Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starsky.4186



Good post dude. I do not believe we have been forgotten though (not until this thread closes.)

I’ve posted here like 4 times, once getting a response from a GM. It’s frustrating… I know but I truely believe there will be a fix, they can’t alienate all the people who have this problem.

Just hold tight, 3 weeks is a long time to wait.

I have just been using tr same character to 100% other areas. My story skipped from 30-48. Now I’m lvl 56 and haven’t touched the story.

I do, however, have my pitch fork at the ready if they turn around and tell me they can’t fix my character

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sahfur.5612


I also would love to believe that a fix is underway but the indicator of having the ticket closed just does not seem to suggest it.

When a support ticket is closed, it essentially goes out of existence on their end until you open it back up. In other words, they don’t have the time to check closed support tickets because they are more or less considered resolved. What was the resolution?

Furthermore, if I had not had the curiosity to check the support portal, I would have not known it had been closed recently. This is because unlike most support portals, theirs does not seem to give you an email entailing that “the support ticket you opened has been closed”. It wasn’t closed on their previous response, it was closed some time after that response (a response that was more or less generic, and no it wasn’t the beginning generic response that asks for a reply, we had gotten past that point).

This leads me to believe that many people who issued support tickets about this might have their issue closed as well, and should log in and open them because the issue has not been fixed. They have no way of knowing an issue still exists if it is closed, and thus no way to help you with your character because you basically do not exist on the list of things to do unless that support ticket is open. This is how Linden Labs operates, and I am -very- familiar with the process.

I haven’t been using my character or leveling it because of fear that the fix will be an optional rollback on the characters which are effected. If thats the case, I’d lose more of my time.
I have not bought gems or done dungeon runs on that character because I have no clue whether their solution might be to delete it because it is bugged and thus could corrupt the system further.

We have been waiting for the greater part of a month for this to be fixed, and I believe this issue should be recognized and discussed in one of the official bug/state of the game/patch posts on their end. That way people who have the bug but might not have necessarily checked the forums and understood how to get help properly will know to post in this thread and post a support ticket. I am sure this thread is not the extent of the people effected because I find it relatively easy to find people who have this problem elsewhere.

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darksidexaio.1702


Character Name: Anu Terra
Realm: Crystal Deseart
Level 30 story: I just fnished the Vigel quest (flower of death)
Skipped to: Level 48 (forearmed is forewarned)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kingslayer.1784


Furthermore, if I had not had the curiosity to check the support portal, I would have not known it had been closed recently. This is because unlike most support portals, theirs does not seem to give you an email entailing that “the support ticket you opened has been closed”. It wasn’t closed on their previous response, it was closed some time after that response (a response that was more or less generic, and no it wasn’t the beginning generic response that asks for a reply, we had gotten past that point).

This leads me to believe that many people who issued support tickets about this might have their issue closed as well, and should log in and open them because the issue has not been fixed. They have no way of knowing an issue still exists if it is closed, and thus no way to help you with your character because you basically do not exist on the list of things to do unless that support ticket is open. This is how Linden Labs operates, and I am -very- familiar with the process.

I haven’t been using my character or leveling it because of fear that the fix will be an optional rollback on the characters which are effected. If thats the case, I’d lose more of my time.
I have not bought gems or done dungeon runs on that character because I have no clue whether their solution might be to delete it because it is bugged and thus could corrupt the system further.

We have been waiting for the greater part of a month for this to be fixed, and I believe this issue should be recognized and discussed in one of the official bug/state of the game/patch posts on their end. That way people who have the bug but might not have necessarily checked the forums and understood how to get help properly will know to post in this thread and post a support ticket. I am sure this thread is not the extent of the people effected because I find it relatively easy to find people who have this problem elsewhere.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. My support bug report was also closed in the same exact method as you described well after the response from the GM that says it was being looked into with high priority well over a week ago. I have re-opened my as I have not had any resolution on this problem.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


I agree. This has been long overdue. We tried to be patient and give all of the information to the staff so they could fix the issue. But it has been far too long, and far too long without any word on progress, issue or general information. The staff needs to give us an update, now. And a meaningful one, not just some ’we’re looking into it’ crap. I’m appalled by the quality of support coming from Anet, specially after being a GW1 player for so long.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Navi.7142


GIVE us a fix or atleast COMMUNICATE properly with us. We deserve it, we are your lovely customers.

