Showing Posts For Degrey.8759:

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


New players in the EU especially Gandara welcome to try our guild out, our helpful members are more than willing to explain mechanics, dungeons, fractals and much more.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Looking for fun friendly people to be part of our community to play, experience everything the game has to offer if you like close community gaming we maybe the guild for you.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Sunday Guild missions

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Recruiting players of all levels of experience for fun friendly guild with many organized events check out our form for details

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Recruiting players of all levels of experience for fun friendly guild with many organized events check out our form for details

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Recruiting players of all levels of experience for fun friendly guild with many organized events check out our form for details

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Still looking for more like minded players on Gandara

Weekly Events Held:

Monday – WvW
Wednesday – Ascalon All Explorable Paths
Friday – Guild Night Event to be decided based on game releases
Saturday – Fractals
Sunday – Guild Missions and World Boss

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Weekly Events Held:

Monday – WvW
Wednesday – Sorrows Embrace All Explorable Paths
Friday – Guild Night Event to be decides
Saturday – Fractals
Sunday – Guild Missions and World Boss

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]

Server: Gandara

European, Mature 18+, Social/Mentoring, Casual/Semi Hard-core.

PvE, WvW, PvP.

Events: Monday WvW
Wednesday Dungeon Rotation All Explorable Paths of a Dungeon in Story Sequence
Friday Guild Night: Living Story, Achievements, Fractal Progression, Dungeon farming, WvW, PvP
Saturday Fractals
Sunday Guild Missions

Voice Coms: Team Speak (Used to just be social, mentor and to arrange events


Be respectful to each other, and real life comes first.

The Forgotten Vanguard is a European mature guild, that is focused on GW2 and offers organised events. While we are organised, and do many events each week PvE WvW and others, we also understand real life comes first. Our events offer us a chance to group up and tackle content, while also allowing us to play with each other in group content; epically WvW and Dungeons.

The activities are freely open to all members to progress through the game content together with the guild and have a good time and laughs while getting there.

The guild is located in Gandara and we serve as a social hub for players to enjoy the game and we wish to expand our presence on the server through our members and the way the represent TFV in whatever they do in game.

What we are looking for:

- Like minded people of the age of 18 or higher
- Maturity, flexibility and passion for the game

We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

In return we ask that you extend us the same courtesy and respect, that you do not abuse our generosity and that you let us know if you will be gone from the game for more than a month.

Part of the membership of the guild is to provide and receive mentoring for new members to allow them to get to grips with the games mechanics in dungeons, fractals and other areas, part of this mentoring is done by the guilds event system doing a rotation on all dungeons and paths, fractals, guild missions, PvP and WvW.
A large part of this is done by TS, it is not a requirement but is recommended to get the best explanation of what we are doing and why we do something a particular way, now there are other ways to do things but we are not a speed clear guild nor do we expect everyone to run full berserker gear to achieve things, we are able to get people through things from a variety of ways. We are not interested in the achievement points of a member we just require they listen to our approach and learn the approach of inclusion rather than meta kill before you are killed, strategy over damage.

As a member if you are new to the game or a type of content please ask as many questions as you need to learn the systems and approaches we use to complete content and also give suggestions, if you need help in developing a character or achieving a goal feel free to ask but I will reiterate that TS is a valuable tool even if you are just listening.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

(edited by Degrey.8759)

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard.

Server: Gandara.

European, Mature 18+, Casual/Semi Hard-core.

PvE, WvW, PvP.

Events: Guild Missions, all every week.(All Unlocked). Dungeon events every week. Fractals each week. WvW events weekly. Many do PvP daily, as well as WvW and Dungeons.

We use Mumble to communicate with each other.

Be respectful to each other, and real life comes first.

The Forgotten Vanguard is a European mature guild, that is focused on GW2 and offers organised events. While we are organised, and do many events each week PvE WvW and others, we also understand real life comes first. Our events offer us a chance to group up and tackle content, while also allowing us to play with each other in group content; epically WvW and Dungeons.

