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Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


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A lot of effort went into this proposal…any rewards would be appreciated

Thank you

Future Readers…

Sadly this eSport SuperBowl opportunity will be wasted. Many of you were apathetic & wouldn’t support this Topic Thread if begged. I don’t blame you. I blame the broken Base Map Mechanic that could have been fixed, but won’t be. When MegaServer is launched…ANet will choose the wrong cornerstone to build something that could have scaled to what should have been a skyscraper, but will be only as big as 3 Colored Alliances can inspire folks to be.

Peace to you – Diku

Proposal in a NutShell…

Click to open & read Spoilers

Please…Reboot the Base Map Mechanic – Transform Servers into Globes

Change Base Map Mechanic & Allow Individual Player Picked Globe Match-Ups

Change Base Map Mechanic

Players choose 1 Globe to represent

Old Servers are Transformed into Globes

Globes are re-named after their Old World Server’s Name

Each Globe owns 4 maps in WvW

Players can enter any Globe from a list of all NA and EU Globes

Players will have a limit on how many globes they can enter per week

ANet can change in a single setting how many Globes that ALL players can enter per week to prevent un-fair matches, and to stop players from trying to game the system

Limit can vary from 0-3 Globes. Zero for Tournaments

Home team is shown in random order the Top 3 Enemies attacking them to help them target who to attack

Allow Individual Player Picked Globe Match-Ups

Currently. When you enter WvW. You enter a World Server based map

You see 4 Maps

Server A – Owns Green
Server B – Owns Red
Server C – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

New Globe. When you enter WvW. You enter a Globe based map

Globe A
Server A – Owns Green
Server A – Owns Red
Server A – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

Globe B
Server B – Owns Green
Server B – Owns Red
Server B – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

Globe C
Server C – Owns Green
Server C – Owns Red
Server C – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

Globe D – Z
Not going to repeat the above for each Globe

Players from Globe A

Can always fight in their Home Globe A

Can fight in Enemy Globes B-Z

Player Picks Globe B & fights there
Player Picks Globe M & fights there
Player Picks Globe Z & fights there

Player Picks Globe C, but can’t enter it because they’ve reached the Globe limit of 3

Player can only fight in Globe B, M, Z for the week until the Globe limit resets the following week

ANet can increase or decrease this Weekly number of Globes a player can go to. The range is 0-3 Globes per week

Players are free to pick & choose to fight in any Globe up to the Weekly Globe Limit

Players can meet up with friends on a Shared Enemy Globe & be Allies fighting together

Battle is very dynamic. People will not sit in a Globe & wait for attacks

The Globe based design allows players from 24 NA Globes & 27 EU Globes to move fluidly across all Globes

The only restriction to being the 0-3 Globe Limit for players. This number that can be adjusted to 1 Globe if necessary by ANet to prevent un-fair matches. Also helps to keep players from gaming the system

The Best Defense requires Better Offense

Each Home Globe will be shown in Random Order…the Top 3 Globes attacking them

A typical strategy to stop Enemies from attacking you…is that you attack them

New Base Map Mechanic allows your Home Globe to team up with friends in other Globes to beat the snot out of the Enemy attacking your Home Globe

This is where we will get dynamic Match-Ups which the Old Tier based system doesn’t allow

The New Map Mechanic was done this way to promote this cycle

Globes that want to stop fighting can, but they will drop in Rank

When they stop fighting…the Enemy Globe attacking them will get a new list for their Top 3 Globes attacking them

Please…Reboot the Current Population – One Time Free Transfer

Population Reboot & Time Zone/Language Label

Population Reboot

All Players emailed 1 Free Pass to change their Chosen Globe. Account Bound with an Expiration Date set by ANet

Reboot allows Communities to re-form around Time Zone & Language

Time Zone & Language helps to Label the Globe Community that forms there

It helps players choose the right Globe to call Home

Time Zone Label can be changed at a Globe’s Annual Voting event

Time Zone & Label Mechanics Do Not prevent players from doing anything in WvW

Time Zone/Language Label

Globes are Labeled after a Time Zone. This Time Zone Mechanic is only a Label

Communities Form around this Label

Also, there is a Language mechanic to help properly Label a Community that forms for each Globe

New Players before choosing a Globe…are shown the Language preference distribution of its population…primary & secondary Languages of players for the Globe

Local & International Communities Form around Globes using these Labels

Time Zone & Label Mechanics Do Not prevent players from doing anything in WvW.

