Showing Posts For Deitus.6053:

transitioning to wvw, need review

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


the role i want to play is one that works in larger groups (~15+) to work as the “utility/heal” guy. i realize that damage is important no matter what you do, but i mainly want to be supporting the potentially squishier folks who can really dish out the pain. i think i’ll try to go for the 3k armor/800 heal/16k hp, and after that i’ll work on power and crit chance. trinkets will probably be the main source of the healing power since i’ll probably be going soldier’s. would what has already been suggested work for runes/sigils/infusions?

transitioning to wvw, need review

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


Well first off, do you want to be a healer? Because you do have other choices. Also, it’s not just healing that keeps people alive, but boons like stability and condition clears.

I agree that the health could be higher— this is why I don’t like clerics as a base; you will melt to conditions which toughness does not help mitigate. You should invest in soldiers armor I feel and you can use cleric for the rest. And yes, the symbol does heal. However, I don’t think the heal is big enough to really matter; getting people to stand in it in a protracted fight w/o symbol duration increase is not so hot. Two handed mastery would also give you much more crowd control ability. Maybe check out battle presence? I’ve had more success than any other heal method besides dodge heals.That also goes with purity of body because your allies will also receive endurance regeneration.

As for traits, I’d take consecration cooldown instead of retaliation duration because retaliation is pretty trivial to get.

BTW intothemists seems pretty outdated. I’d use (though you have to click the US flag because it keeps making it german)


that looks good, i think i’ll try that. i’ll probably uses battle presence since the runes give me the pure of voice anyway, and i was more thinking with the hammer symbol of supporting gate sieges with rams when under AC fire or somesuch, but again you make a good point with the 2h mastery.
3 questions come to mind:
1) what ascended trinkets should i get?
2) what type of ascended armor/weapon should i work towards?
3) what infusions for the trinkets/armor/weapons would give the best synergy with said the rest of my build?

thanks for the replies guys, i appreciate it :)

transitioning to wvw, need review

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


greetings. i have decided to start making my guardian completely focused on wvw now, and i’d like some feedback on what i’ve heard/what i plan on doing.

what i’ve HEARD is that wvw guardian can be MUCH more support based, to the point off being somewhat close to the “healer” role in a holy trinity game. people i’ve talked to have said that i should focus on survivability for myself and others via shouts and healing.

this is the build i’m tentatively using, and i have one major question: does writ of the merciful apply to the symbol created using hammers? if not, then i’ll change it to 2 handed mastery:;4JFk40J3cFF90;9;69TT;43;019A36C;6UytbUytb30F;7Vl-sWv1-Z5_B5CL0LV350;4V2DsF2Csk
i’m also torn between pure of voice and battle presence, though since im running more shout-oriented it seems like it might be the better choice.

note that for armor i’ll be using clerics while i work on ascended items, which i plan to make a ventari armor and weapon set. i am, however, especially in the dark about what to choose for the sigils, though one person said that choosing endurance regen on swap would be good to keep using the aoe heal on dodge roll as much as possible.

any and all feedback is appreciated, and i’ll try to clarify anything i can if need be. thank you for your time.

physical copy for friend overseas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deitus.6053


You could just give your friend the activation code. You don’t have to give him/her the physical game.


I did this for a friend too, but I used my paypal debit card lol

i would use paypal, but i have access to physical money only, so im just gonna go to a gamestop and buy the physical version. i can just get the code from inside the box and basically just discard the rest, since i already have the game. thanks for your help guys

Why not just SNAIL MAIL the whole boxed set to your friend?

EDIT: NVM, i’m forgetting it’s for overseas.

He can still send the box overseas even if his friend recieved the key by another means. It’s always nice to have the box and such (IMO).

i dont plan on sending the box, the key will be enough and then she can just download the client from the site. all i need from is the key, the rest can basically go in the trash

physical copy for friend overseas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deitus.6053


You could just give your friend the activation code. You don’t have to give him/her the physical game.


I did this for a friend too, but I used my paypal debit card lol

i would use paypal, but i have access to physical money only, so im just gonna go to a gamestop and buy the physical version. i can just get the code from inside the box and basically just discard the rest, since i already have the game. thanks for your help guys

physical copy for friend overseas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deitus.6053


this is the one and only bump i will provide for this thread.

physical copy for friend overseas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deitus.6053



i did some snooping around and found that i can buy it for a friend if i use the paypal method, but i have access to only physical money; is it possible for me to go to a retailer, buy the game, and then give the activation code to a friend overseas through email or some other private messaging service, enabling them to download and play the game? or would i have to physically mail them the game?

if this has already been answered elsewhere, i apologize, but i was unable to find it. thank you for your time.


support guardian build/armor help needed

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


is guild wars 2 skill builder not up to date? there are discrepancies between whats on the builder and whats on the wiki with traits

support guardian build/armor help needed

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


Guess you should consider other runes for WvW later, not the same ones, but I don’t really care enough for mindlessly bashing doors. For PvE, it looks quite fine, you just should take other sigils. In theory, battle is nice for many builds, but a hammer build does not swap weapons often, so you won’t profit from it. And bloodlust on one weapon is enough to keep the stacks, at least right now. Better go for force+accuracy or force+strength. Or, if you want to spend a lot of money, several weapon sets as described in obal’s sticky.

