(edited by Darkness.6572)
Showing Posts For Darkness.6572:
The mastery points seem to be bugged and not giving mastery points for most of the players I know including myself. We can commune with them but after the animation and commune bar fill we get the normal flash but no skill point although we can still commune with the mastery point with the same results every time.
Don’t know if this has been reported or not would just like to let you know.
Lol every ranger I have seen has been using fire wyvern, bristle back or smoke scale so I don’t have a clue what your on about you are the only person complaining about this if there is a bug
the only problem I see having with the human master taking another race for a student is that for a dervish the divine is kind of a key part of the class in the fluff as. while it is true they didn’t have what you would call a church they did all follow the 5 gods (6 after kormir became a god) which is were the problem comes in…
Charr have no god and almost adamantly refuse to follow one (not counting the other faction who don’t really follow a god so much as an element)
Norn have their spirits but do not believe them to be gods only a protector for each of their respective area’s.
Asura…. well Asura lol.
Sylvari are kinda hard to place they have no real god but believe in the dream which I wouldn’t call being close to a god anyways.
my point is that back story wise and fluff wise making a dervish a human only class would be easier than saying hey master taught a charr.
also they could bring avatars back if they kept them to humans only couldn’t really do that with mixed race class
I don’t know about you guys but dervish would be a human only class only because it was a class that were basically holy knights for the 5 gods in gw 1.
I thought about it for awhile and said why not just make a racial class for each class, something to capitalize on racial skills or better yet make better versions of them for the racial classes.
Norn – Shapechanger/havroun – Medium/Light Armor – (don’t need to say a lot about this one change forms and own?)
Human – Dervish – Heavy/Medium Armor – (or at least give us scythe as a weapon lol)
Asura – Golemancer – Light/Medium Armor – pre release there was pictures of a class like this don’t know what happened though
Charr – Warmonger – Heavy Armor – guns swords and artillery strikes nuff said .
Sylvari – Dryad/Druid – Light Armor – plants maybe some summons?
That’s just what I think we should see would be nice but something tells me probably not