Should, Would, or Does work…which is better?

How much coding does ANet need to do?

Globe Limit is a simple mechanic.

Globe Limit Does Work & is already being used when you 1st Logon.

It’s called Guesting.

Next time you logon – Click [ World Selection ] Button – Pick a Different Home World – Click [ Guest ] Button.

Borderland Maps – Mix, Swap, or Reduce

Less is more?

Borderland Maps – Mix, Swap, or Reduce

Players first appear in corners of the Eternal Battle Map with this proposal

Mixing, swapping, or REDUCING the number of Borderland maps used is possible with this proposal, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible from a programming standpoint

Note to developers:

Just in case.

This Reboot of Base Map Mechanic & Population is flexible enough to work with the Old Alpine Map or New Desert Map

Using Parts of this proposal without the core Base Map Mechanic change may not work as intended

This proposal is not perfect, but at least it allows players to go where the fun is without sacrificing Server Pride & Identity.

Any system that automatically manipulates match-ups on behalf of the players will do this poorly imho.

This Server based solution lets players decide their own match-ups individually…while collectively encouraging a War between Worlds on a massive scale.

Detailed Proposal is broken into 3 Major Postings:

Part I) WvW Population Reboot & New Theaters of War v.17

Part II) New Map Mechanic v.36

Part III) Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.41

FAQ & Answers

1) Doesn’t having too many maps spread out the population base?

Current Base Map Mechanic uses 4 Maps

Players will first appear in the corners of Eternal Battle Map

Mixing, swapping, or REDUCING the number of Borderland maps used is possible with this proposal, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible from a programming standpoint

Portals & Spawn Points

Players entering WvW from PvE or PvP start in the Red Corner of Eternal Battle for Home Globe. WvW map Portals grant access to 4 Destinations

1) Lions Arch
2) Red corner of Eternal Battle for Home Globe
3) Green corner of Eternal Battle Map of Any World Globe
4) Blue corner of Eternal Battle Map of Any World Globe

Choosing the Green or Blue Portal will now prompt players to pick from a list of All World Globes on Weekly Reset

Choosing the Green or Blue Portal will give players a customized list based on their Weekly choices & ANet’s enforced Guesting limit after Weekly Reset

Map travel using the (M)ap shortcut key allows simple travel to spawn points within a chosen World Globe

2) Isn’t this New Base Map Mechanic that does switching Globes the exact same thing that we have now for Match-Ups?

There really is a huge difference between Current & Proposed Base Map Mechanics

Given the following choices…Would you prefer to:

A) Fight against 2 Worlds that the System Picks for you at the beginning of every week


B) Fight against 0-3 Worlds that you choose at the beginning of every week from a choice of 24 NA and 27 EU Home Globes

Option A = Current Map Mechanic
Option B = Proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War

The only restriction to being the 0-3 Globe Limit for players. This number that can be adjusted to 1 Globe if necessary by ANet to prevent un-fair matches & to keep players from gaming the system

3) Isn’t PPT over emphasized in this proposal?

PPT without a cap is bad

Proposed Weekly PPT Cap

World Globe Rank & Scoring

Current Scoring
Per Tick – Every 15 minutes – Points Earned
Per Kill – At Death – Points Earned

Not Implemented but being proposed
Per Cap – Objectives captured earn points at flip. Higher points are earned based on the Objective’s Upgrade Tier when flipped. Extremely low points awarded for objectives that have zero upgrades

Per Cap – Objectives need to be claimed to earn Flip Points

Per Cap – Objective Flip Points earned scale in relation to a Guild’s Home Globe WvW Rank. More points are earned if Globe is Higher Rank. Less points earned if Globe is Lower Rank

Weekly PPT Cap of 25,000 – 100,000 Points for each Globe. ANet to adjust value to keep runaway scores from happening

Weekly PPT Cap Adds Weight to Rank that scales to Globes that earn it first

WvW Home Globe Rank based on Weekly Weighted Statistics in Parent Thread

WvW Home Globe Rank Top 3 & Bottom 3 – Global Theaters of War each maintains a separate list

4) Why are you separating Globes into Time Zones & Language that keeps players apart?

