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How would you rate the HoT Fun Factor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devo.7320


From what I’ve checked out so far, which I haven’t went deep at all into it, Ill give it a…
3 out of 10, it’s the same zerg lag fest, same events that re spawn every 2 minutes, they forced you to grind, you can’t “play your way,” and the performance is just horrible on the new maps, and they don’t really look all that great, kinda just thrown together.
At least they gave us proper GvG in this expansion, hahahaha…

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

Is it fair?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


They should just have an elite PvP set, WvW set, and PvE set, which is met by certain requirements. But this is ncsoft’s GW2, that sounds way too hard, and the armors would probably look like, well, no elite. Good thing for gems though, maybe a net could be fair and add this PvP set to the gem store! CUZ GEMS PROFIT$!!!!!

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

Is it fair?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


This game is so much fun.

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

Please allow me to send 4 mails.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


Yeah… I was sending out 8 mails to Guild members last night, and what a pain that was… Took about 1000 hours to get them all sent out… At least the gold sellers can’t abuse the mail system in this game…

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

Pet Request

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


I personally want a melee pet that attacks the enemy target, besides running in circles trying to attack the persons butt whenever they move. Atleast f2 almost works when it needs to. AI fixes first, skins later

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

Changed the Ebon Vanguard Short Bow skin...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


The bow used to share the skin with the Long Bow version, and it was nice to have a short bow that was well, not small, and toyish looking. But… now, the skin has changed, into something that I didn’t choose, nor would of wanted if the skin had been this way during the release…

I know it wasn’t probably made to look like the longbow version originally, but it kinda sucks to have a skin you liked, and picked, to log on and see it has changed, might as well change the skin on my armors too!

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

f3 'heel' command should include dodge

in Ranger

Posted by: Devo.7320


It would be really lovely for the pet to dodge, but could the devs handle such a task?
I mean, it will probably take the pet 3-20 seconds to respond, or just fail, much like the f2.

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

New hairstyles tomorrow!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


It would be really nice if they could fix some of the hair styles they already have. I don’t mind that hair clips a little with added armor, but when the hair clips with the toons body with no armor(when just standing there), or doesn’t animate right when running, it’s dreadful…

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

What do you dont like about gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


NerfWars2, nuff said

You have to nerf things that are overpowered.

Or… You can buff things that are underpowered.
Mind=Blown O.O

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

[BUG] Ranger class

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Devo.7320


~Natural Healing sometimes doesn’t even work on the pet.
~Trait buffs for pets don’t effect the pet stats sometimes.
~Signets passive don’t effect the pet around 10 seconds after a pet swap.
There’s 3 more to add.

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

Feb. 26 stealth nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: Devo.7320


Wait a minute?!! When you open the pet management, in pet attributes theres new slots for
critical damage 0
Healing Power 0
Condition Damage 0
Agony resistance 0

Or have those always been there and i’m losing my mind one stealth fix/nerf at a time :P

Those been there. Some traits (sometimes bugged…) add to those stats.

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

Why is every single zone square?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


They are probably all squares so new zones can be easily placed in, on the map.

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devo.7320


Drops from NPC
Level 20
Elite armor venders.
Armor not having attribute stats.
Unique Builds.
A story that was a bit more straight forward.
Not being forced to take a pet. (Broken A.I. /rage)
Z Keys… (Only item I loved farming!)
Capes, Guild Halls, GVG…

I could go on and on… Guild Wars 2 is a new game, it could get better, lol… I just wish they took things from Guild Wars 1 that everyone loved, and put it in Guild Wars 2…

~~~~~~~~{<-*}> I IZ A BIRDY!