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Retaliation and Flamethrower 1

in Engineer

Posted by: Darsch.1705


But that’s such an exaggerated situation in the end. If someone is that willing to upkeep over 10 seconds of retaliation, persistently put up light fields and also continuously use projectile/whirling finishers to clear all the burns they just set themselves up by putting majority of their skills on recharge. It’s a little more plausible if it’s a group that’s somehow all standing there but I don’t really know why you want to fight against a group by yourself. You’ll usual end up having allies to back you up or vice versa.

To be honest, Flamethrower is my favorite kit in Engineer all in all, I’ve always constantly ran it in WvW and sometimes in PvP. In WvW I don’t mind being part of groups or just roaming, groups whenever you encounter a battle I always just try to sneak past the front liners and just burn down the back. Always have some utility and options open so you can disengage and you’d only end up slightly damaged. Roaming is so much fun with Flamethrower though, especially if you’re just built tanky with Scrapper traits. But all in all my overall encounters with retaliation hasn’t been that much of a big deal. Sometimes it creeps up on you and you suddenly blow up, but a lot of times usually not. If you guys have been having like constantly every 10 minutes you encounter people with high retaliation upkeep, I feel like that’s just unfortunate.

I just wanted to say is that you should just give it a chance. If playing with Flamethrower that way doesn’t work, you should try it another way.

I love my flame thrower and i think you hit the nail on the head, I am reminded of something Bruce Lee once said.
To quote Bruce Lee, “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

Be water my friends, Flame throwers is all about adapting to your situation and flowing with those boons and debuffs before you crash into the enemy like a wave of flame.

Retaliation and Flamethrower 1

in Engineer

Posted by: Darsch.1705


So you’re basically telling me you just want to abuse AoE Auto Attacks.

Yes exactly what I was thinking … people want all the rewards of using an FT, but none of the risk. Again, I’m still waiting for someone to give us a practical reason for why this should change, given that Engi’s have other options for PVP/WvW settings that don’t get their faces melted off because of retal … I doubt we will see one either because these complaints don’t recognize that the ability to choose IS the answer to not melting to retal.

The issue is that retaliation unfairly punishes certain skills more than others. Why should Flamethrower take 5x more retaliation damage per second than a greatsword swing?

Let’s be honest here if we are going to continue the conversation; if there isn’t a consensus on the risk/reward structure of this weapon, there is little point in discussing whether it needs a change … or a nerf. If you are the kind of player that uses this weapon in that situation, then I wouldn’t exactly call that punishment unfair … I think it’s fits the situation perfectly. I’ve already said it many times; maybe it’s worth repeating; don’t use FT on people with retal. It’s not like this game doesn’t have boon clearing in it … the more we talk about it, the more it seems to me that FT rewards players that think about their situations more than any other weapon Engi has and right punishes those that faceroll. I think that’s a great weapon design.

I have not really touched this game sinceabout three months after expansion came out, been to busy with real life, but from what i have been reading FT and Retal are still interacting together like they always have, yes? Gotta agree with you here, while i disagree with some of your earlier statements in this thread. FT needs that risk vs reward. I can not tell you the number of times i have wrecked an entire 5 man group just with flame thrower and nades. If not for retaliation i would dominate to the point of it being way to op to warrant being in the game. Be sneaky, remove boons, then AA away and watch everyone die.

Everyone said my FT,DP, nades, Turrets builds were not viable, and people still say that, but unless i get an unlucky match up, i tend to do just fine.

Retal needs minor adjustments, i’ll agree to that, but i dont think it hurts FT as much as people thinks it does.

Lemme get this straight...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darsch.1705


So lemme get this straight. I buy the game for 30 bucks on kinguin, redeem the code, play heart of thorns for a day, then it kicks me off of it? I can’t play heart of thorns anymore even though I have it, bought legitimately, with real money. Why in all of the nine hells do I not have it anymore. I even have a fricken revenant in my character creation screen for christs sake! If that’s not proof enough that I had HoT then idk what is. Support making a feeble attempt at telling me kinguin’s code was wrong even though it worked for an entire day. What do you, the community think? Did I get jipped? Because it seems like I did and not by kinguin, but by arenanet.

Welcome to the wonderful world of third party scams. Let this be a lesson to you, unless it is a legitimate retailer don’t buy through them. Kinguin is like buying through ebay and amazon but with out the protection either of those offer. I just checked guild wars 2 on there and there are several different prices for the game being sold by different people such as gamesgarage and kupikey, both private users of kinguin that resale keys they have obtained possibly through dubious means.

you got ripped off, by a kinguin resaler, not arenanet.