We can’t really play with our affected characters and I can’t play any personal storyline (>lvl 25) with my other characters, because I don’t know if it will happen to them in the same way.
It restricts us and it’s not our fault.

:-( (very sad face!)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: neatchee.6149


My support ticket was closed on Saturday by a GM with the following message:


Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team. I am happy to advise that your reported issue has now been resolved. If you continue to have the same issue; please submit an in-game bug report. To submit a bug report in game, simply bring up your “Game Menu” located in the upper left hand corner, and then choose the lifesaver icon for “Support.” From the “Support” menu, you can either click “Report a Bug” or just go directly the Ladybug Icon in the support menu to enter your submission.

GM Darth
Guild Wars Support Team

This is INCORRIGIBLE. “We are happy to report this issue has now been resolved?!?!?!” My character is still on the level 48 quest. Other users continue to report this issue. This is unacceptable.

Additionally, there is another thread on these forums about this issue in which we were told a fix was coming. That was a week ago, and we have heard nothing since:

(edited by neatchee.6149)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daemondai.5764


With all due respect, I think this is getting a tad over the top. This thread was created ten days ago, and the last response from an ANet moderator was almost a week ago. It would be nice to get some sort of an update as to the progress of the fix for this problem, as this bug is widespread and game breaking.

Is it possible to roll the quest back to the point before the bug occurred, so we can at least play through the story solo? This is getting quite frustrating, and my questing partner is also getting increasingly annoyed as she wants to continue her personal story, but doesn’t want to do so without me.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kalico.9246


I agree that this is taking a little longer than I would like. The first support ticket I made about this problem was on the 2nd of Sept when my Lvl71 character got put on the wrong quest line. They auto-replied and closed that one a few days later so I opened another and I have gotten two “we are working on stuff please watch the game updates and keep checking” messages but they also closed my ticket after the last one until I updated it again. Poor form. My character has been 80 for two weeks and I still haven’t continued the personal story because I’m still hopeful it will be fixed. I do regret continuing to craft and explore and spvp on her though because now I am becoming increasingly frustrated and am considering deleting the character entirely to start again (but I am apprehensive about that because I would hate the same problem to occur!)

Please let us know if progress is being made at all and if this problem is even fixable. Letting us know if it’s not will at least give us a chance to reroll or decide what to do with our characters. (I’m not really a fan of having a broken story line.)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sahfur.5612


I believe by their patch notes they believe they have fixed these bugs. If I recall, this was fixed before according to patch notes so if we continue to see people come here we’ll know. At the very least, its possible there will be fewer people getting bugged.. I would have preferred it if they mentioned the problem in more detail in the notes so they would make a ticket and post here. I’m not sure everyone knows the mission names who has this bug and because alot of mmo have missing sections of storyline midgame they might think the 18 level skip is natural.

Lets hope this closes the floodgates on this bug and keeps more people from getting it, I think they will be more likely to start fixing the players who have bugged storylines once more players will not get the bug.

Heres hoping!

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: piccolana.7254


Furthermore, if I had not had the curiosity to check the support portal, I would have not known it had been closed recently. This is because unlike most support portals, theirs does not seem to give you an email entailing that “the support ticket you opened has been closed”. It wasn’t closed on their previous response, it was closed some time after that response (a response that was more or less generic, and no it wasn’t the beginning generic response that asks for a reply, we had gotten past that point).