The activities are freely open to all members to progress through the game content together with the guild and have a good time and laughs while getting there.

The guild is located in Gandara and we serve as a social hub for players to enjoy the game and we wish to expand our presence on the server through our members and the way the represent TFV in whatever they do in game.

What we are looking for:
- Like minded people of the age of 18 or higher
- Maturity, flexibility and passion for the game

We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

In return we ask that you extend us the same courtesy and respect, that you do not abuse our generosity and that you let us know if you will be gone from the game for more than a month. Generally we are looking for somewhat experienced players, as we are not in the business of running or carrying people. If an applicant has a genuine desire to learn and puts some effort into becoming self-sufficient, we could however make an exception.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Looking for players who are interested in all aspects of the game and want to join in on our guild event system.
We organise events most days of the week from WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions and more. What we are looking for players who are skilled and want to work as a group in what ever we do, the guild has high success in all aspects of the game and wants more fun players t be part of our community.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Sociopolitical Diversification

Guild Halls

- Guild Halls should be accessible through an UI icon similar to PvP, WvW, TP, etc.

- Getting back to the place in the open world where you were should be done through the same UI icon
(Note: The same Ion should be found in |G| window for those who want to accesses it from there)

- The guild hall UI Icon will be available only if the character represents the guild (guild-less characters won’t have that button in their UI)

- Guild Halls should be instanced zones or various architecture

- Guild Halls zones should evolve in time depending on the guild influence, merits, points etc accumulated totally by it.
( I am not a fan of donating because this will force guilds on arguing of what is more important: banners or guild donations?. It should be automatically evolved once you get to certain amount of points similar to the achievement system: you unlock things the more you gather and it should count the total amount w/o extracting the usages of influence points

- Statues:
I would like to have a place in the Guild Hall where I could see Statues of the characters that have done the most for the guild, calculating the influence earned
it will be a sort of the Top 10 Players list only we can see statues of the last character the player has played.
The Statues will be updated every time the players logs off with the respective character he has been on and the Top 10 will be updated every week counting the activity of the last week (This will give the possibility that new guild members can be in Top 10 if they played more then old guild members)

Also regarding the statues, there should be one permanent statue of the Guild Founder so every one will know who is the founder of the guild.

- Trophies. These are items that can be displayed in some palce in the Guild Hall and they are earned by playing guild activities. They are like Guild Ranks and if we compare it with the WvW ranks, we can see a rabbit, a dolyack, etc

- Guild Halls should contain all services available in the game bank, crafting, merchants, etc.

- You should be able to receive a temporary guild invite to any number of guilds to be able to visit their Guild Hall. The invite will be shown in the Guild Window under the current guilds in a guest category

I like this idea of progressing the Guild system further if you include activities for the Guild the current ones that only the Guild members can play so that you can play together and get some health competition with in the Guild group.

Implement more Guild Missions and refine the current system so it doesn’t give us the same puzzle, bounties each and every week.

Guilds need more currently we operate our own events using the content we need more content to diversify our events to keep people interested.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Still recruiting people who enjoy most aspects of the game, no interested in level of experience just in what type of person you are.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


A guild is not a static thing but a living breathing expression of the people who make the guild for many this is the core of the guild who host and organise the guild. TFV is different the guild is shaped by all the member who are a part of it.
Over the years people have come, gone and returned, new people have taken up the places of those who have moved on.
I do not say this to get you to join us as we have a health community but if you want a guild to be apart of and not just be another member then maybe you might want to see what it’s like to be a guild and not just in one.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Looking for fun friendly Semi-hardcore players that enjoy most aspects of the game and want to take part in guild events.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Guild Events Schedule:

Monday WvW Roaming and Capping 19:30 GMT
Tuesday Living Story Exploration and Achievments (no set time)
Wednesday Dungeon Rotation, Explorable Dungeons done in a rotation to cover them all
Friday Guild Night interchangable events 20:00 GMT
Saturday Fractals Progression for all guild members including 28 Daily, 38 Daily and 40+ progression for those with time and the need for 40+ progress
Sunday Guild Missions 14:30 GMT
Sunday Evening Requests for Help
(Including Story Mode for alts, token farming, Living Story, Achievments and much more)

