Showing Posts For Deadulus.9760:

Turn off free transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Deadulus.9760


Anet could charge and make more money$$$, and then the ranking system in WvW would actually work and mean something!

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Deadulus.9760


so SoR got a bunch of transfers as of late or what? at least we (TC) will have something to take this week.

WvWvW has been a complete, total, comprehensive failure

in WvW

Posted by: Deadulus.9760


I completely agree with OP about the flaws of the free server transfers destroying the matchmaking system (which is a good design overall.)

Everyone who is saying this is the worst PvP game, clearly is a moron and has not played open world PvP in the last 10 years. Guild wars is the best PvP since DAoC. It’s not perfect but they got a ton of the major concepts correct. Night capping and time zone difference won’t be solved, but the free transfers are a game breaker at the moment. PLEASE ANET STOP THE FREE TRANSFERS!


in WvW

Posted by: Deadulus.9760


Night capping is NOT the problem with WvW.

Open world PvP is a persistent fight. It should never be controlled according to time. Therefore night capping should not, and cannot be fixed. The reason people are blaming night capping for the problem is the 1 sided rush that is associated with the night capping or PvDoor. It is near impossible to recap a zone when the other team owns everything. Even if both servers are at maximum caps and the fight is 100 vs 100.

If you’ve ever been on when the servers reset the match ups you know that whoever is first out with the largest zerg first, wins the week. They go for the Orbs of power first and obtain all three before the other 2 servers even realize what happened. They now have a huge 15% health buff and even more stat bonuses when they are already the most populated and the best team. WHY ARE WE BUFFING THE TEAM WHO IS ALREADY WINNING! This is creating a huge disparity between the power of the winner vs the loser. It should be quite the opposite. I know there was some underdog buff a few weeks back but I haven’t seen it lately. The server that is losing by 300k points needs an incentive (and help) to get their team back in the fight. They need an underdog buff, that isn’t more exp / karma, because they’re not getting any kills so that buff is useless to them.


The first day of WvW one team has capped all the orbs and the entire map by fighting empty keeps. This has happened in every pairing I’ve seen on across multiple of the lower performing servers every single time.

Now the loser has 2 possible paths to run out of their base. These 2 paths are blocked by the winning team. The winning team has nothing to kill, and they end up gravitating towards these spawn points. This creates a “No fun for anyone situation.” I have been on both sides of the spectrum. Last pairing on Borlis Pass we got crushed and I couldn’t even help my team take 1 tower back. This pairing we did the crushing and owned the entire map for the whole week. Neither were any fun, and this is crux of the issue with WvW, 1 sided blowouts. The waypoints in the “Garrison” keeps just south of the spawn needs to be removed, it only makes the natural push towards spawn points even worse.

In DAoC many boat paths were possible to alleviate the choke points created by minimal spawn locations. There also needs to be some kind of way to slaughter the spawn campers. They need to add guards, or siege to help the losing team push out of their base. The Orbs should control something besides raw power. They should control access to Darkness Falls!

Look they did a lot of great things for all us old RvR’ers and I for one am willing to be patient and see if they can help fix WvW because frankly they’re the closest I’ve seen to someone with a successful Open world PvP experience. They got a lot of the fundamentals correct, just a few minor tweaks and time for the servers to normalize and I think we will all be feeling better about WvW.