Showing Posts For Destructobeam.5139:

[merged] The Skyhammer Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Destructobeam.5139


logged in just to keep this thread up. I don’t understand why this map is still in rotation. Then again, its not like the anet devs did anything about the skyhammer exploiters either.

Someone at anet has a kitten for this poorly designed garbage.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Destructobeam.5139


This is my first post on this forum, and its unfortunately to show my utter disgust at this poorly disguised attempt to implement a gear grind into this game. Out of all the MMO’s, this is the one that I assumed knew that PROGRESSION DOES NOT EQUAL POWER CREEP.

There were a myriad of different ways to introduce progression that they could have done ala GW I: Add new abilities (give us more elite options maybe?) or add new crafting recipes or add new tiers to the story or just add more titles or give us unlockable emotes. Instead, they opted to go with the absolute laziest lowest denominator: a gear grind.

Bravo devs, way to take a steaming pile right on your manifesto and on your customers. UGH.