Showing Posts For DevilFire.7032:

Eeaster 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: DevilFire.7032



Character: DevilFire

[Suggestion] Custom Lobby (PvP or Activities)

in PvP

Posted by: DevilFire.7032



I want to be able to queue activities in Custom Lobby.

Unless they’re adding it to guild halls?

If that happens, it would be awesome!
Although it would be fun to play with a team agains other team, imagine a tournament of keg brawl.

(edited by DevilFire.7032)

[Suggestion] Custom Lobby (PvP or Activities)

in PvP

Posted by: DevilFire.7032



In GW2, i normally don’t play activities, although i think some of them are incredibly fun, because i feel “lonely” for not playing them with the people i know. I play with my guild and some of my closest friends and i believe i would play activities, probably more then i should , if i could play with my friends and/or guildies.

Guilds would be allowed to make activities tournaments, friends could join as a party for activities, and everybody would have fun.

Most likely guilds would get the Custom Arena (probably the name should change to Custom Lobby?) just so they could have fun, since many guilds are not into PvP.

Also, Daily Activity could only be earned on Lobbys (Normal Lobbys or Custom Lobby).

Why i considered Custom Lobby?
People normally exits and joins the activity to get one lobby with less time left just to the achievement, and it ruins the fun for other players.

Pros, for the players:

  • Triple the fun!
  • Play with the people they know
  • Choose the map they want to play, When they want to play

Pros, for the ArenaNet:

  • People would get Custom Lobby (theoretically speaking)
  • New custom lobby owners (most likely guild lobby’s) could try out PvP, so more people on PvP (theoretically speaking)

Changes to System:

  • Custom Arena turn into Custom Lobby
  • Custom Lobby can be set to PvP or Activities
  • Set parameters for PvP or even Activities (Change score limit, Time, etc…)

TLDR: Allow Custom Lobbys with activities so people could play with people they know.

Edit: Feedback is appreciated

[Suggestion] Custom Lobby (PvP or Activities)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


Would love to get more feedback on this topic, since it’s a feature to bring out guildies even more, and play with friends.

[Suggestion] Custom Lobby (PvP or Activities)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


It would be quite awesome to play keg or Southsun Survival with some guild mates

[Suggestion] Custom Lobby (PvP or Activities)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


Eddited for better clarification, hope to be more clear now

[Suggestion] Custom Lobby (PvP or Activities)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


Hello, thanks for your feedback. What i said above, “Also, Daily Activity could only be earned on Lobbys (Normal Lobbys or Custom Lobby).”, what i meant was that daily activity could be done with friends, and normal lobbys (with other random players), not forcing to play has a party, but giving the ability to do it.

[Suggestion] Custom Lobby (PvP or Activities)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


Would love to get some feedback in this ideia, since i would love to play activities with my friend, and i can only see people ignoring this.
Are you ignoring this because it’s stupid, or just because you think that there are things that need to be done first?

Activities With Party/Group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


Yes i believe it would if you don’t put Party vs Party.
You can’t do a Party vs Solo Players because it would totally unfair.
My point is to add Team vs Team or add it on Custom Arenas (even if it is only in Password Protected Servers).

Activities With Party/Group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


Hello everyone,

It’s a shame that everytime i want to play with my guildies or friends i can’t do it, since everytime we want to play we always get on different servers.
I want to ask ArenaNet if it is possible to add to activities a possibility to join as party or atleast add them to Custom Arenas (probably more people would purchase this feature for guildies activities tournaments, or even public tournaments as Keg Brawl its really fun to play).

Probably this have been talk over and over in this forum but nothing has been done :\
I would like to know if there is a thread where any Moderator or Dev answer to this question, if not feel free to answer here

Best Regards

Edit: When i say join as a group/party do it Party vs Party, it would be totally unfair if Solo Players would go against a Team

(edited by DevilFire.7032)

[Bugged Skill point][Sparkfly FEN] SHARK [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DevilFire.7032


Bugged @ Desolation