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Opening our Guild Missions up to the public this weekend, we will be meeting in Divinities Reach at the Palace Way Point Sunday 2:30 BST (British Summer Time) PM me in game for a temporary/trail guild invite.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard -

Server: EU – Gandara

Play Types: Guild Events, Dungeons, Guild Missions, Fractals, Living Story, WvW

Recruitment Focus: 18+ Only, Progression, Social, Instanced Dungeons, World Events and Fun

Preferred voice client: Mumble

Schedule Availability: We are generally GMT +/- 1-2 with a small number of players outside EU



The Guild:

… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ….. Maya Angelou

The Forgotten Vanguard is the Guild Wars 2 Guild name for the Architects Of Forgotten Truths a well established predominately European guild, who began playing together in Guild Wars over five years ago. We moved over to Guild Wars 2 and took a new identity but we are the same people. We are a bunch of mature people who enjoy playing together and we fully respect that real life comes first.

We primarily enjoy PvE-activities where we get to play with other players, Guild Events, Dungeons, Guild Missions, Fractals, Living Story of our members also enjoy PvP-activities such as World vs World.

The Forgotten Vanguard aim to provide a structured set of Guild Events that are freely open to all members to progress through the game content in fun and interesting ways that do not require predetermined party set ups and builds, however they do require flexibility and team work.

The Guild is focused on being a social hub for players to enjoy the world and their free time. We are part of the Gandaran Community and wish to expand our presence on the server through our members and the way the represent the Guild in what ever they do in game.

What we are looking for are like-minded people of the age of 18 or higher, who can practice common sense and courtesy. We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

In return we ask that you extend us the same courtesy and respect, that you do not abuse our generosity and that you let us know if you will be gone from the game for more than a month. Generally we are looking for somewhat experienced players, as we are not in the business of running or carrying people. If an applicant has a genuine desire to learn and puts some effort into becoming self-sufficient, we could however make an exception.

What we are looking for are like-minded people of the age of 18 or older, who can practice common sense and courtesy. We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

What we are looking for in possible new members:
Players interested in Group based activities Dungeon runs, Fractals, Group Events, Levelling Alts, playing as part of a team, chatting, sharing ideas, having fun.
Fun players who see it as a game to be enjoyed.

What the guild had to offer:
Scheduled Events.
Adhoc groupings.
Fun, laughs and good times.
Guild Missions.
Interesting people to play with.
If you are interested please visit our forum linked at the start of the thread or contact me in game to discuss what the guild offer

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

The Forgotten Vanguard - Gandara

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Opening up our Guild Missions to players wanting to take part if you wish to join please either message me in game, visit our forums or just turn up.

Sundays 14:30 BST Divinities Reach Palace Waypoint

The Forgotten Vanguard -

… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ….. Maya Angelou

Server: EU – Gandara

Play Types: PvE, Dungeons, Guild Missions, Casual WvW, Casual PvP

Recruitment Focus: 18+ Only fun social Guild, focused on a close friendly guild with social interaction and chat.

Preferred voice client: Mumble

Schedule Availability: We are generally GMT +- 1-2



The Guild:

The Forgotten Vanguard is the Guild Wars 2 Guild name for the Architects Of Forgotten Truths. An established European guild which began playing together in Guild Wars over five years ago. We are moving over to Guild Wars 2 and chose to take a new identity but we are the same people.
We are a bunch of mature people who enjoy playing together and we fully respect that real life comes first.

We primarily enjoy PvE-activities where we get to play with other players, in storyline missions, dungeons, elite areas a number of our members also enjoy PvP-activities such as World vs World. We host our forum as a meeting place for our members to relax, chat and keep up to date on current guild and game news. We have a Raidcall Server for Voice Chat.