This leads me to believe that many people who issued support tickets about this might have their issue closed as well, and should log in and open them because the issue has not been fixed. They have no way of knowing an issue still exists if it is closed, and thus no way to help you with your character because you basically do not exist on the list of things to do unless that support ticket is open. This is how Linden Labs operates, and I am -very- familiar with the process.

After reading your post I checked my support ticket and see that as been closed too. I’ve already send another, because this isn’t fixed and can’t be forgotten.

We demand at least some feedback from the staff who apparently is working on this. If it have no solution tell us that, so we can choose what to do! If it have, better. But tell us in wich point we are in! Keep us uptdated!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starsky.4186



Pretty sure the bug is fixed but our characters are still fubared…

After loving GW1 for so long it is discouraging to feel this level of neglect. Why don’t they just send an email with a digital baseball bat to the knee?

I’m going to now calculate all the quest rewards from 30-48 and figure out if it’s even worth it. I am not going to make a new character…

I just wish I didnt care so much about achievements and banners…kittenmy completionist nature!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Muninn.3618


I remeber reading on another GW2 site (guru) that the bug occurs when you’re in a party, so for those of you worried that the bug will happen again: play the quests where you choose a path ALONE. That should at least let you play with other characters in the meantime.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SWSyn.1653


I was questing with a friend, we were both on the same Sylvari storyline quest and we both wanted the order of Whispers, but i ended up in Vigil.
Character name: Briseys Darksbane
Previous story quest: Trouble at the Roots
Current “changed” story quest: Flower of Death
Intended story quest: A Tangle of Weeds

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sahfur.5612


How recently did this happen, SWSyn? If it happened today then the bugs might not be fixed.

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TBrother.9138


can we get an update about this problem? I am level 80 and i am still waiting to do my level 30 story. I went to play my other character I had from the the 3 day headstart and his story was messed up too.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Farfalla.1730


This happened over two weeks ago and I submitted tickets both in game and through here, I’m hoping to get an estimate of when this will be fixed.

Character affected: Farfalla Bitslayer on Ehmry Bay
Last completed quest: Killer Instinct (36) (completed through my husband’s character’s personal story.)
Skipped to: Forewarned is Forearmed (48)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: kisun.4637


Character name: Si Je Loki

lv 30 story: “Kellachs Angriff”
skipped to
lv 48 story: “Früh gewarnt ist halb gewonnen”

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Maethor.2810


Character Name: Signe Grimsdottir
Level 30 Story: Dredging up the Past
Skipped to: On Red Alert (level 48)

This happened about two weeks ago, and while I did place a bug report, Dredging was listed on the known list of bugs. I had tagged along with a friend for Dredging, and accepted the story for my own personal line. When I exited the instance, I had been jumped to the level 48 quest.

~Signe Grimsdottir | Wynne Everheart | Magiere Massing~
The Archivist’s Sanctum [Lore] – Just Us Grown-Ups [JUGS]

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Starsky.4186


Kisun when did this happen?

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Nick Nickson.4716

Nick Nickson.4716

Character name: Melissa Stormfist
lv 30 story: “Kellachs Angriff”
skipped to
lv 48 story: “Früh gewarnt ist halb gewonnen”

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SunRoamer.5103


Character: Krall Blightfur (Charr Necromancer)
Story Step: Level 70 – Battle for Fort Trinity
Skipped to: Level 71 – Delivering Justice (the problem here is that this is the wrong branch. The three story missions preceding Battle for Fort Trinity were “Tower Down”, “To The Core” and “Breaking the Bone Ship”)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roezz.5460


Character: Astrogadget
Server: Jade Quarry
Last Mission: Level 30 story order selection: Lines of Communication
Order Selection: Order of Whispers
Result: Skipped content to Suspicious Activity (48)

See above: still broken following the patch. Still stuck at Suspicious Activity.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Juusp Jabow.7468

Juusp Jabow.7468

I appear to still be bugged after the update:

Character: Juusp Jabow
Server: Ehmry Bay
Last Mission: Level 30 “The Trap”
Order Selection: Order of Whispers
Result: Skipped content to Suspicious Activity (48)

I was grouped with my wife for the “The Trap” quest, and I got the message to proceed the story, accepted that, and then when we traveled to Lion’s Arch to continue on the story quest – “Stealing Secrets” – it jumped to the level 48 quest “Suspicious Activity”.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Did anyone experienced the bug for the first time AFTER the patch was made?