Druid Healer Confirmed - Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Darsch.1705


Revenant can heavily bring in the trinity as well.
Herald can be built to be quite the tank, and centaur turns you into quite the healer.

not to mention revenants get a taunt and can trait into increasing the duration of the taunt on NPCs. making them a pretty effective aggro management/tank

Holy Trinity Inbound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darsch.1705


Moving on to tanks…. No aggro meter in GW2 so lets just stop right there.

Revenant, Taunt. Forces mob to attack them. there’s your threat and aggro management.

Holy Trinity Inbound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darsch.1705


I’ve never been a fan of the trinity and it’s what drew me to GW2. Now I won’t say the sky is falling yet, but I am VERY worried that we’ll devolve into Tank/DPS/Heal specs.

I mean if that system is confined to just Raids, then so be it. I won’t raid. But I got the feeling this will trickle down to all aspects of play.

So right now, not a fan. But we’ll see. Maybe they’ll find a way to make healing big but so that healing comes as you naturally DPS? Something like that. Or make it so all professions can heal.

You can’t tank because there’s no way to hold aggro.

Revnant’s taunt, pop it a soon as it is off cool down. and have this Improved Aggression trait: Taunted foes deal less damage to you. Taunt has an increased duration when applied to nonplayer characters. Taunt is a control effect that forces the affected target to run towards the source of taunt with all skills except stun breakers disabled while using their auto-attack skill.

(edited by Darsch.1705)

Scrapper is "lightning" focused

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darsch.1705


I am not a engi player or an ele player, but even I feel bad for the elementalists that look at these abilities and think “Maybe one day that will be us.”

I am perfectly happy with my lightning whips and ride the lightning.

Scrapper is "lightning" focused

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darsch.1705


Well, it’s all clearly explained with science. We have satellites up there. Beside shooting down orbital lasers, they’re also probably equipped with some weather-related device. Both for weather reports and to change the weather itself whenever is needed (this also explains how the weather is almost always the same, in Tyria).

After all, that’s what we need to defeat those dragons. Zhaitan wasn’t defeated with some measly magic tricks, we used mechanical airships to do so. Magic can’t do much versus enemies that can eat that up for breakfast.
Leave your outdated magic ways in the past, the future lies in technology.

#technomancer2016 #engiarethefuture

The Technocracy must really love you.

Scrapper is "lightning" focused

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darsch.1705


Honestly the electric them fits well. Arc welding and tesla coils, perfectly non magical way to do the skills.

The Explosive Line isn't good. Here's why

in Engineer

Posted by: Darsch.1705


All I know is, I can not stand the engi changes, my flame thrower, pistols, and nades build does crude for damage now and i always feel like i am one shot as soon as anyone hits me. Before i was holding my own 1 v 5 and even wrecking people in 1 v 3. not anymore. I knew things were going to change but i did not expect this. Don’t feel like relearning the entire game just because of an overpriced expansion that bring some minor updates to the game and one new zone and a new class.

At least pve is still spam flamethrower 1 skill and watch everything die….

(edited by Darsch.1705)

TY Anet for Transgender NPC!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darsch.1705


I am suddenly reminded of a certain aerosmith song. Dude sure does look like a lady now.

Kudos to ArenaNet for supporting these folks. They have enough bull to deal with on a daily basis. Now if someone could get on that chromosome change therapy so they can have the proper chromosomes to match the sex they identify as that would be just swell.

Druid still stuck with pets?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darsch.1705


I am fairly certain druid was meant as descriptive speech for the type of skills the ranger will cast using a staff. Specilizations are just a new weapon afterall. Not like your getting completely new class skills or elite skills unless i have missed domething in the info released eo far.

They’ve said in interviews that each specialization will have a new class mechanic so it’s not just a new weapon and utility skills. They just apparently decided to keep the druids new mechanic involving pets.

And the REASON rangers want petless abilities isn’t because they hate pet class; it’s that they hate the bad AI attached to THIS game’s pets. They claim to have a new AI guy working on stuff but again, history has not been kind that we still have glaring problems this long after release.

Honestly it would not surprise me if the new class mechanics are like the mist resource of the revnant but with slightly diffrent implementation. It is exactly what the steam mechanic sounds like for engineers.

Druid still stuck with pets?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darsch.1705


I am fairly certain druid was meant as descriptive speech for the type of skills the ranger will cast using a staff. Specilizations are just a new weapon afterall. Not like your getting completely new class skills or elite skills unless i have missed domething in the info released eo far.