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Quick update

in PvP

Posted by: Darthtaco.7324


Ugh too much qq. I think the problem so far with this game is the fact that it actually take some experimenting, patience, and practice. OMFG my build doesn’t work…. Try to make a new one.. or try to improve your play. I would rather people who come up with good builds keep them to themselves. The lazy people will never learn to play their class otherwise lol.

I have finally come up with a build for my necro that is super tanky and does tons of dmg. Melts peoples faces with bleeds lol. But really it isn’t so much the build it is the fact that I changed my play style with it. I started using a combo rotation to build up like 16 stacks of bleeds in 3 secs. This isn’t wow where you just mash buttons you actually have to use your abilities wisely. I will see one person with the same spec destroy people and another person with the same spec just completely suck and complain that it is underpowered.

Honestly there are a few things that need to be fixed but atm I think it is more the players then the classes.

(edited by Darthtaco.7324)

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darthtaco.7324


I’m going to try and help a bit here as op made some very good points but might be not as clear as they could:
1. all tool kits that can have a 1st auto attack skill should have it enabled, such as flamethrower or elixir gun, or tool kit

With the Kits I was just trying to say they are a bit limiting. We can’t take advantage of sigils with them and they take up a utility skill. but that’s just me rambling lol.

2. flame blast skill from flamethrower is either bugged or ridiculuosly hard to use as it almost always fails and says obscured even when the target is clearly not

3 ( this isn’t a engy specific bug but it kinda always shows up and is annoying) some skills that don’t really have a cast time can be easily interrupted by just moving or jumping which is annoying to say the least when you waste a cooldown- this may be intended however so i can’t say for sure :P

Also not a bug more of a request, since the elementalist can “dodge” falling damage by using the ride the lightning skill form the daggers Rocket boots should do the same

Hope it helped
[edit] Also i don’t know if it’s intended or not but shouldn’t weapon sigils that add a buff per kill such as +5 condition per kill or whatever, work on weapon kits as well?

That last part is a good point. I didn’t think about that.

Also with Flame Blast It does work the range is kinda annoying getting it down for max dmg. Also Never us it near a wall it will just vanish or shooting down at something.

(edited by Darthtaco.7324)

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darthtaco.7324


No I’m not just asking if it is intended or a bug that the auto attack doesn’t work on elixer gun and flamethrower it has to be manually enabled every time u switch to it.

Also about the weapon switch sigils not proccing off of switches back to main weapon. Is it intended or a bug.

And lastly does Juggernaut talent have an icd or is it bugged. Have had several times when i switched to flamethrower that it wouldn’t come up.

Sry there was a bit of rambling in my post.

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darthtaco.7324


Ok wasn’t sure if this was a bug or intended. The Auto attack is disabled for all engi kits which i understand for some but others need it. Also the sigils that give buffs or do bleeds or stuff like that when you switch to a kit don’t work. Is that intended…. Honestly engi needs a bit of work imo. the fact that i only really get 2 utility skills b/c i have to pick up a kit where most other classes get it for free and still use 3 utility is a bit hindering to me. I have to chose between a defenisve cd elixer or a burst elixer…. which i need both but can only chose one.

Also i forgot to add a question… Does the Juggernaut talent for engi flamethrower have an icd? b/c it doesn’t seem to work every time and or is it just a bug? It seems is i switch too fast back and forth it won’t come back up….

(edited by Darthtaco.7324)