Showing Posts For Darx.6798:

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darx.6798


Who in the world is commanding jq on ebg? Like kitten are you doing man, make up your mind.

LOL that must have been Molasses Muscles. hahaha he’s…an ok guy. Bet he’s a new commander or something. I dunno…

I’m not sure what’s fannwong thinking about how guild Musa makes a difference… I don’t want to be rude to MM, but that guy isn’t very good for JQ ppt. He needs to seriously learn from one of the guilds.

Any link to the post by Fann? I seriously think JQ is getting a bad deal buying him.

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darx.6798


Why does there so much fuss on MERC transferring to JQ? MUSA went to JQ too but no one is talking about it. For all I know they might be the one contributing to JQ score.

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Darx.6798


It would be helpful if guardians could be able to use rifles too like warriors. These characters need long range weapons as well, especially in WvW. It also would be helpful if the guardians could use stealth as well so they can protect the other characters. Think about it. Guardians are the first people to die especially in WvW and it becomes frustrating since they can’t guard anyone if they are dead.

Are you kidding me? Guardian is among the best class for WvW. Their condition removal, heal and buffs are insane. And u wan them to have invi?

Can you make us 15k HP?

in Warrior

Posted by: Darx.6798


Give me the HP of a reinforced wall!!!

Plan to buy a laptop. Pls help me

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darx.6798


I am using i7-3820QM and HD7970M with 16gb of ram. And I am getting 2fps in Zerg fight…. Average about 16 to 20 fps in WvW. At lowest setting. Don’t get the laptop for gaming.

Class act SoR/Choo

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


There is 5 people inside hills if you look at the mini map, so this makes you a liar! 5 people is nearly double of the supposed 3 you said were inside defending.

Correction, there are 6 including a Commander!!

Tbh which server have no one using this zoom hack…. Never seen anyone ever complaining about their own server mate doing this zoom hack.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


Dear OP,

Nothing is fair in life when god crated us, some are born rich, some poor, some are born ugly, some pretty, some are healthy, some are not. Arena net personal are just human, they are no god, how can you expect them to fair better than the almighty GOD.

why so much QQ about zergs?

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


The only time 5 people can take a tower is when they are PvDoor, and for 5 people to take a keep is pure BS. Pls fraps how u take a keep with 5 people without exploit.

Remove Arrow Carts.

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


I would suggest the OP to farm for his karma in Kessex Hills and save the WvW alot for someone else. Kessex hills is a lot safer, and u don’t auto die if u alt-f4.

Repair bills are not encouraging WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


Name a country that makes money in a WAR.

Repair bills are not encouraging WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


Don’t WvW to earn gold. PvE to earn gold and WvW to smash faces.

100% agree with this statement.

Can you fix it (culling) ?

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


Lol. People are going to start complaining again if they fix this and your PC just frez when a 50man Zerg take on another Zerg….. Don’t think many system can handle 100 man doing AOE all at once.

So u wan invincible enemy or got kick out of WvW.

JQ just brought JP griefing to a whole new level

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


Lolz… This is so funny.