What we are looking for are like-minded people of the age of 18 or older, who can practice common sense and courtesy. We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

What we are looking for in possible new members:

PvE and Casual WvW players.
Players interested in Group based activities Dungeon runs, Fractals, Group Events, Levelling Alts, playing as part of a team, chatting, sharing ideas, having fun.
Fun players who see it as a game to be enjoyed.

What the guild had to offer:

Scheduled Events.
Adhoc groupings.
Fun, laughs and good times.
Guild Missions.
Interesting people to play with.

If you are interested please visit our forum linked at the start of the thread or contact me in game to discuss what the guild offer


Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

(edited by Degrey.8759)

The Forgotten Vanguard - Gandara

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard -

… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ….. Maya Angelou

Server: EU – Gandara

Play Types: PvE, Dungeons, Guild Missions, Casual WvW, Casual PvP

Recruitment Focus: 18+ Only fun social Guild, focused on a close friendly guild with social interaction and chat.

Preferred voice client: Mumble

Schedule Availability: We are generally GMT +- 1-2



The Guild:

The Forgotten Vanguard is the Guild Wars 2 Guild name for the Architects Of Forgotten Truths. An established European guild which began playing together in Guild Wars over five years ago. We are moving over to Guild Wars 2 and chose to take a new identity but we are the same people.
We are a bunch of mature people who enjoy playing together and we fully respect that real life comes first.

We primarily enjoy PvE-activities where we get to play with other players, in storyline missions, dungeons, elite areas a number of our members also enjoy PvP-activities such as World vs World. We host our forum as a meeting place for our members to relax, chat and keep up to date on current guild and game news. We have a Raidcall Server for Voice Chat.

What we are looking for are like-minded people of the age of 18 or older, who can practice common sense and courtesy. We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

What we are looking for in possible new members:

PvE and Casual WvW players.
Players interested in Group based activities Dungeon runs, Fractals, Group Events, Levelling Alts, playing as part of a team, chatting, sharing ideas, having fun.
Fun players who see it as a game to be enjoyed.

What the guild had to offer:

Scheduled Events.
Adhoc groupings.
Fun, laughs and good times.
Guild Missions.
Interesting people to play with.

If you are interested please visit our forum linked at the start of the thread or contact me in game to discuss what the guild offer


Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

[TFV] Gandara Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard -

… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ….. Maya Angelou

Server: EU – Gandara

Play Types: PvE, Casual WvW

Recruitment Focus: 18+ Only, Progression, Social, Instanced Dungeons, World Events and Fun

Preferred voice client: Mumble

Schedule Availability: We are generally GMT +- 1-2



The Guild:

The Forgotten Vanguard is the Guild Wars 2 Guild name for the Architects Of Forgotten Truths. An established European guild which began playing together in Guild Wars over five years ago. We are moving over to Guild Wars 2 and chose to take a new identity but we are the same people.
We are a bunch of mature people who enjoy playing together and we fully respect that real life comes first.

We primarily enjoy PvE-activities where we get to play with other players, in storyline missions, dungeons, elite areas a number of our members also enjoy PvP-activities such as World vs World. We host our forum as a meeting place for our members to relax, chat and keep up to date on current guild and game news. We have a Raidcall Server for Voice Chat.

What we are looking for are like-minded people of the age of 18 or older, who can practice common sense and courtesy. We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

What we are looking for in possible new members:

PvE and Casual WvW players.
Players interested in Group based activities Dungeon runs, Fractals, Group Events, Levelling Alts, playing as part of a team, chatting, sharing ideas, having fun.
Fun players who see it as a game to be enjoyed.

What the guild had to offer:

Scheduled Events.
Adhoc groupings.
Fun, laughs and good times.
Guild Missions.
Interesting people to play with.