Well, my asuran girl and my female norn are still waiting to be cared for, but maybe like someone above mentioned they first fix the reason, that caused it, to prevent other player experiencing it and after that looking for our already affected characters?

Nevertheless it would be very helpful to get a clear information about what’s happening..

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllToreUp.5120


Over a week without an update from the devs. Lovely. My lady friend and I have been playing other characters while we wait on a fix, but it’s a huge bummer that we’re effectively unable to continue running story quests together. In an MMO. UGH.

To the devs: Guys. We understand. This is a complicated situation. We don’t expect this to be fixed immediately (well, most of us). But throw us a d.amn bone. Is anyone on it? If they are, could ya give us 30 seconds of your time and let us know what you’re doing?

(edited by AllToreUp.5120)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabos.3491


Affected Character: Dumnoval

My story changed after “Breaking the Bone Ship”, upon entering “The Battle of Fort Trinity” I was suddenly on the Order of Whispers personal story.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skullpion.6918


Disclaimer: I don’t think what I’m going to be reporting is genuinely a bug since I think it’s actually my party’s and my fault, but I’d like to share the issue anyway so as to inform everyone.

Initially I thought this was a bug, and it could well have been because of its nature, but looking back and talking to my friends, the issue stemmed from the varied choices we made throughout our personal story.

During the story “A Light In the Darkness” I made the choice of fearing “being dishonored by comrades”. While my 2 other partymates chose the other 2 options respectively. Friend A chose “Forcing someone to suffer”, while friend B chose “leaving someone to die”. In effect, my path was supposed to pair me up with SYSKA, friend A with APATIA, and Friend B with TONN.

This is where all the trouble started due to partying.

Friend A did “Forging the Pact” alone, while I joined friend B with his, progressing my story with it. What this did was attach my story to friend B’s. My next quest hooked me up together with TONN.
After this part all 3 of us started doing our Stories together. Since we currently had 2 branches (APATIA, and TONN) there wasn’t any trouble yet, just us enjoying the stories. This all went well until “The Battle of Fort Trinity” which was a little bugged but doable. With the quest not starting we just kept repeating the story until Trahearne talked to us, and the second bug we noticed was the Risen Knights never stopped spawning, but it seems Anet put a temporary fix in the game where the story ignores this to progress the game.

We finished friend A’s part for “The Battle of Fort Trinity” and in effect was asked if we wanted to progress the game. Friend B was being lazy and accepted, this lead both of my friends into the next part of the story which was about Apatia, which had its roots in friend A’s earlier decision. Me being curious about what comes next for Tonn, decided to redo the battle of fort trinity to see what happens, but the next part of my Story was related to Syska, based on the roots of my decision way back then.

This is a little annoying if you aren’t aware of the reasons for the bug. I thought my story just bugged out and since then I’ve refused to do it hoping for an eventual fix. It was only recently that I learned the reason for it and have decided to sharing it just to see if it makes a difference. At first, we weren’t even aware that the greatest fear choice actually affected part of the story because the branch out came later on. We stupidly assumed it was race-dependent because friend A was human while friend B and I were Charr.

Anyway, I hope I helped inform some people from our personal experiences. If this helps Anet fix and improve how the Personal Story branches out that’s even better.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sele.1392


My story was skipped at the Level 70 Story Step.
I don´t know exactly how many missions it skipped, but the next mission was to blow up the ship in mount maelstrom lake, telling me stories about loosing people and having gotten an orb, which i never did.
I also experienced another bug, the Level 80 Story Mission which should reward me with a Backbrace of my choice did not give me any reward.

