Showing Posts For Dhajra.5413:

[Balance/Feedback] Line of Warding

in Guardian

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


Is this thread real? No, it shouldn’t.

No Sword and Shield love?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


The focus feels better to me with the sword. You can queue Shield of Wrath up before the fight starts and teleport an AOE explosion into their faces for some nice damage. Ray of Judgment’s regeneration is nice too for being in melee.

The shield feels better to me when combined on the scepter as it’s much easier (being at range) to grab my entire group with protection and being able to use Shield of Absorption as a means to keep my ranged safe from enemy ranged.

It’s all about flavor though.

Torch build guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


Guardian condition builds seem to be a lot different than other classes. The damage portion of the condition is more or less just an added benefit instead of the objective (more so since the activated Justice burn is already pretty damaging even without + condition damage). The fact that Fiery Wrath (+10% damage to burning foes) and Radiant Power (Increased damage to foes suffering from conditions) stack lets you move more to condition DURATION instead of condition DAMAGE as it’s more about keeping burning on the target for as long as possible in order to do increased damage for longer periods of time.

And getting all that only requires 35 points, so there’s some breathing room to experiment with quite a few other options in the trait lines.

My elite just healed minions instead of the necro I tried to save.

in Guardian

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


Yeah, in WvW I’ve had a lot of problems getting others my buffs especially when it comes to things like “Retreat!” for chaining swiftness with allies.

Torch build guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


I personally use Scepter/Torch in PvE. They really pumped up the damage portions of this skill (though activated 4 is still kind of lacking).

Combining Fiery Wrath (+10% damage on burning foes), Renewed Justice (Virtue of Justice is renewed when you kill a foe), and Radiant Fire (Torch skills recharge 15% faster) seems to do really well to keep burning up on a target long enough to do really decent damage.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


Bladefall guild on Stormbluff Isle is working again for SOME people, but not the guild master or a few members. We are in the guild but not representing according to the people that can see the guild, but it does not show up on the guild list and we cannot gain influence for the guild. As the guild master is not currently in the guild he cannot queue new upgrades.
Also, we still have approximately the same influence we had 2 days ago and upgrades, but will we be compensated for the influence we gained when we our guild didn’t exist for a day and a half?
A response would be so very, very welcome.

Again, this! It’s been 4 days now! Even after submitting a formal support ticket my only response was a carbon copy of the auto-generated response I had received 2 days prior (none of which was helpful; otherwise I wouldn’t have submitted a ticket in the first place)!

I realize there are a lot of things you guys are busy working on, but c’mon this is game-breaking—I can’t (as Guild Leader) invite, queue upgrades, or even use those upgrades for my members. I can’t even communicate with them since you have to be representing to see gchat!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


The guild Bladefall is missing from Stormbluff Isle server. None of the members are currently in the guild, which consisted of probably 50+ members.
Really hope that this issue is fixed, and that we have all of our upgrades and progress on new upgrades.

This! As of 11:42AM EST it still shows as not being in a guild. It’s slightly frustrating as every hour it’s not up is another hour of us not gaining influence for anything we’re doing in-game.