilds to try taking their gameplay further. Setup a raid, try to do something together. Alone. Say NO! to blobs and no skill plays.
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You have questions about GW2 ? You want us to make a walkthrough, guide to any game you choose ? Our forums are open.
Best regards
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine
Hello there.
I know it’s not my place to write in a topic I’m not phisically part of but I still feel like I am a part of it.
Please do not say SFR has no guilds left and that will give Vizunah the advantage because Vizunah has no guilds either. ( Talking about hardcore wvw guilds )
Not that I know of at least.
We always thought that playing WvW is about guilds and communication and playing on the highest possible level. That’s what we’ve created on SFR some time ago. Heaven for WvW guilds. But the time has changed. As we’ve been constantly reminded by Anet, Vizunah is actually playing the game as they intended it. Coverage, blobs, commanders, all of it.
So kudos to them for doing what they always did since day one. It’s not a secret that they do not promote GvG or WvW guilds. They promote their community and they are the best in doing that ( controlling pugs )
SFR has become something similar ( with higher amount of forum warriors ) but SFR is younger and has yet to learn few tricks to controling the pugs as oposed to KILL THEM OF like we used to do because we didn’t need them.
Long way to go but you should expect much more from SFR because they have a great community and I believe they will be able to give you the best fight possible on the highest possible level. Kudos to Kresh, leader of SFR’s community for holding everything.
We wish everyone best of luck. Hopefuly you will manage to keep this topic clean and without unnecessary dramas.
SFR – We hope you will overcome all your obstacles and issues and win all upcoming fights. Kill as many vizunians as possible.
Best regards
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine
I was not writing a lot in this forum lately, but tonight I want to thank the guilds [LNM] from Vizunah and [OP] from Pikensquare for running this awesome small roaming groups on Vizunah Borderlands!
Actualy it was so much fun to finaly fight someone in equal numbers, I really appreciate to had this oportunity!
with lot of love,
your Rajnesh!Yes it Was one of my best prime in guild wars 2 i hope we could fight you on the next prime Time!
Piken is the best fighting serv in eu!
Cycra LNM warrior
Suggest visiting this site. It might improve your life.
or this if you can’t speak english ! http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasme
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Hey guys! Drq here. I would like to share with everyone here some footage we’ve gathered over the last matchups. I hope you will enjoy some Role Play and carnage !
GW2: [CoN] Circle of Nine : Eternal Crusade – POV – Guardian
GW2: [CoN] Circle of Nine : Revenge – POV – Elementalist
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Thanks to everyone for the matchup and decent fights.
Say NO to blobs !
Best regards
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and the Circle of Nine
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Amazing fights yesterday, big big thanks to [EoW] and [WdR]. Thanks to everyone playing on BB border yesterday.
Regards and see you on the battlefield
maeggle.6021 loled on your answer to Wemil.
Hoping for awesome fights and amazing footage ! Best regards
Let’s kill everything shall we ?
I will say my proper good bye Teelie ;-) to you and whole VoTF and the old veterans. We’re in touch mate.
I came here for drama. Y U NO GIEF ?
wtb drama (boring day at work)
Ins.7139 Sure I will wipe your 100 pugs with my 40 man raid. We’ve challenged you for a GvG several times. We can meet in the field or wherever you want. We’re open for any fight. We will match your numbers even if its 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40 I really don’t care.
If you ask Lelith I was the one who told him about the retaliation topic and we laughed together about it so I see no point where you “rub it in” my nose.
You have some fight in you ? bring it on. We’ve wiped 100 man blobs on countless occasions. Recorded, streamed, mocked you for doing a 100 man blob and so on. Every organised guild with 35-40 on a decent skill level did wipe a zone blob at least once and everyone knows that.
It’s impossible to play on EB as an organised guild on SFR. You can chose whatever border you want. EB is a pug border for SFR and organised guilds do not play there during the week ( only reset if enter fast )
Pick a border. You can gather whatever 100 blobbers you want.
Give me your 100 man t_ard blob against my 40 members. Anytime, anyday.
Another reason to not go on TS.
People shouting and yelling.
Other people making fun of other people.
I keep it with chat.
Have fun leading on chat. Writing combat formations or anything without TS is just reta(no space)rded not to say that it is not possible because you can’t write faster than you speak, you can’t play while writing that. So any encounter with any organised guild group would end up with you on the floor. Unless you command 100man blob which is already pathetic and ridiculous.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
As most of Guild Wars 2 WvW players are aware, a lot of servers have problems with so called PUGs ( PickUpGroups ) and huuuuuge queues. Some time ago they nearly destroyed our server to the point where from the top server in europe we couldn’t hold one border entirely.