Lvl 80 Elementalist | Jade Quarry

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jurei.5726


Hi, so my last post was 11 days ago…and my storyline still hasn’t been fixed.

Once again, the affected character is Ahrtemiz. I was lvl 36 at the time and I had just finished Silent Warfare (lvl 31). I was in a party with Parziival, doing ‘his’ Dredging Up the Past and when we left the instance, my story skipped to On Red Alert which is a lvl 48 quest.

Any updates or replies from the GMs would be greatly appreciated.

PS. I also submitted a ticket the same day I posted here…and I’ve gotten no replies for that ticket.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kellemdros.1975


Character name: Kellemdross
World: Baruch Bay
Story step: Level 30 – pick an organization
Previous story quest: Trouble at the Roots
Current changed story quest: Flower of Death (Vigil)
Intended path: Dead of Winter (Priory)—completed but no credit given due to wrong path.
Notes: Was questing with friend, she chose Whispers and it sent me to Vigil completely at random with no choice, didn’t notice until well after.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: caffeinek.2756


Character name: Kfynx
Level 70 Story: Battle at Fort Trinity
Issue: No more story instructions after “Report to Traherne at Fort Trinity”.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SWSyn.1653


Well this happened about 5 days ago, but only now i posted the problem on the forum,
anyway I don’t think the bugs have been fixed yet and it will be some time until they
will resolve the problem. Let’s hope they will fix this soon.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rparavicini.9450


As I see it, they will fix (or have already fixed) the bug itself, but not the consequences it had on our characters … and on top of that, we are not even given any info about it.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elayne Anja.2654

Elayne Anja.2654

Name : Enys
Gunnars hold

Story got skipped between 30 and ?
I could choose the order and I could investigate the Skritts.
I just noticed it in my Hero’s Menue, that I have a couple of Storys missing, meaning 0 points.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: kisun.4637


it happens 2 weeks ago … but now I’m just reporting it

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Still waiting for some kind of update on this situation. This is getting seriously frustrating now.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: LoneWarrior.5206


I would really like to hear an update on this bug as this is a game breaking issue. I would be just fine if they said that it will take a while to fix it or that they are still working on it…but say SOMETHING. I haven’t seen a response in this thread in over a week. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Rael.5786


Well I got tired of waiting so I deleted and remade my Guardian, thankfully the character didn’t have anything important on him. But fact remains issue needs to be fixed.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DrLifebane.6807


Character Name: Freyia Dragod
Story Step: prior to lvl 30
Changed: Was level 30 (or 31) to Level 29. Lost 3-4 heart quests (steam monster, hunting, dredge killing) and experience from joining in on group/world events, and 2 skill point quests (with the loss of the corresponding 2 skill points).

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


Character name: Jacyndra Eqostia
Story quest level: 70 & 71
Changed: I was previously working with Apatia but now it thinks I was working with Tonn.

Before the Battle of Fort Trinity I was working with a norn named Apatia. We went to ambush the Krait to steal a device which prevents dragon corruption, but Apatia was lost along the way and left behind.

During the Battle of Fort Trinity, Traherne told me my partner was Tonn and I was responsible for his death. WHAT? I’ve never met anyone named Tonn. My partner was Apatia!

Now my quest is level 71 named “A Sad Duty” and I need to inform Tonn’s widow I accidentally killed him. What happened to Apatia? Shouldn’t we go back for her, since that is what my character vowed in a previous quest?