And no, there’s no berserker set you can buy for karma.


and this is gonna take a while anyway, so ill just make a new thread later when i get around to the wvw set.

thanks for your help guys, i appreciate it

support guardian build/armor help needed

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


with all consideration done, i think this is what i’ll work towards for pve:

and then get a soldier’s gear set for wvw with the same runes and skills, then wvw infusions on the accessories.

how does this sound? also, i don’t suppose you can karma-buy a zerk set can you?

support guardian build/armor help needed

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


so the main themes i’m seeing from the majority of replies are as follows:

-mace is a no-go, switch to hammer
-i need to rework my traits
-skills should be reflection and heal, only one shout (which one?)
-for pve (fractals, dungeons, etc) healing is nowhere near as important as buff, reflection, condition removal, etc, and i should probably go with either knight’s or zealots for both armor and accessories
-eventually i should get a separate set for wvw, which would focus on healing and tankiness like i originally thought i should build


support guardian build/armor help needed

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053


if support is truly not viable in pve and wvw with groups, should i just trade for dps instead? what do most groups look for in a guardian?

also, wouldnt mace be better for off hand with the heals, and healing breeze for allied healing?

support guardian build/armor help needed

in Guardian

Posted by: Deitus.6053



i’ve been playing my guardian for quite a while now, and i think i’m getting close to the time when i can finally start getting some ascended armor to finish him out. i’m fairly new to the concept, however, so i figure i’d come here to ask what armor/weapons/accessories i should get. i’ll try to explain my playstyle and goals here to help out:

-full support
-not damage oriented, just keeping myself and the group alive (group comes before me, however)
-“tanky” as far as the game would let me be, keep enemy’s attention while the rest of the group focuses dps
-shout oriented, with pure of voice, superior aria, etc
-mainly pve, though recently i’ve been getting into wvw…is there a set with a happy medium i could craft/acquire?

this is my current build:
(the main point of this thread is for the armor advice, as i’ve had good results with this build, but i’m always happy to get advice on adjustments i could make to fit my intended role/playstyle better)

i’m currently wearing a full cleric’s exotic armor set, though i’ve heard that soldier’s would be a good choice too. both seem like good choices, but i have it on good advice that i would miss the healing i would get if i went with soldier’s rather than clerics.

one final note is that i would HIGHLY prefer to not buy the armor/accessories wholesale from the marketplace; laurel vendors and other NPC merchants are fine, but i plan to craft as much of this as i can myself, even if it does take longer or is more difficult.

with the above information in mind, what would the community at large suggest i do? please let me know your opinion, and if any extra information is needed, i would be more than happy to supply it.

thank you for any and all feedback, and please check back, as i’m sure to have more questions as answers start rolling in. thanks for your time!


bug: miner voss (bore lynch sk) not visible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deitus.6053


unless i’m stupider than i thought i was, miner voss is not available in bore lynch, and is the final skill point i need for map completion. i googled around a bit and saw that this isn’t the only time it’s happened, so perhaps it’s recurring, but it could also just be a mistake on my end. if anybody else is having this problem or can help me, please let me know.

Cerial Killers recruiting all applicants!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deitus.6053


Greetings! we are the Cerial Rangers [MILK], and we’re looking to expand. we are a small guild, but our goal is not size; our goal is to create a guild where opening the guild panel would be the same as opening your friends list, rather than showing a large amount of people you might not know very well. with this in mind, we don’t have plans to hit a capacity cap, and ~100 active people would be about as high as we would like to go. our aim is not to be the biggest, just the closest-knit.

we host guild events every thursday and occasionally more often, and we focus on all parts of the game. there are no requirements for joining, and all classes and skill levels are welcome. if you’re interested, pm, mail, or otherwise contact:

Kaldaar Sunshield
Lilith Tyrn
Sari Mistral

thanks for your time, and happy playing!

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Deitus.6053


hey guys! i need some advice on this build here:|0|2642|3468|3999|8743|11435|10|1143|0|0|30|1731|1190|1728|30|750|1600|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|3|3|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

what im trying to do is make a thief that centers around stealth and critical hits, moving in quickly and killing an enemy asap with high crit/burst damage. please help me make it the best it can be, and ill be sure to ask questions as well.

New player looking for advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deitus.6053


can i put the armor into the bank or otherwise store it until i use it? also, i think i might have already applied it, though i still have it in my inventory. what does this mean?

New player looking for advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deitus.6053


greetings. im going to use this as a duo introduction and help thread. I’m Deitus, and i recently bought GW2. I’m in Devona’s rest, and I enjoy playing support roles in games and being the guy who helps out the group from the back while perhaps not gaining any of the “glory” for it. To this end, i’ve made a human guardian, but since this is the character that has all of the delux edition items i want to make sure i do everything EXACTLY right, so i’ve done basically nothing since the tutorial area. what i’m looking for is the best build for a pure support based guardian (i.e. heals and buffs, nothing else or at least other things to a minimum). I think i might have chosen this one, but let me know if it’s any good:

One immediate question i have is what to do with the armor i have; when i click it, it says something along the lines of whether i want to morph it or not into PvP armor. I’m not quite sure what i should do with it, or even if it’s purely cosmetic or not. i have many other nooby questions, but im sure ill figure them out in due time. I’m also looking for a serious, helpful guild to join. I plan to play often and im looking for a group to join.

i’ll post any qeustions i have here as i get them, but until then thank you for any help.