Right now Seafarer’s Rest aka SFR is in a very good shape and we did not become the “second Blacktide” or “second Far Shiverpeaks”
A lot of people ask “How did you do it guys ?” “How did you mange to succeed and rebuild your community” “How did you manage long queues and pugs everywhere?”
The reason is simple. We’ve created strict WvW guilds and best PUG commanders in zeh world.
Puff ! Borders empty
| Seafarer’s Rest Payed Add |
KidInkk DIY Miniature Commander Pack. We sell recipies for a very reasonable price.
You have PUG problems ? Long queues ? Fix it right away !
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Call us 0-800-600-600-SFR
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Aaaahhh I’ve missed a lively forum. Lately only zombies…dem zombies everywhere !
Erro.2784 – loled there n1 ;-)
They are no longer able to do GvG so prolly Jelly. Thats all. Even more pathetic
GvG during prime is disrespectful and should always be interrupted.
You want GvG go to EB JP and stop bothering others or coming here crying that you got your GvG interrupted as it is legitimate and well deserved.
You don’t bother to organize your GvG at the right place and/or right time then it is legitimate that we don’t care about interrupting your GvG. Don’t expect any respect when you don’t show any.
Excuse me what prime time ? You have prime time during the night. Prime time hahahhaa
Bi… please we had to call our raids off because there was nothing to do in your “PRIME TIME”
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Alaclis.6579 Please take your pathetic guild to Visunah map today.
Yeah cause you’re losing the matchup and you need a heavy push. You can’d do anything during prime time anyway. Killing you is like fighting 100 upscaled tards without any armour on them. No worries little noskill boy, you can make up for all the points during the night ! (good tip aye?)
“You can watch our stream …” – What for ? you can just log on EB and see how upscaled guys roam around and get killed. Everyday and without any delay !
This is what you’ve become New Visunah:
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Interrupting GvG is considered highly bad mannered. So on top of your mindless zerging and doing PvD at night (probably because doors don’t charge you, otherwise you would run straight back to your kitten holes) you’re interrupting GvGs of one of the last respected guilds on Visunah. Old Visunah is dead. Visunah spirit is dead. War Legend Visunah is dead.
Congratulations MoS. On top of braindead You and Visunah have just become the most ridiculous and pathetic server + guild in Europe. Go do a one time high five, with your head against the wall.
Troma would be proud. You threw 6 months of his work…all his work… and respect he gained into a trash bin. You don’t even deserve to be called a community. Do us all a favour and instead of GW2 go play Electric-Jackstraw, underwater.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
So it was you!!! I was leading that bay assault. We couldn’t finish you off. Everytime more and more and more came in there. Was a really nice fight though. I’m really happy that you guys are doing well with DEX. We’re eager to fight you again!
Dawg.5376 Good for you! Too bad that dem doors can’t talkback. Oh snap!
Big shout out to Dexterité [DEX] for yesterday’s GvG. It was an amazing experience. Very hard fight for us. You were also totally right when you called off one round, we’ve watched footage closely and one thief pug from SFR used a dagger storm among you. We’re very sorry for that. We had some misunderstandings but everything was clear in the end. All in all it was an amazing fight. We would like to thank you guys for it!
Much respect.
Salute Dexterité
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike, Atom Metrico and [CoN] Circle of Nine
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Big shout out to [FPFo] for not going for Visunah blob meta. You guys are well organized and you never run from fights. You run apart from the blob. Kudos! Hope to fight you guys more often.
Best regards from [CoN] Circle of Nine
It’s always the same man. I’ve tried to record few scenes for my utube channel from roaming. For 4,5h never met a single man. Managed to record a fight 1v3 that I was actually winning when 20 more guys came in.
Then we switched to 5 man roam group. When we hit a camp, entire zone came back to defend it.
You’re not alone in this but you also can’t help it. Our escape is having a normal raiding guild where we can fight 30v60+ and win. That is absolutely awesome. Advise you do the same. Roaming is dying in this game.
Mate SFR guilds do not play on EB. It’s purely a PUG (Pick up group) border. If you want anything else go for borders.
Playing on EB and whining about blobs…yeah :P
Big shout out to [UVL] for trying to run apart from the blobs but most of all thanks to [GD] for an awesome week of tough fights. We’ve learned a lot this week. Basically that is it.
Never met a single guild from JS running not in blob so yeah (our pov, calm down!). Kudos to the 2 guilds mentioned above.
Hope to see less blobbing in the future. It’s up to us to change this ridiculous meta of blobbing no skills. Anet will not do anything. It’s up to us, our servers and communities.
Thanks for the match-up.
Regards from [CoN]
Drq and Ridafyt Whitestrike
25 v 60+
Greetings from Vizunah.