Apparently this is still broken.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Crenshinibon.8576


Name: Pillar of Skulls
Race: Asura
Last Quest Done: Magnus Opus
Skipped To: A Bold New Theory (level requirement 22) – this was one of the starting quests if my character’s story.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Equivocat.8246


Character Name: Equivocat
Quest: Kellach’s Attack 30 (failed/left) directly to Forewarned is Forearmed 48

Made bug report in game as soon as I noticed about a week ago, but don’t typically read forums; only chanced into this thread. Would recommend more communication/outreach to others affected by this.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Kekstier.9025


Character Name: Herr Ente

Race: Human
Level: 80
Profession: Warrior
Server: First Drakkar See [DE] now it’s Dzagonur [DE]

Problematic Quest:
> It seems to me that ‘Forging the pact’ gave me a wrong follow-up-quest because I suddenly met an asuran guy I had never seen before and we bombed a bone ship together. I have absolutely no clue why we did this. A friend (Vigile) told be that he bombed a bone ship, too. So it seems like it’s the vigile story.
> ‘The battle of Fort Trinity’ totally messed things up. Now I have to free Apatia who I never met before in my storyline. She seems to be from the vigile storyline, too.

I did both quests with a friend (vigile). His storyline seems to be okay. Seems like a adapted his quests. I can’t remember who actually started ‘Forging the pact’ but I started ‘The battle of Fort Trinity’ which I know for sure as my friend’s quests was bugged.

Relevant details:
I don’t know any.

Skipped quests:
> ‘Forging the pact’ brought me to ‘Tower down’
> ‘Battle of Fort Trinity’ brought me to ‘Liberating Apatia’

> I am a member of the Order of Whispers
> I helped the cute little quaggans
> I said to the strange Sylvari mother tree that I am afraid that people could suffer because of my decision (I think)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Destructulus.3751


Character name: Aranorn Doomedain
Story Step: Lost Chieftain’s Return
Changed to Forewarned is Forearmed (48)

Played Lost Chieftain under a Vigil guildmate’s instance. Accepted the instance in lieu of my own and was changed to Vigil storyline. I was Order of Whispers.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Delvonshi.9025


Character Name: Rurouni Shiitake.

Server: Jade Quarry

My level is 24.

Story: Trouble At The Roots with a friend named Rurouni Morel.

He chose the Durmand Priory branch and I accepted at the top to continue on the Durmand Priory branch as well.

Story Branch Change: Flower of Death (Level 30 Vigil Quest). Was given this instead of the Durmand Priory Branch.

Basically the exact same problem as Kellemdros.

(edited by Delvonshi.9025)

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

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Posted by: Fathomdoll.1453


Character Name: Fathomdoll
Story Step: Level 30 – Assault the Hill
Skipped to: Level 48 – Forewarned is Forearmed

Note: Skipped right after I zoned into Lion’s Arch.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IsisDenile.8143



This happened to my husband and I am posting on his behalf: NothingBetterToDoStill.5637

1. Character name? Nothing Better Todo
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession? Human, 30, Tarnished Coast, Necromancer, Whispers
3. Quest which caused the skipping? The Trap (I moved on to Stealing Secrets and he skipped all the way to Suspicious Activity)
4. Does the party member who started the quest have the issue as well? No, I remained on the correct story path
5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline? No
6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to? Suspicious Activity
7. If possible, provide a quest outline with only the relevant choice missions(where you have to choose one), if you can’t remember, no need.
– Defending Shaemore
– On the Mend
– Desperate Medicine
– Infiltration
– The Hospital in Jeopardy
– The Commander
– The Fall of Falcon Company
– Confronting Captain Tervelan
– Accusation
– Liberation
– The Orders of Tyria
– Mortus Virge
– Track the Seraph – we played this together
– The Sad Tale of the Ravenous – we played this together
– The Trap** – we played this together
– **Suspicious Activity
– The Battle of Claw Island
– Reconnaissance
– Magic Sucks
– A light in the darkness
8. Any other notes? He did not receive his Order of Whispers initiation banner since he skipped that part of the story


Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Edgee.5036


Well after a week and however long I got fed up and just powered through without doing any story quests and picked up again at 48.

Thanks Guild Wars 2 team for not fixing this.