Showing Posts For DemiGod.6801:
I’ll open my guild which has been just me on my guardian for the past few months to just Guardians. Sounds like a fun themed guild!
Rumble Squad (Tarnished Coast)
-Guardians Only
I’ll need a couple Officers and Recruiter’s to help me get things going though! If interested in joining either tell me here or PM.
Hello person looking at this post!
I have decided to finally open the doors for my guild(Rumble Squad) which I have been soloing for about 2 months now and have come to a point where I have the time to focus on building a solid active guild that’s can be a lot of fun for anyone apart of it.
I would really like to make this guild into a friendly group of people that all get along and are welcoming to new members and can run WvW, dungeons, events, PvP, and all the content the game offers and have a good time. Focusing on a good community is my main goal for this guild. If the guild population grows high enough and I know I have commited members I won’t hesitate on getting a mumble/teamspeak server and getting a website going
Also, since I am a competitive person I would like to also like to be able to get a group of member’s together and run strike forces in WvW. I think with a well coordinated group that works together It will turn out very sucessful and very fun.
Anyone of can join just as long as you are willing to be active and participate with other guildies and get along with everyone! A strong community makes a strong guild
So lastly, I am looking for a few people to become officers with myself who are active and can see eye to eye with the way I want this guild to turn out and can help me reach out to other player’s who are looking for a friendly/competitive guild to join and hopefully steer them in our direction! So if anyone wants to join and just be a member or join and become an officer please let me know!
So quick recap of goals…
1)Strong Community of players who can socialize and have fun with one another
2)Competitiveness in WvW and PvP, being able to organize groups
3)Being able to form teams with familiar faces for any content in the game or leveling
4)Mumble or Teamspeak once pop. is large enough and active
5)Website/forum so anyone can voice their opinions or just talk
6)Increase this list with idea’s and opinions of future members
You can find me ingame playing my guardian Acadius XI
Thanks for reading!
Divinity 6/6 Can’t go wrong with all stats being boosted plus 12% crit dmg
This is just a do it all build so I can run dungeons, wvw, solo…etc etc
So for gear,
Knight’s helm (Power, Prec, Tough)
Knight coat (Power, Prec, Tough)
Heavy Aurora Pauldrons (Power, Vit, Tough)
Heavy Aurora Guantlets (Power, Vit, Tough)
Heavy Aurora Leggings (Power, Vit, Tough)
Heavy Aurora Boots (Power, Vit, Tough)
-Superior Rune of Divinity in each (+10x6 all stats, +2%x6 crit dmg)
All knight rings, earrings, and amulet (Power, Prec, Tough)
Mad Memoirs back piece (Power, Prec, Condition dmg)
Using a GS with Power, Prec, and toughness with toughness being the larger stat
-Superior Sigil of Accuracy (+5% crit chance)
So in all, my stats add up to…
Power= 1705
Precision= 1848
Toughness= 2132
Vitality= 1296
Attack= 2805
Crit Chance= 53%
Crit Dmg= 42
Armor= 3343
Health= 14,605
Healing power= 350
My traits are..
15…. Signet of mastery
30…. Purity, Retributive armor, Alt healing
20….Superior Aria, Empowering Might
For skills I usually run with shouts, them being…
-Hold the Line
-Save Yourselves
and Signet of Resolve for healing
I built this around being able to take the punches, buff myself and whoever’s near me while gaining heals from that, and also be able to put out a decent amount of dmg. Was just wondering if there’s more I could do with this build in terms of gear, skill, traits, etc. Any responses are appreciated!
DemiGod, if you are looking to get onto Tarnished Coast try this thread over at for assistance in determining the best time to transfer onto TC:
There are definitely times when you can transfer to TC throughout the week.
Shooopa, you can do the same thing if you want. Just note that TC is the unOfficial roleplaying server so you will find roleplayers there. Lots of them. They are awesome folk and very helpful but, for some people, it isn’t their cup of tea.
That’s actually very helpful, thank you! I should be able to get in wednesday when I wake up according to that thread. But also factoring in that there’s a special event going on this week It could be jammed up till it’s over.
DemiGod, your only real option is to try at obscure and very off-peak times for whatever server you were on.
For example, if it is a NA server, try at 5am Eastern.
Maybe if you list what server it is you were on someone might know of a time when the population is less than full.
Shooopa, there are plenty of servers that have active WvW guilds and are listed as ‘high’ population that you can transfer to. I suppose it depends on what it is you are looking for and if you have a specific server that you really want to join. If server doesn’t matter to you, you can try Kaineng – they have an active WvW community and it is focused around a lot of active and, apparently, welcoming guilds.
The server I’m on is Dragonbrand and I’m trying to return to Tarnished Coast. I tried 6am eastern time today but no luck. Wednesday I’ll be up at 4am for work so hopefully that’s a better off peak hour.
wait untill the WvW resets. alot of people usually transfer to the topservers during that time. good luck.
That’s what I did thinking that the server I transferred too would get the forts with the vistas I needed, turns out TC is dominating all the maps and has all the forts I need… kicking myself for being impulsive. Guess this is a learning lesson.
So on impulse I was 1% away from total world completion and just needed a few wvw vistas so I figured it might be easier and faster to transfer worlds quickly, grab the goods, and return the next day… Well the next day I tried to transfer and the server was listed as Full so I kept on trying ever hour or so and still the server was full. Well it’s been 5 days now and even on “Off peak hours” I still can’t get in. /endQQ
Now I know this is all 100% my fault for not looking into server status before hand but I figured that when I transferred all the servers were listed as “High” and it wouldn’t be such a task to return. Now I’m asking for some advice, what is the best way I can return to my server? Shoulkittenep trying off peak hours? Is it just this week because of the halloween events?
I know I can still play the game with the same exact content but I would like to return to my guild and friends for this week so whatever advice anyone can offer is greatly appreciated! (Sorry if this sounded whiny )