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I find my ranger weak in pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


I agree that we have one of the worst downed states in the game but for example guardian’s aren’t better.

Thief and mesmer are a ranger’s hardest opponents for the reasons you already mentioned but we cant win any profession…some professions are destined to do better against others ( i know thieves do better against almost all ,lol, but that’s a sad exception)

I have good chances against other rangers, guardians, warriors (that are not tanky specced), engineers…that’s ok for me:)

btw we have 2 stun breakers, you can use healing spring and bear’s F2 for condition removal etc…I know they are not that great but they are available

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

(edited by Deathbearer.2438)

I need an advice on full dps warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


Check out the build i am using for dungeons…it’s a very good tradeoff between survivability and DPS

I love the mobility provided by axe/axe and the decent dps maintained by rifle in case i need to back-off a bit

I use:
3 pieces – power/tough/vit
3 pieces – power/prec/tough
rings – power/prec/tough
amu/access – power/prec/crit dmg (also on backpiece)

runes: “…of the soldier” for extra vit/tough and “shouts cure conditions”

Food: steal life on crit
Sigil on main axe: sigil of perception (for precision stacks)
Sigil on off axe: sigil of fire (for 30% aoe dps on crit)
Sigil on rifle: sigil of force

I also carry a warhorn just in case:)

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

(edited by Deathbearer.2438)

I find my ranger weak in pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


Well…ranger is a pure ranged class so it excels in ranged battles…sPVP is not a typical ranged battle that’s why all major sPVP-ers that still want to use ranger in order to PVP in that way use GS, sword etc…the good thing about mists is that you dont have to spend time to lvl a character so my advice is use a profession that is good for sPVP like guardian, warrior, thief etc etc etc…and if you think WvsW is PVE then you simply have no clue. To me it’s more PVP than the sPVP where all tactics focus on how to capture points and stay alive until my mates come etc etc..

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


@OP: Your post is a joke…

- You want a naked 47lvl elementalist to kill a thief when most classes fully geared at lvl 80 have serious issues against them?

- This is the only MMO I have played where gear means nothing (ever tried AION for example?) since it is extremely easy to gear up in full exotics at lvl 80 and after that only skills, builds, classes in several combinations DO matter

- So in your long WvsW career you were TWICE not rezzed by fellow fighters…what a bad community is this???

If you really want to WvsW then find an organized guild, get to lvl 80, gear up in full exotics, do research – find/try/copy builds and playstyles and maybe then come back here and tell us your opinion with arguments

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

How are Warriors PvE dungoen wise?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


warriors are great by nature in PVE and in all posts the “duel” is against GS or axe/axe or axe/mace builds

Pay attention though to add survivability to your warrior (cause the easy-mode GS+full passive signets+berserker etc etc end up in a constant downed state in most cases) and find a weapons set-up that matches YOUR playstyle.

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Need help - way too squishy

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


that’s the truth overall in this game. Since there is no dedicated healer every class has to take care of itself one way or another and this is why/where the “player skills” matter a lot. Some ppl call others noobs if they don’t play in the expected way i.e. a warrior has a GS, wears full berserker gear,has all signets in passive mode for precision etc etc and never ever stops dealing dmg but I am bored of rezzing these fools in almost every fight:)

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Dual axe guides?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


Death, you really should switch out your gear to Power/Toughness/Precision. Warriors have no need for Vitality, we’ve got some of the highest core Health in the game and some extra Precision would do wonders for you.

I agree but i sticked to vit/tough since i use the same gear for pvp too + it’s much easier to get it dungeon/karma-wise

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

(edited by Deathbearer.2438)

Dual axe guides?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


Svetli’s build is great too and similar to mine with the only difference mine having the survivability factor as a prio whereas his the more dps. Depends on the group you play basically. If you have guardians etc around with shout build then svetli’s is ideal. If not and you have to survive through pugs trust me mine will prove a life savior:)

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Dual axe guides?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


I assume you are referring to PVE. Recently I finalized my build which is based on some of the best guides out there but a bit more personalized. Since I pug a lot (with all its drawbacks) i want to depend on myself for survivability while being helpful to the party and having a good dps. So to sum up i play an axe/axe + longbow combo with:

power/tough/vit gear with runes of the soldier
2 rings knights and the rest berserker

20 – V,VIII
10 – V
30 – IV,VIII,XII (u can change IV to VI if u see guadians around)
10 – V

skills: healing surge, “FGJ”, “shake it off” and “on my mark” + signet of rage

The aim is to have adrenaline bars full at all times (never ever press F1 especially with this build). Each shouts gives you a condition removal and 1200HP to all party. In case u need burst heal u get it with healing surge

food for stealing life on crit, sigil of perception on main axe and sigil of fire on off hand for aoe dmg on crit

Let me know if you need more details

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

(edited by Deathbearer.2438)

1-On my journey as a ranger, someome said...

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


I do believe you are having fun but a ranger’s role especially in dungeons is to dps from a distance. That’s all they can do actually…all the “support” builds even the one with the spirits is quite weak and does not compensate for the loss of dps

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Rangers are most balanced class

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


it’s hard to believe it because most of the noobs you are referring to knowing they are noobs have rerolled the easy-mode classes of thieves, mesmers and warriors and since you play a lot in WvsW you know that 70% of players are these 3 classes. I can’t count the number of times where I am having 1vs1 and when i try to finish the opponent the thief that camps the area comes and kills me

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Rangers are most balanced class

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


and you want me to believe you kill ppl by stacking conditions to them? like which classes exactly?

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Rangers are most balanced class

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


that’s the reason I didn’t mention sPVP. I quit doing sPVP with my ranger ages ago after a couple of matches after I realized I am useless and I refuse to “reroll” into GS, swords and other silly ways of TRYING to be a warrior, thief etc

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Rangers are most balanced class

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


I am playing a ranger for a long time now…the way the traits/skills are functioning right now at least for pve/WvsW you have practically only 1 option: glass cannon. just stay as far as possible from zerg/mobs etc and dps…everything else is a joke. “Tanky ranger” simpkly does not exist unless you are referring against another ranger. The only benefit I have right now having played ranger is that i am 95% confident that I can kill one when I see him in battlefield while playing my alts even my guardian:)

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Rangers are most balanced class

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


So since almost all other classes are OP this makes ranger “balanced”?

If you search for the definition of a balanced class this is guardian and that’s all for me…

necros, elementalist and rangers lack options especially in sPVP whereas as you mentioned already thieves, mesmers and warriors can either one-shot you or just kill you (having of course several ways to escape battle in case something goes wrong like “falling asleep on the keyboard for some secs while fighting” whereas ranger does not)

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Ranged Attacks and Guardians good or bad

in Guardian

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


depends how you play…i’d say its OK if you are forced to kite a mob (pve-wise). I use scepter with torch which is a vry good combo especially if u have nice prec.

I use #3 for immobilizing, next #2, then throw torch with #4 and use #5 while moving so I don’t care a lot about auto-attack dmg. When i complete this circle I switch to GS etc. For WvsW this combo delivers some nice dps but its not gonna one-shot anyone. More likely you will kill someone escaping at low life

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Need advice on my one and only noob :D

in Guardian

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


More or less what Munster mentioned…

For lvling do whatever suits you better or works for u…i was spending points in zeal and honor for survivability

For end-game now…this is another story. My advice having played guardian a lot and after checking endless builds and hints I recently ended up to the altruistic heal/shouts build. You maintain a pretty good dps and you actually use the guardian the way it is meant to…i.e. a tank/self-heal/boon giver with a decent dps. You will never hit like a warrior but you will be 10000% helpful party and self-wise:)

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


My main is a ranger. I also have a guardian lvl 80 and leveling a mesmer atm. I am playing since day one and have tried a lot of things to find the proper combination to make it (ranger) a viable PVP class…obviously I failed but at least I will list the benefits of a ranger just to stop the excessive qqing…

PVE: One of the easiest classes to play. Just keep distance, avoid aoes and dodge. Dps is not OP but it’s more than decent. Spirits currently are a joke so the only way to “help” party-wise is using the warhorn skill (which is quite good due to short CD)

sPVP: Since I refuse to turn my ranger into a “melee-hybrid” I avoid it at all costs. Instead I use my guardian for that

WvsW: Well this is the cutting edge. If you want to try and 1vs1 whenever possible you die…you can beat other rangers and maybe bad melee players but that’s all. However if you want to defend keeps, kill siege weapons etc etc then this class is more than good

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

(edited by Deathbearer.2438)