Showing Posts For Devinair.5273:
Look Lars, or Helmut, or Pierre, this event is courtesy.
Can you log in, and play the game you payed for?
Yes? you can?
Go put on some wooden shoes and dance around, or carve a cuckoo clock, or whatever the kitten you do, when you’re not pretending to be a victim over a free update to a game you play without a subscription fee.
You paid for the game, you have the game. you can log in now and play the game. No you’re not mature. You’re also not very bright either.[/quote]
Has anyone ever told you that you have serious anger issues?
Because you obviously do.[/quote]
I found his comment to be quite funny lol
This is actually quite ridiculous. They should have said it was going live on Oct 23rd. What, is it going to come out at 11:59pm PST? It’s nice to see the first “content update” going so smoothly….
It is 7:30 on the west coast. So I don’t know why you’re complaining. They still have their whole night ahead of them. I don’t even usually have time to get on the computer until 7:30 in a normal work day. My night would just be starting.
I’m so happy for you being on the West Coast. So your saying that the East Coast should suffer?
suffer?……really……its a game and he just meant that ANet still has plenty of time in their day to work. which i bet they have done nothing but work on this thing since their morning started
It is now 1:35 PM 23rd of Oct for me (8:35 PST), and I am patiently waiting for the event to start.
For those impatient and whining players:
Do you remember having an essay/assignment due on a certain date? Did you deliver it at 12:01 AM? Did your teacher hassle you on forums, twitter etc to hand it in?
I didn’t think so.Relax, and when it arrives, enjoy; be happy.
If it is late, forgive, relax, enjoy; be happy.
As a college student i like your response the best lol
afternoon is often considered to end when the sun sets and that can take quite a bit of time on the west coast
It’s been dark for nearly 2 hours here on the west coast…
its fall. it gets dark at 5pm so what?
sun did not set until around 6:45 in oregon
This is actually quite ridiculous. They should have said it was going live on Oct 23rd. What, is it going to come out at 11:59pm PST? It’s nice to see the first “content update” going so smoothly….
the first major update to a game is very seldomly done smoothly.
Your correct about the Pacific Time (-7).
However, how many companies actually dump a patch at 8 pm or later in their own time zone.
Honestly, the majority of the day is gone. Many players have already said patch is not coming and logged off for night (at least in my guild). So the point is kind of useless.
Plus, they missed the original window of this afternoon anyway (unless 8 pm – 9 pm) Pacific is considered afternoon.
afternoon is often considered to end when the sun sets and that can take quite a bit of time on the west coast
Weird they never had all these issues with the Guildwars 1 events, i wonder what changed to make Anet have so many issues with their in game events and festivals etc..
I guess its just the state of Game development these days.
All these issues? This is their first ever major update and first holiday event. What other issues are there?
Just FYI, you site says specifically 7 pm PST at the bottom. Not just sometime on October 22.
Also, for most who hear 22nd, they think prime gaming time. 10 pm-11pm EST is NOT prime gaming time. Might as well say the 23rd.
actualy it reads:
- All times and dates are shown in US Pacific Time (UTC-7:00)
Which means you take UTC (GMT) and subtract 7 hours to get to Pacific
LOL I read the comment about 7:00 and did not know where he saw such a thing, and your response cleared it all up ROMFL
October 22nd is over on the east coast US in two hours.
Could we please not screw over the US east coast when announcing to the entire US that a patch happens on a particular day? The US was told the 22nd.
Not trying to be rude here but they did say PST which is about 3 hours behind you. They are probably working late into the night so that the servers are updated properly and perfectly entitled to take up until midnight there. even If they miss that deadline they aren’t doing it to be mean. They are doing it to ensure quality. i would rather have a good update rather than a kitten one that has to be fixed later
People need to understand ANet (Which a terrific US company) is fairly small in comparison to other huge companies (cough… Blizzard…cough). They do not yet have the resources to dedicate a group of people to update the EU servers seperately. Nor do they have the time or probably the energy to put up with so many people complaining on the forums
so, those of us that work in est will not really be able to play much, unless we want to forgo sleep, untill the 23rd. when i heard the 22nd, i was of the thought sometime in the afternoon. i was expecting to be able to have it when i got home from work and have a full evening to play, silly me.
I dont understand the first part of the event lasts 4 days…………….not 1…………..whats the problem your having?
I really hate that the people who whine and * the loudest are the ones that leave the worst impression of the community. Many of us are ok with waiting and yet ANet will never really know that… smh
AGREED! Start a seperate post that just says “Excited for the update! and waiting Paitently!”
Just wonder why couldn’t they give us a specific time. Is it like they are not sure when will they be ready for it, so they have to push it as late as possible?
It’s only a 24 hour timeframe thing (by 22nd Oct). Does that remind you of our school days? Desperately doing what we can to finish the project before deadline. We couldn’t tell when can we finish it, except that we had to finish it before deadline.
I am starting to worry about ANet’s capability. Since launch everything is like out of their control and overwhelming them.
ANet is smaller than some other companies and yes the draw to this game was not only shocking to them but many companies in general. They are not a conglomerate giant who shells out a full new game everyyear (cough…Blizzard…cough cough) Their small but their work and care is exceptional. I know there is a wait but its their first ever real game update and holiday event, and you can bet we are waiting so that quality is ensured.
Sometimes, i have to admit, it is a little funny how these kinds of problems can send so many people into such irratation that the forums become full of people just fighting with eachother
Ok i hope this message gets through to those who are working on the patch. Please keep up the good work and i know yall are doing your best to get the patch to us as quickly as possible. Im sad to see so many angry comments on here and i understand the impatience and excitement that comes along with a new game, but some of these comments are a little to mean spirited. Gamers tend to be a little on the overeacting side when things dont go their way (not all of them) and i hope Anet takes nothing personally from this patch issue. (which an issue, is all it is and it will be fixed! you can bet on that!)