Very nice mouse clicking there :P
BB come back ! we miss your guilds JS got 0 guilds and ER got 2. It’s boooooooooooooring without you guys !
Sure it’s understandable. Amazing that you’re aiming higher for organised wvw not the blob bs meta ! Full props and respect ! Keep up the good work ! You can always spar with us.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Yeah you were right. [CoN] Da Butti was leading that group that is why. There were few of our members there but not our main raid. So I give you your honour back! ;-)
Big shoutout to UVL for the GvG match. Keep doing your best all the time ! Tough fights.
All guilds that are interested in doing GvG please register at www.gw2gvg.com
Best regards from CoN
Our latest movie ! Time to get real ! Hope you guys will enjoy.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
CoN did not raid on JS border today. You couldn’t fight our members because we were on SFR since morning. Sorry !
I was leading that “blob” If I recall we had 41 guys. If you can check how much we were ticking. We had like +130 at night. I’ve jumped all over 4 borders and took all people from them. These players were all we could gather at night.
Seafarer’s Rest don’t have a single guild that can play past 00:00. Sometimes they stay a bit longer but we do not have any night capping force. During prime you will rarely see a SFR zerg because we have 3-5 roaming groups. Of course they blob up on occasion or accidentally (because we play without commander tags sometimes we don’t see each other and do not coordinate).
SFR is based on WvW guilds not pug raids. If you want to have some decent fights among guilds we’re the correct choice for it. If you want 24/7 pug blob coverage I’m afraid we’re not. You will never see an entire zone blob like JS and ER are doing on occasions purely because it’s an absolute disgrace for us to play in that manner. However we’re not going to blame you for it because this is how this game is made and you’re just playing it. It’s your choice that you do not focus WvW on guilds though. JS sometimes roam with 2 groups and ER’s only not blobbing force is [GD] but they have enough players on their own. (it’s my POV, maybe there are smaller roaming groups but I’ve not met them)
Our guilds rarely run more than 30 guys at one raid. We have about 12-15 WvW guilds. The only one I can distinguish from this match-up is GD. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone but this is just the truth from our [CoN] point of view. We will never promote blobbing on SFR. If you want to win match-ups in that matter it is your choice but we will not participate because we believe that blobs destroy this game.
[CoN] Circle of Nine is accepting all GvG challenges. We can match your numbers, doesn’t matter if its 10/15/20/25/30. If you want a fair fight then whisper me or Ridafyt Whitestrike and we can organise everything.
Try to keep forums clean of out BS.
Big shout out and respect to [GD] for awesome fights. We’ve learned a lot from you.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
We agree it is better because we’ve had the chance of meeting a server like BB. May you get only good roles with awesome servers to have some nice fights. We Hope for some amazing fights as we’re aiming to be the best in the world. We will do everything to succeed.
This is my private and my guild’s point of view. BB server has been the most fun server to play in the past 4 months. It was really refreshing and awesome. You guys earned our highest respect and we wish you all the best. May your guilds improve as much as possible and let us meet on the battlefield !
Best regards, peace and friendship. (maybe not peace, we keel you !)
Drq, Ridafyt Whitestrike and Circle of Nine
(edited by Darkman.1257)
It’s amazing that you guys want to fight Visunah although from my point of view, right now it’s completely pointless. Now that there are no tiers, no no.1 server in europe and stuff. I will tell you what will happen.
Visunah got 0 guilds that are doing GvG. We tried to do some for 2 weeks. Not possible. They only run with 100 blobs. If they don’t have that many they will stay in their locations. 20 people per tower with 15 arrow carts per gate with 24/7 coverage and run like rats from a sinking ship almost everytime you meet them on open field.
You can of course break them but what happens in the long run is that they are utterly boring. For organised groups playing vs Visunah is a slow and boring death. Visunah is not the same server that could offer you a decent fight at least from time to time. No more War Legend, no more Troma who can light up their spirit and hopes up.
Right now in their condition they can offer you nothing. Their pug zergs will die easily. You will win fights 20vs50+ and your guilds will start to slack because there is nothing to do. They are the only server in europe that has not registered a single guild on gw2gvg.com. How sad is that?
If you want to keep improving as a server and a community. To at least keep the level you’re on right now. Try to stay away from Visunah. I truly belive even Vabbi players would put up a better fight.
Just a little something from a player who fought them for almost 2 months in a row. Every Desolation player can vouch for that as well.
My best regards to BB for amazing match-up. It’s been a blast. We thank you for the awesome fights we had and hopefuly we will continue to do.
Knox.3748 You are one of the main people here who make this forum look like manure. Think twice before you post again please.
loled +1 maeggle
I’d like to say that fighting BB is so refreshing and amazing. We love your server here on SFR. Finally a server with amazing guilds to GvG with. We have small/mid/large scale battles that are amazing. Nothing but respect for you guys.
It’s sad for me to fight against [sIN] and not along with them. For me you guys will always be a SFR guild. Fighting against you is a big big pleasure though. Peace, respect and friendship from [CoN]
Fighting Visu, Jade Sea, Deso servers for that long made our players rusty indeed. Our players and guilds got used to fighting 20vs60 and win. Now we have a server that can place a regular 20v20 and win with us. BB got great players, great guilds. It’s really refreshing and makes us want to beat you down even harder. We will train, we will improve and we will succeed.
Keep the forums clean. Do not interrupt small scale fights and roamers when raiding with your guilds.
respect and best regards from Circle of Nine
See you on the battlefield. Hopefuly you will be in the downed state afterwards ! Roooar !
(edited by Darkman.1257)
I’ll point it out next time you will run with Pure Might in your 20-25 setup. Thanks
In roaming wvw yes you’re right. In GvG however if one person makes a mistake it can change the tide of battle and you’re done. Still I agree that we should all focus either on small scale roaming or create wvw arenas or GvG. In order to reflect players skill that is necessary. Playing 50+ is boring and no skilled. At least we agree on this one :P
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Sure it’s awesome to run small scale 3-5 and fight vs 10-15 guys and win. Amazing feeling also I agree. You’re of course welcome to play the game in the way you see fit. Small scale fights recquire a lot of skill as oposed to 50+ blobs. You should try playing in an organised pro group of 20-25 and see how it works. How much effort and skill it takes to make everything work. I think you would like it.
Our discusion is the perfect example that you can have different opinions and you don’t have to offend and accuse others constantly. That is what I want to achieve in SFR. Keep it decent and Civil so that we don’t have to be embarrassed everytime we drop in to your own match-up thread.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Well I don’t think you can use these arguments against 25 because you’ve got enough room for anything. But this argument when you’re sure you’re the only one who can be right is really well pointless. You can pretty much take it to 1vs1 if you want to take it against me. No point in that. If someone wants to argue he will. I’m not a person who likes to argue too often.
Even though you could blob in warhammer you had also plenty of room to improve your guilds and excell at pvp. It’s a bit different in here. If you want to talk about mmos or games I’m always available on PMs. I’m playing mmos for over 10 years and tried most of them. If you’re looking for a discussion of merits I’m up. However this is not the place for it I think. ;-)
Always up for discussions about games and ideas how we can improve stuff.
Well balanced setup with the ability to create counter setups. Gives you enough room to make tactical movements, good skill placement, sticking to the commander allows him to move around any aoe on the ground. Avoiding enemy crowd control abilities. Make tactical portals and so on…
With 100v100 all that is not possible.
Just no skilled chaos and with the current state of Anet server. 10sec lags :P
However in the future when we could play on a different servers that could provide us with a stable connection and no lags. Anet could create one massive battle scenario. Where we could coordinate our guilds with e.g. 1 supreme commander and make an actuall large scale battle. Then our guilds could perform different tasks on the battlefield etc. involving all tactical strategies, asignments etc.
Could be interesting.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Mate pug blob stomping is boring. We’ve streamed killing kodash and visu zergs with 22 people without leaving combat. (one zerg after another, just had few sec to regroup) It’s not even funny. Problem is when you have 100+ people playing vs 20 and not that we can’t kill them because you can always learn something from every defeat but the lags. This is only concerning pug blobs.
on the other hand when you have a 100man blob made out of 3 good guilds it has no sense at all. Completely destroys the game and kills the fun in it. What would be the point of it. ? Quality > Quantity not the other way around.
With that zerg tactic you can’t improve yourself as a player, you can’t improve your guild. You can’t aim to be the best. Blob = No skill
The feeling when you see an equal group of enemies that you know also they are really good. The feeling, pressure, excitment when you fight and kill eachother. Fully coordinating your skill rotations and tactical movement. That feeling when you kill your enemies after a really hard fight. Just that alone is the sole purpouse of playing this game for me.
Blobbing is just braindead bashing against the door. You have a server that is executing this tactic perfectly. They are called Visunah and right now there is not a single server in europe that is enjoying their company in a match-up. Not because they are good but because they are boring and bad. (Yes! Generalisation! They have some good players)
“If this would be a GvG 100 vs 100 vs 100 and there was a ranking, you wouldn’t be complaining about blobs. you would actually be copying that playstyle if it worked for sure” – Definitely NOT. The second they would implement 100vs100 GvG I would quit the game.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
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