If you are interested please visit our forum linked at the start of the thread or contact me in game to discuss what the guild offer

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Identity Crisis! D:

in Guardian

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Well your not a tank or a healer, your main roll is upfront DPS/Support how you do this changes depending on who you are and how you play.
I prefer a to play the easy mode as my warrior buddy puts it 0/0/30/30/10 with Knights Amour, Weapons and a mix of Beserker and Knights Accessories. Health pool is low but with runes for Increased boon duration two monk, two water and then two for protection duration and boon duration food. You can face tank a lot of things and even if is something you cant knowing when to dodge and with a lot of vigor regen stacked up you can keep dodging which equals a large nunber if back ground team heals.
If you focus in healing and tanking i have found in most group the DPS loss is not concenpsted fir for the healing/support you give so if you die then the team generally starts to die to and wipes start to happen.

Wall of reflection and traiting for this helps alot it helps vs ranged attacks provides a combo field for condition removal/retaliation.

The best way you can help your team is to try and increase you damage out put to draw more aggro and help kill things fast, whilst providing protection regen, might and all those other good boons to your team whilst laying down walls to protect yourself and the guys behind you.

I would say experiment a lot with your weapon sets test combinations and learn when its best to swap from close combat sets to support sets and ranged.
Keep tweaking your gear untill you sre happy you can set your gear mire defensive and and mire offensive gear in piece by piece to get acustomed to lower health and armour but uts all about what best suites you.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

(edited by Degrey.8759)

I dislike temproary content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Degrey.8759


I really do understand why you guys feel this way but we want a living breathing world that changes, they can not add content every day to do this, one time events and I mean one time only events do not work. So short term content that is available a few weeks or a month makes the world a little more transient. It creates a I remember set of moments beyond the first time we did this dungeon, then subsequently ran it a few thousand more times.
It gives a purpose to those who play the game regularly beyond self induced grind, a few new activities to do that change regularly enough that most of the community have the opportunity to do them.
Something that players who have been playing since release and are still playing can say they took part in and talk about their experiences of in the future to players who where not around at that time and will never see it except on YouTube.

You miss the point Anet are making good content and because this content is transient that makes this more enjoyable content. This dungeon when it’s over is gone, it’s of high enough quality to be permanent content but the dev’s are not seeing their work in terms of we made this now it’s in the game for ever, even if that no longer makes any sense to the progression of the game.
This is refreshing and good to see that just because they make content like this, it doesn’t have to remain in the world set in stone, and become another dead piece of content when the game moves on.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Recruiting [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard -

… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ….. Maya Angelou

Server: EU – Gandara

Play Types: PvE, Casual WvW

Recruitment Focus: 18+ Only, Progression, Social, Instanced Dungeons, World Events and Fun

Preferred voice client: Mumble & Raidchat

Schedule Availability: We are generally GMT +- 1-2



The Guild:

The Forgotten Vanguard is the Guild Wars 2 Guild name for the Architects Of Forgotten Truths. An established European guild which began playing together in Guild Wars over five years ago. We are moving over to Guild Wars 2 and chose to take a new identity but we are the same people.
We are a bunch of mature people who enjoy playing together and we fully respect that real life comes first.

We primarily enjoy PvE-activities where we get to play with other players, in storyline missions, dungeons, elite areas a number of our members also enjoy PvP-activities such as World vs World. We host our forum as a meeting place for our members to relax, chat and keep up to date on current guild and game news. We have a Raidcall Server for Voice Chat.

What we are looking for are like-minded people of the age of 18 or older, who can practice common sense and courtesy. We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

What we are looking for in possible new members:

PvE and Casual WvW players.
Players interested in Group based activities Dungeon runs, Fractals, Group Events, Levelling Alts, playing as part of a team, chatting, sharing ideas, having fun.
Fun players who see it as a game to be enjoyed.

What the guild had to offer:

Scheduled Events.
Adhoc groupings.
Fun, laughs and good times.
Guild Missions.
Interesting people to play with.

If you are interested please visit our forum linked at the start of the thread or contact me in game to discuss what the guild offer

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


What we are looking for in possible new members:

PvE and Casual WvW players.
Players interested in Group based activities Dungeon runs, Fractals, Group Events, Levelling Alts, playing as part of a team, chatting, sharing ideas, having fun.
Fun players who see it as a game to be enjoyed.