Time Zone & Language mechanics being proposed are really Labels to help players pick the right Globe to call Home

Just to be clear…Time Zone & Language mechanics do not stop players from doing anything in WvW

Players tend to follow Commanders/Guilds in WvW

Each Commander or Guild typically performs best according to their Time Zone

Players from different Time Zones should be encouraged to rejoin their Server buddies on whatever Home Globe that gets chosen by their Commander/Guild

WvW is open 24/7…and now…players can find a Globe to play on that is active…even if it’s Night Time for their Home Globe…because it’s definitely Day Time on an International Globe to that player

5) How do you propose to stop a single super stacked and strong Globe from buying up guilds & dominating all Globes?

Players can continue to Globe stack if they want. Powerful Guilds can continue to try to dominate the Top 3 Rank WvW positions

ANet would probably adjust the Weekly Globe limit that players can visit to 1 for the week to force the #1 Ranked NA & EU Globes to become the King of the Hill

If Weekly Globe limit is set to 1. Once a player attacks a Globe

That Specific Chosen Globe is the only Globe that the player will be able to attack for the whole week…until the next Weekly Globe Reset occurs

A very large Guild could hold hostage the Top 3 Ranked Globes, but the New Base Mechanic will at least allow all the Lower Ranked Globes to attack them

Current Base Map Mechanic does not even allow the Lowest Ranked World to attack the #1 Ranked WvW World

Lower Ranked Globes earn more points attacking Higher Ranked Globes

Higher Ranked Globes earn less points attacking Lower Ranked Globes

Home Globe Team will be shown the 3 Top Globes attacking in a random order to provide targeting

King of Hill Buff – Bottom 3 WvW Ranked Worlds get an automatic buff when attacking any Top WvW Ranked World’s Home Globes. Cross Global Theaters of War attacks also trigger Buff

If ANet has to enforce a Weekly Globe Limit of 1 Globe

Severely stacked Globes will be exposed to attack from All Globes, but their armies would be forced to divide itself in retaliation attacks along multiple Globe fronts

Bottom 3 Ranked Globes actually always get an Automatic Buff for attacking any Top 3 Globes

Top 3 Ranked Globes really don’t benefit from attacking the Bottom 3 Ranked Globes

Nothing will prevent all Globes from picking 1 Globe to attack, but given the mechanic that encourages players to visit 0-3 Globes…you can be pretty sure…somebody will decide to attack a different Globe to raise their Home Globe’s Rank over the other Globes

Globes Base design is to encourage Local & International Communities to form

Globe identity encourages a Strong Sense of Community & Hard Fought Rivalries imho

This is a long term solution that encourages Local & International WvW Communities to form & become established…then nurtured

Over time…Communities will be born, grow up, age, and die…the cycle of life

Both NA & EU #1 Ranked Globes would earn less for being the King of the Hill…because nobody is above them in Rank

Players from EU Globes can attack NA Globes by visiting them

Players from NA Globes can attack EU Globes by visiting them

The Globe based design allows players from all 24 NA Globes & 27 EU Globes to move fluidly across all Globes

Current Base Map Mechanic Does Not Allow players to fluidly fight across all World Servers

It’s more fun to be able to fight in any Globe of your choice for the week

Current Base Map Mechanic has you typically fighting the same Server in the same Tier for weeks…if not months…over and over again

The only restriction to being the 0-3 Globe Limit for players. This number that can be adjusted to 1 Globe if necessary by ANet to prevent un-fair matches & to keep players from gaming the system

Players can choose to fight in any NA & EU Globe

WvW is open 24/7….and now…players can find a Globe that is active…even if it’s Night Time for their Home Globe…because it’s definitely Day Time on an International Globe to that player

To ANet Community,

We seem to have the same complaints about server stacking, can’t play with friends & family, off-peak capping, etc.

Yours truly,


(edited by Diku.2546)