Showing Posts For Demalii.9435:

Disgusting double team against blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Demalii.9435


I haven’t been able to WvW because of my internet situation past months. Tonight I saw an immaculate organization between JQ and TC as they coordinated their attack against hills.

Just disgusting.

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Demalii.9435


Completed all of the wvw season 2 achievements, am on Blackgate.. Have not received chest.

Client crashes during updating.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Demalii.9435


Yes, my client tries to upate the latest halloween patch, and it stops at a certain point, and crashes..

I cannot update.. Any help?

Blackgate: [GATE] of Abaddon Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Demalii.9435


-We are inviting new and experienced players to our guild!
-Welcome to a community where 125+ active members do nearly every aspect of the game.
-We’ve a newly created website to allow us to schedule events more frequently and efficiently, as well as keep communication for guild wars 2 in general.
-We use raidcall for voice chat and is required that you are able to log in to, at least, listen to event leaders (to communicate more easily).
-We’ve been doing guild bounty missions and will soon be adding guild trek missions to the list of scheduled events.
-Very active in WvW and dungeons, and are a semi-casual guild.
-Scheduled events that take place as well as some WvW/PvE activities expect you to be more experienced.

It is required that you represent our community at least 80% of your ontime. This helps our guild grow and offer greater guild rewards the members.

Please fill out the application @ (Please wait up to 24 hours)

You may also message me ingame after you have filled out the application.

(edited by Demalii.9435)

[GATE] of Abaddon - Recruiting on blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Demalii.9435


The guild is a strong core group of guild wars 1 players, very knowledgeable and helpful. We’re 150+ strong on Blackgate server. We schedule guild events through our website

We use raidcall and join on teamspeak with other guilds to organize awesome wvw. Dungeons are done daily by members grouping together whenever for runs.

The site is newer to help create more community as well as the application process (taking 2 minutes) to let us know what you are all about.

Hope to meet some of you ingame =)

Disheartened guild wars fan since 2002.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Demalii.9435


Hello, I will keep this post as short as possible, but am trying so so hard to see the daylight on the other side. I won’t express many of the guild wars players thoughts and perceptions in this post, yet I have indeed heard enough just tonight by a couple of friends to push my opinions on the facts, into this post.

Playing guild wars since 2003 betas, been reading about it since 2002. My career requires my time during the day, nearly every day of the week. Sundays during midday (12pm pst).. I am no where near a computer.

I felt the halloween 1 time event did not affect me because it did not reward players who haven’t spent their evenings doing dungeons/wvw and grinding. Nor did it reward anyone with anything (just fine since these events are schedualed).

Apparently even setting myself up for sucess during this lost shores 1 time event.. I was unable to pull through. With all of the bugs and disconnects, there was no way I was able to actually come home from work to sit and play for 3 hours due to not being able to continue past phase 1 bugs.

So I come on tonight after work and find that if you were even able to get to phase 3, many people got d/c and didn’t get the chest (I hear that people who were d/c will indeed get their loot for participating).

I find myself so disheartened by a company I grew to love.. As an avid gamer, I felt I was slapped in the face. Apparently people who mainly play sundays, have lvl 10’s as their highest characters, have played a total of 40 hours, trial accounts, as well as some deserving players, today.. they have earned themselves a precursor.

I have helped kill jormag about 15 times and have never seen a precursor linked in map from that, just to get a jist of where my logic comes from. I also haven’t even heard of anyone getting a precursor from jormag, yet I hear it’s possible. I play typically during the evenings when possible, some nights for hours and hours (if I’ve no work and 0 to do the next day) and then the rooster tells me the new day has started. I felt almost locked out of the event rather than being able to successfully set my time up for my personal self to complete this event. I was unable to permit anymore time to a game with bugged events that could lead my character to a great chest of loot.

If 1 time events are going to be in the future which I’m certain they will… Please anet.. please.. keep in mind what this does to the community of long time guild wars players as well as new fans.

I am not looking for replies, yet I want to be heard. Thank you.

Disappointed & Quitting GW2 | post yours

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Demalii.9435


Because of my career, I will never be at home playing video games on sunday around lunch time.. I heard a kid who played for 3 days got a precursor from the 1 time 3 hour event..

Glad I’ve been playing this game and grinding to get cool gear.. I just got the middle finger from anet. 1 time events rewarding players in such a manor is just pathetic for anyone who does not have a chance to get on at a schedualed time. Many of my gw1 friends who missed the event or d/c during event feel the same..

Everything described in this post seems to just back my feelings along with everything I’ve heard from the community. Very very sad to hear all this negative feedback by a game that used to be backed by the community 100%.

As TSLlol says in a post just before mine "And this isn’t just about todays event. That was just the breaking point for me. It’s been like this all along, I just was able to tolerate it up till now. "

(edited by Demalii.9435)

Can't log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Demalii.9435


I can’t get in, it goes to loading the area, but doesn’t show vistas or PoI’s and how many 4/15 or something.. weird. It just sits there

Gate of Abaddon [GATE] (Sorrow's Furnace Server)

in Guilds

Posted by: Demalii.9435


Looking for new players as well as guild wars 1 verterans to join. We’re a new guild creating a friendly and helpful community. We have already done many dungeon runs and have helped each other level and team up all the time. We’re getting into organized pvp and tournies.. WvW when we have more people to dominate!

Join us in our epic adventures!