What the guild had to offer:

Scheduled Events.
Adhoc groupings.
Fun, laughs and good times.
Guild Missions.
Interesting people to play with.

If you are interested please visit our forum linked at the start of the thread or contact me in game to discuss what the guild offer

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Before the Fractals Drinking Game Night


Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Many new members have joined our ranks and found a home in our close community of players over the past few weeks, this has helped increase our ability to field a much stronger team on our Monday night WvW Guild Night.
This has allowed us to stick to our goal as a roaming guild focusing on camp flipping, supply running, it also allows us to take advantage of distractions caused by the larger guilds and Zerg’s on the map to take towers.

The new members have also increased the numbers of groups for other guild events including bounties and guild missions.

If you are looking for a new guild on Gandara or are looking for a new server and guild and do not wish to be yet another number on the roster, or are tired of not being involved in your guild due to the frustrations larger guilds have then may be you need to check out our forum and see if TFV is what you are looking for in a guild.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Looking for fun friendly people to play most aspects of the game with on Gandara and sick of being a nameless face in long list of players you have no idea who they are?

TFV – The Forgotten Vanguard
Maybe for you we run regular events:

Monday – WvW Night rampages around what ever border land takes our fancy.

Wednesday – Dungeon Rotation Night

Friday – Guild Night (guild SC dungeon runs to earn gold for the guild to increase influence productivity)

Saturday – Fractal Night & Guild Lottery Draw

Sunday – Shout for Help (Dungeons, Events, Activities anything our members need help with)

Events in the process of development:
Keg-Brawl Championship three man Keg-Brawl league with prizes
Rampage (naked mayhem to be confirmed with Ziggy being naked is his bag)
SPvP madness (Ziggy’s project again)

Along with this schedule are a number of activities we do without a schedule.

We are a fun, friendly, mature (guess that is a matter of opinion) group of friends that have played since the original Guild War along with some very nice new members who enjoy the game and playing together.
We are selective about our members and have to ensure all new members will suit the guild and that the guild will suit them.

Please visit the forum linked in the opening post and make an application if you want to be apart of this community and be apart of something more than just another guild.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Still open to members looking for a home full of fun friendly players where you are not just another face in a nameless mass.
Guild development and missions well under way with great sucess, all welcome more players to take part in our guild events and random acts of madness we call event nights.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Currently looking for more PvX members for:
WvW skirmishing, camp flipping, distractions and random fun.
Dungeon groups for event nights and unplanned groups.
Weekly Guild Bounties/Missions.
Fractals levels twenty and beyond, do not worry about personal level we can help get you there.
Random acts of Guild nudity and other crazy activities planned by Ziggy, likely including WvW cliff rush mass deaths.
Come try us out what’s the worst that can happen you enjoy yourself and have fun.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


[TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard wants you for mayhem and all kinds of good fun around Tyria.
If you are looking for a guild to enjoy the game maybe you should try it the [TFV] way

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


As a guild we are looking for active players who will take part in planned events and proactively initiate group based activities. We do not expect players to play all the time just when they are to have fun, chat and ask if people want to take part in activities.

If you wish to give us a try then please check out our forum and make an application we are always looking for fun friendly players to expand our social circle.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


We are still looking for members to expand our event groups and to have fun as well as to prepare for the up coming Guild Event/Mission system.

We are also making our presence felt in WvW on our event nights there so please feel free to give us a shout in game to talk about joining or making an application on our forum.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


If you are on Gandara and without a guild or looking for a change and wish to join a social friendly guild with a number of in house events then please check out our forum

The guild is not a super sized guild where you become lost in the faceless crowd but large enough to provide you with enough people to do activities as groups. We have a regular schedule of events we use for fun and to enjoy the game.

There is always one in a group who you just cant get to face the right way is there not.


Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


If you are still on Gandara and without a guild and wish to join a social friendly guild with a number of in house events then please check out our forum

The guild is not a super sized guild where you become lost in the faceless crowd but large enough to provide you with enough people to do activities as groups.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


We are looking for players that will join in on our Guild planned events, suggest new events and suggest random activities. As well as be social chatty and most importantly are looking for a Guild that is not just filled with faceless character names that you do not know or have any idea who they are if you are looking for a close community that play to have fun then maybe we are the place for you.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


With the new year here we are looking for new members to be apart of our guild, the guild is not the leaderships guild but belongs to the members and we focus generally on the social aspects of gaming. Playing together having fun random chat and helping each other progress and enjoying our time together.

What we are looking for are players that are interested in these aspects of the game rather than people who are only interested in having a resource to allow them to achieve their individual goals.

The guild was formed in Guild Wars over five years ago and we have many members from this original guild but as time pass people come and go their lives change and so do their tastes in games, unfortunately GW2 did not offer them what they wanted from the squeal to a game we all loved and spent countless hours playing together.

Currently the Guild consists of old GW members, alliance members and new members we picked up along the way and we enjoy our time together in game.

We are looking for players that will join in on our Guild planned events, suggest new events and suggest random activities. As well as be social chatty and most importantly are looking for a Guild that is not just filled with faceless character names that you do not know or have any idea who they are if you are looking for a close community that play to have fun then maybe we are the place for you.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


With the new year approaching we want to wish everyone a happy new year.
Happy New Year from TFV

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Merry Christmas everyone from TFV we are still looking for fun active members on Gandara we would also like to welcome our newest members and hope they enjoy their time in the guild.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Friday Night Event Alt Zone Ramble – All members are invited to bring a low level alt as we ramble through a zone creating murder and mayhem as we go.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Looking for three members for one of our Guild Event Groups.

Able to join in the evenings 19:30 GMT
Take part in multiple aspects of the game WvW, dungeons, fractals, world events.
Able to adapt to mixed parties
Enjoy the game

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


If you are tired of Guilds with faceless players who just fill a list and play their own game, then maybe you need a new home.
The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV] is looking for new members on Gandara who are interested in playing together doing a wide range of content, from WvW to Fractals and all dungeons in between and even ocational SPvP.

What we offer is a fun friendly environment to relax and play for fun after all we all play for our enjoyment and not to follow a strict routine and have people bark orders at us. We have scheduled event evenings and on the fly group activities. All we ask is you have fun and respect your fellow members, if this interests you then visit our forum and apply or contact me in game for more details.

Degrey aka Stuart

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


[TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard are current looking for members for PvE and WvW, at present we are looking for mature players on the Gandara Server to join us for guild based fun in PvE dungeons world events as well as some WvW.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


[TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard are current looking for members for PvE and WvW, at present we are looking for mature players on the Gandara Server to join us for guild based fun in PvE dungeons world events as well as some WvW.
We are a group if friends who have been playing together since GW for over five years and along the way have picked up other strays like ourselves who enjoy a wide range of game content and enjoy MMO’s in groups.
We are neither hard core or casual we are just gamers, if you are interest in seeing we could provide what you need from a guild please check out the forum our contact Degrey in game.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard -

… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ….. Maya Angelou

Server: EU – Gandara

Play Types: PvE, WvW, casual PvP

Recruitment Focus: 18+ Only, Progression, Social, Instanced Dungeons, World Events and Fun

Preferred voice client: Mumble & Raidchat

Schedule Availability: We are generally GMT +- 1-2



The Guild:

The Forgotten Vanguard is the Guild Wars 2 Guild name for the Architects Of Forgotten Truths. An established European guild which began playing together in Guild Wars over five years ago. We are moving over to Guild Wars 2 and chose to take a new identity but we are the same people.
We are a bunch of mature people who enjoy playing together and we fully respect that real life comes first.

We primarily enjoy PvE-activities where we get to play with other players, in storyline missions, dungeons, elite areas a number of our members also enjoy PvP-activities such as World vs World. We host our forum as a meeting place for our members to relax, chat and keep up to date on current guild and game news. We have a Raidcall Server for Voice Chat.

What we are looking for are like-minded people of the age of 18 or older, who can practice common sense and courtesy. We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess