Showing Posts For Darksidexaio.1702:
ya the syvari race hooked me with there story but my story skipped 10 lvs but im waiting for a fix. i hope they fix it soon i was loving my thief. hmm warroir sounds relly good with greatsowrds. anyone know how fun the elemist gets at higher lvs?
hello im just wondering what other`s find the most fun profession is to solo. im just not sure witch one i sould try i have a thief, a engieneer, and a mesmer all lving with freinds so not those also what race has the most fun stry next to the asura
thanks in advance
Character Name: Anu Terra
Realm: Crystal Deseart
Level 30 story: I just fnished the Vigel quest (flower of death)
Skipped to: Level 48 (forearmed is forewarned)
this game is 60$! even if it ends at lv 80 (witch it dosnet) i got my moneys worth. im having a blast with the story ill most likey play all the class`s and see the story form tons of angles. ill expolre the world see the admzing vistas enjoy talking with ppl, and as i do this will add more stuff for me to do for free! honetsy for as much as they given us for 60$(and are planing to give us) asking for more is just plain greedy!
skill challage defeat warmaster yuila in gendarren flieds has been buged for awhile now
sever is cystarl desert
anything relly want to play his toon but if its a major bug plz let me know and ill play a alt
hello so me and my cuz what questing togeote are mian quests we just finished the flower of death togetoer after the quest he had the quest a fragle peace alv 30 quest. and i got forewarned is forearmed a lv 48 quest. im guessing this is not supposed to happen. what do i do?
its fixed now Amin u can close this topic good sir ^^
this guy just ran up and helped my cuz in his sever to hopely it happens for u to I hope u get in to soon god sir ^^
this just in the gate is open for me looks like its fixed in my sever at least
cystarl desert sever char starting tutorial is bugged me and like 20 others are stuck outside the gate. Dont belive me make a new char and come join the loney broken party