Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


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Please give credit to author if this idea is ever used

A lot of effort went into this proposal…any rewards would be appreciated

Thank you

Future Readers…

Sadly this eSport SuperBowl opportunity will be wasted. Many of you were apathetic & wouldn’t support this Topic Thread if begged. I don’t blame you. I blame the broken Base Map Mechanic that could have been fixed, but won’t be. When MegaServer is launched…ANet will choose the wrong cornerstone to build something that could have scaled to what should have been a skyscraper, but will be only as big as 3 Colored Alliances can inspire folks to be.

Peace to you – Diku

Proposal in a NutShell…

Click to open & read Spoilers

Please…Reboot the Base Map Mechanic – Transform Servers into Globes

Change Base Map Mechanic & Allow Individual Player Picked Globe Match-Ups

Change Base Map Mechanic

Players choose 1 Globe to represent

Old Servers are Transformed into Globes

Globes are re-named after their Old World Server’s Name

Each Globe owns 4 maps in WvW

Players can enter any Globe from a list of all NA and EU Globes

Players will have a limit on how many globes they can enter per week

ANet can change in a single setting how many Globes that ALL players can enter per week to prevent un-fair matches, and to stop players from trying to game the system

Limit can vary from 0-3 Globes. Zero for Tournaments

Home team is shown in random order the Top 3 Enemies attacking them to help them target who to attack

Allow Individual Player Picked Globe Match-Ups

Currently. When you enter WvW. You enter a World Server based map

You see 4 Maps

Server A – Owns Green
Server B – Owns Red
Server C – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

New Globe. When you enter WvW. You enter a Globe based map

Globe A
Server A – Owns Green
Server A – Owns Red
Server A – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

Globe B
Server B – Owns Green
Server B – Owns Red
Server B – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

Globe C
Server C – Owns Green
Server C – Owns Red
Server C – Owns Blue
Shared – EB

Globe D – Z
Not going to repeat the above for each Globe

Players from Globe A

Can always fight in their Home Globe A

Can fight in Enemy Globes B-Z

Player Picks Globe B & fights there
Player Picks Globe M & fights there
Player Picks Globe Z & fights there

Player Picks Globe C, but can’t enter it because they’ve reached the Globe limit of 3

Player can only fight in Globe B, M, Z for the week until the Globe limit resets the following week

ANet can increase or decrease this Weekly number of Globes a player can go to. The range is 0-3 Globes per week

Players are free to pick & choose to fight in any Globe up to the Weekly Globe Limit

Players can meet up with friends on a Shared Enemy Globe & be Allies fighting together

Battle is very dynamic. People will not sit in a Globe & wait for attacks

The Globe based design allows players from 24 NA Globes & 27 EU Globes to move fluidly across all Globes

The only restriction to being the 0-3 Globe Limit for players. This number that can be adjusted to 1 Globe if necessary by ANet to prevent un-fair matches. Also helps to keep players from gaming the system

The Best Defense requires Better Offense

Each Home Globe will be shown in Random Order…the Top 3 Globes attacking them

A typical strategy to stop Enemies from attacking you…is that you attack them

New Base Map Mechanic allows your Home Globe to team up with friends in other Globes to beat the snot out of the Enemy attacking your Home Globe

This is where we will get dynamic Match-Ups which the Old Tier based system doesn’t allow

The New Map Mechanic was done this way to promote this cycle

Globes that want to stop fighting can, but they will drop in Rank

When they stop fighting…the Enemy Globe attacking them will get a new list for their Top 3 Globes attacking them

Please…Reboot the Current Population – One Time Free Transfer

Population Reboot & Time Zone/Language Label

Population Reboot

All Players emailed 1 Free Pass to change their Chosen Globe. Account Bound with an Expiration Date set by ANet

Reboot allows Communities to re-form around Time Zone & Language

Time Zone & Language helps to Label the Globe Community that forms there

It helps players choose the right Globe to call Home

Time Zone Label can be changed at a Globe’s Annual Voting event

Time Zone & Label Mechanics Do Not prevent players from doing anything in WvW

Time Zone/Language Label

Globes are Labeled after a Time Zone. This Time Zone Mechanic is only a Label

Communities Form around this Label

Also, there is a Language mechanic to help properly Label a Community that forms for each Globe

New Players before choosing a Globe…are shown the Language preference distribution of its population…primary & secondary Languages of players for the Globe

Local & International Communities Form around Globes using these Labels

Time Zone & Label Mechanics Do Not prevent players from doing anything in WvW.

Should, Would, or Does work…which is better?

How much coding does ANet need to do?

Globe Limit is a simple mechanic.

Globe Limit Does Work & is already being used when you 1st Logon.

It’s called Guesting.

Next time you logon – Click [ World Selection ] Button – Pick a Different Home World – Click [ Guest ] Button.

Borderland Maps – Mix, Swap, or Reduce

Less is more?

Borderland Maps – Mix, Swap, or Reduce

Players first appear in corners of the Eternal Battle Map with this proposal

Mixing, swapping, or REDUCING the number of Borderland maps used is possible with this proposal, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible from a programming standpoint

Note to developers:

Just in case.

This Reboot of Base Map Mechanic & Population is flexible enough to work with the Old Alpine Map or New Desert Map

Using Parts of this proposal without the core Base Map Mechanic change may not work as intended

This proposal is not perfect, but at least it allows players to go where the fun is without sacrificing Server Pride & Identity.

Any system that automatically manipulates match-ups on behalf of the players will do this poorly imho.

This Server based solution lets players decide their own match-ups individually…while collectively encouraging a War between Worlds on a massive scale.

Detailed Proposal is broken into 3 Major Postings:

Part I) WvW Population Reboot & New Theaters of War v.17

Part II) New Map Mechanic v.36

Part III) Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.41

FAQ & Answers

1) Doesn’t having too many maps spread out the population base?

Current Base Map Mechanic uses 4 Maps

Players will first appear in the corners of Eternal Battle Map

Mixing, swapping, or REDUCING the number of Borderland maps used is possible with this proposal, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible from a programming standpoint

Portals & Spawn Points

Players entering WvW from PvE or PvP start in the Red Corner of Eternal Battle for Home Globe. WvW map Portals grant access to 4 Destinations

1) Lions Arch
2) Red corner of Eternal Battle for Home Globe
3) Green corner of Eternal Battle Map of Any World Globe
4) Blue corner of Eternal Battle Map of Any World Globe

Choosing the Green or Blue Portal will now prompt players to pick from a list of All World Globes on Weekly Reset

Choosing the Green or Blue Portal will give players a customized list based on their Weekly choices & ANet’s enforced Guesting limit after Weekly Reset

Map travel using the (M)ap shortcut key allows simple travel to spawn points within a chosen World Globe

2) Isn’t this New Base Map Mechanic that does switching Globes the exact same thing that we have now for Match-Ups?

There really is a huge difference between Current & Proposed Base Map Mechanics

Given the following choices…Would you prefer to:

A) Fight against 2 Worlds that the System Picks for you at the beginning of every week


B) Fight against 0-3 Worlds that you choose at the beginning of every week from a choice of 24 NA and 27 EU Home Globes

Option A = Current Map Mechanic
Option B = Proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War

The only restriction to being the 0-3 Globe Limit for players. This number that can be adjusted to 1 Globe if necessary by ANet to prevent un-fair matches & to keep players from gaming the system

3) Isn’t PPT over emphasized in this proposal?

PPT without a cap is bad

Proposed Weekly PPT Cap

World Globe Rank & Scoring

Current Scoring
Per Tick – Every 15 minutes – Points Earned
Per Kill – At Death – Points Earned

Not Implemented but being proposed
Per Cap – Objectives captured earn points at flip. Higher points are earned based on the Objective’s Upgrade Tier when flipped. Extremely low points awarded for objectives that have zero upgrades

Per Cap – Objectives need to be claimed to earn Flip Points

Per Cap – Objective Flip Points earned scale in relation to a Guild’s Home Globe WvW Rank. More points are earned if Globe is Higher Rank. Less points earned if Globe is Lower Rank

Weekly PPT Cap of 25,000 – 100,000 Points for each Globe. ANet to adjust value to keep runaway scores from happening

Weekly PPT Cap Adds Weight to Rank that scales to Globes that earn it first

WvW Home Globe Rank based on Weekly Weighted Statistics in Parent Thread

WvW Home Globe Rank Top 3 & Bottom 3 – Global Theaters of War each maintains a separate list

4) Why are you separating Globes into Time Zones & Language that keeps players apart?

Time Zone & Language mechanics being proposed are really Labels to help players pick the right Globe to call Home

Just to be clear…Time Zone & Language mechanics do not stop players from doing anything in WvW

Players tend to follow Commanders/Guilds in WvW

Each Commander or Guild typically performs best according to their Time Zone

Players from different Time Zones should be encouraged to rejoin their Server buddies on whatever Home Globe that gets chosen by their Commander/Guild

WvW is open 24/7…and now…players can find a Globe to play on that is active…even if it’s Night Time for their Home Globe…because it’s definitely Day Time on an International Globe to that player

5) How do you propose to stop a single super stacked and strong Globe from buying up guilds & dominating all Globes?

Players can continue to Globe stack if they want. Powerful Guilds can continue to try to dominate the Top 3 Rank WvW positions

ANet would probably adjust the Weekly Globe limit that players can visit to 1 for the week to force the #1 Ranked NA & EU Globes to become the King of the Hill

If Weekly Globe limit is set to 1. Once a player attacks a Globe

That Specific Chosen Globe is the only Globe that the player will be able to attack for the whole week…until the next Weekly Globe Reset occurs

A very large Guild could hold hostage the Top 3 Ranked Globes, but the New Base Mechanic will at least allow all the Lower Ranked Globes to attack them

Current Base Map Mechanic does not even allow the Lowest Ranked World to attack the #1 Ranked WvW World

Lower Ranked Globes earn more points attacking Higher Ranked Globes

Higher Ranked Globes earn less points attacking Lower Ranked Globes

Home Globe Team will be shown the 3 Top Globes attacking in a random order to provide targeting

King of Hill Buff – Bottom 3 WvW Ranked Worlds get an automatic buff when attacking any Top WvW Ranked World’s Home Globes. Cross Global Theaters of War attacks also trigger Buff

If ANet has to enforce a Weekly Globe Limit of 1 Globe

Severely stacked Globes will be exposed to attack from All Globes, but their armies would be forced to divide itself in retaliation attacks along multiple Globe fronts

Bottom 3 Ranked Globes actually always get an Automatic Buff for attacking any Top 3 Globes

Top 3 Ranked Globes really don’t benefit from attacking the Bottom 3 Ranked Globes

Nothing will prevent all Globes from picking 1 Globe to attack, but given the mechanic that encourages players to visit 0-3 Globes…you can be pretty sure…somebody will decide to attack a different Globe to raise their Home Globe’s Rank over the other Globes

Globes Base design is to encourage Local & International Communities to form

Globe identity encourages a Strong Sense of Community & Hard Fought Rivalries imho

This is a long term solution that encourages Local & International WvW Communities to form & become established…then nurtured

Over time…Communities will be born, grow up, age, and die…the cycle of life

Both NA & EU #1 Ranked Globes would earn less for being the King of the Hill…because nobody is above them in Rank

Players from EU Globes can attack NA Globes by visiting them

Players from NA Globes can attack EU Globes by visiting them

The Globe based design allows players from all 24 NA Globes & 27 EU Globes to move fluidly across all Globes

Current Base Map Mechanic Does Not Allow players to fluidly fight across all World Servers

It’s more fun to be able to fight in any Globe of your choice for the week

Current Base Map Mechanic has you typically fighting the same Server in the same Tier for weeks…if not months…over and over again

The only restriction to being the 0-3 Globe Limit for players. This number that can be adjusted to 1 Globe if necessary by ANet to prevent un-fair matches & to keep players from gaming the system

Players can choose to fight in any NA & EU Globe

WvW is open 24/7….and now…players can find a Globe that is active…even if it’s Night Time for their Home Globe…because it’s definitely Day Time on an International Globe to that player

To ANet Community,

We seem to have the same complaints about server stacking, can’t play with friends & family, off-peak capping, etc.

Yours truly,


(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


SuperBowl Franchise Opportunity

Sadly…Whatever ANet did up till this point is…

A Sunk Cost

Some bad decisions can’t be fixed by throwing more resources at it, or tweaking it.


Cornerstone needs to be set correctly or the whole skyscraper will not build as tall as you want it to.

A building could collapse or function poorly if the Base Design isn’t built on a solid fundamental design.

The core needs to be Team Based.

All lucrative Professional Sports are Team Based & have a Solid Identity.

Franchise…is that a marketing term? Well it applies here…for ANet to consider.

Ok…you can bring up Tennis…but that’s like sPvP.

As an example:

NFL SuperBowl is darn successful on having multiple teams compete…and high school players dream of making it into the NFL.

One thing about high school, college, and professional football…is that they all share a team identity at its core.

ANet’s skyscraper for WvW will be limited if they choose the wrong cornerstone to build with.

Choose wrong…and you’ll get the best Shoot Em Up game ever that’s based on anonymous random teams, but ANet will never have the ability to be the next eSport SuperBowl & setting up a Franchise model if they really care about the bottom line.

Hmmm…speaking for myself & not others. Professional sports is a good example to use.

I think many players are motivated to play for their Guild or Server for camaraderie.

It’s this shared Camaraderie/Pride that has the potential to nurture a strong sense of community.

It’s this kind of Pride that creates a Strong Sense of Community which is the backbone behind many Good & Hard Fought Rivalries imho.

A really exciting Football season between staunch or bitter Rivals leads to a successful NFL SuperBowl.

The core message still goes back to Pride based on a unique identity…it starts out in High School, grows in College, and peaks in Professional Sports…this concept of Team Pride.

We need to build WvW around this unique pride…

World Server is a very large slew of people in one sweep…

Guild size can be small or large…

They all share one thing in common…a unique identity & pride.

Part I) WvW Population Reboot & New Theaters of War v.17

The World Reset is meant to allow Communities to form around a specific Time Zone.

It does not in any way stop players from other Time Zones from joining their friends and family.

Players from different Time Zones can choose to pick the same Home Globe, or they can join different Home Globes but still team-up & play together based on the New Map Mechanic.

Old World Servers are transformed into New Globes during this Population Reboot. Globes are named after their Old World Server’s Name.

1) All Players emailed 1 Free Pass to change their Chosen Globe. Account Bound with an Expiration Date set by ANet.

2) Created before Players are emailed – 21 Theaters of War & Assign at least 1 Home Globe to each Theater, or not even launch the Theater if no population can support it.

3) Ask the entire Population of each World what Time Zone they want to be in.

4) Next, use a Vote Ballot NPC in each WvW Borderland to help each World decide which Time Zone they want to be in.

5) Label each New Home Globe using the Time Zone that the majority of its Population chooses.

6) Allow Players to back out or go back to a previous step as they decide which Home Globe to represent.

7) Prominently Display All Home Globes & their Assigned Time Zone in a list to help Players Choose which Globe to represent.

8) Selecting a Home Globe will next Prominently Display a Globe’s Language Population Distribution Percentage – Primary & Secondary.

9) Players are next asked to Input a Primary & Secondary Language Preference from a list as they make their Final Decision on which Home Globe to represent.

10) System Auto-Updates the Globe’s Language Population Distribution Percentages based on the Player’s Language Preference profile.

11) Allow Players to Re-Populate the New WvW Universe according to their choice of a Home Globe.

12) Host an Annual Event to Re-Locate a Home Globe Theater using a Vote Ballot NPC to help re-allign a World’s Time Zone in the future.

Players tend to follow Commanders/Guilds in WvW.

Each Commander or Guild typically performs best according to their Time Zone.

Players from different Time Zones should be encouraged to rejoin their Server buddies on whatever Home Globe that gets chosen by their Commander/Guild.

Players that pick a Home Globe that’s in a different Time Zone now have the opportunity with this new base map mechanic to team-up with their Commander/Guild by visiting a Shared Enemy Globe to fight together against a common foe.

The Theater of Wars allows International Pride between Home Globes to develop while nurturing a Globe Community that is local to a specific Time Zone.

All Home Globes through an Annual WvW Voting Event can later change their chosen Global Theater of War to match the needs of the majority.

Server Pride is preserved & International Pride is given a chance to take root & expand as our Old Home Servers are transformed into Home Globes.

WvW runs around the clock…it’s 24/7…

Just to be clear…this Global Theater of Wars Label mechanic:

Does not in any way prevent a player from picking any Home Globe to join.

Does not in any way prevent a player from fighting for their Home Globe any day or time they choose.

What it does do is let players know ahead of time…that the typical player for that Home Globe has voted & approved that they want to be associated to a particular Time Zone.

This allows players to know ahead of time…that they will be playing with other players that share the same day & night hours.

You as a player can pick & join any Home Globe you want to…there is no restriction.

The Theater of War mechanic helps in the Long Term because it allows WvW Communities to gather & play at the same day & night hours.

As an example…I think when a husband and wife wake & sleep at the same time…they share more of their lives together…

Night hours for your Home Globe in the proposed New Map Mechanic could be covered by Alliances with other Globes from different Time Zones.

Globes that attack you during your “night” period could be handled by a retaliation strike against the attacking Globe from your Allied partner Globe that’s in a different Time Zone.

I got your back bro…anybody messes with you…gonna get slammed by me.

That’s the concept here.

Time Zone & Language Label mechanics help players pick the right Globe to call Home.

Also, WvW Guilds do not need to recruit in the LA Map channel hoping to find similar players to join thier Home Globe anymore.

Long Term recruiting for your Globe should be easier as the system will naturally attract players from your Time Zone to join your Globe.

Possible Time Zone Labels

Global Theaters of War – Based on Time Zones

01 PAHST – Pacific – Hawaii-Aluetian Standard Time = UTC minus 10
02 NAAxT – NAmerica – Alaska Time = UTC minus 9 or 8
03 NAPxT – NAmerica – Pacific Time = UTC minus 8 or 7
04 NAMxT – NAmerica – Mountain Time = UTC minus 7 or 6
05 NACxT – NAmerica – Central Time = UTC minus 6 or 5
06 NAExT – NAmerica – Eastern Time = UTC minus 5 or 4
07 EUAxT – Europe – Atlantic Time = UTC minus 4 or 3

08 EUGMT – Europe – Greenwich Mean Time aka UTC
09 EUBST – Europe – British Summer Time = UTC plus 1

10 EUWxT – Europe – Western Europe Time = UTC plus 0 or 1
11 EUCxT – Europe – Central Europe Time = UTC plus 1 or 2
12 AFWxT – Africa – West Africa Time = UTC plus 1 or 2
13 AFCAT – Africa – Central Africa Time = UTC plus 2
14 AFSST – Africa – South Africa Standard Time = plus 2
15 EUExT – Europe – East Europe Time = UTC plus 2 or 3
16 AFExT – Africa – East Africa Time = UTC plus 3
17 EUMxT – Europe – Moscow Time = UTC 3 or 4
18 ASMST – Asia – Malaysian Standard Time = UTC plus 8
19 AUWST – Australia – Australian West Standard Time = UTC plus 8
20 AUCxT – Australia – Australian Central Time = UTC plus 9:30 or 10:30
21 AUExT – Australia – Australian East Time = UTC plus 10 or 11

The following is how i’ve seen BG tend to define them, based off of PST:

EST: 4pm -7pm
PST: 9pm – 12am
OCX: 1am – 5am
SEA: 6am – 10am
EU: 11am – 2pm

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


PART II – New Map Mechanic v.36

Before explaining the Proposed New Map Mechanic. Let me explain the Vision that drives it

WvW Vision

1) World based War…that’s why it’s called WvW.

There could easily be 3 Worlds to 1,000 Worlds at War.

New Worlds can easily join the War in the future.

Old Worlds can be retired from the War if its population can’t support it.

2) System that allows World Communities to grow or survive.

All Worlds should be able to increase their WvW Home Rank themselves, or through Players Creating Alliances with other Enemy Worlds by teaming up.

Low Ranked Worlds that have a low or declining population level are automatically protected & allowed to survive.

3) War between Worlds should typically have no borders, but should have limitations to reduce or prevent un-fair matches.

All Players/Guilds are given the ability to attack any World.

All Players/Guilds are given the ability to team up & play together with friends that have moved to other Enemy Worlds.

Map Mechanics will be in place that scales and can be adjusted to reduce or prevent un-fair matches.

Proposed New Map Mechanic

1) Require Players to Choose 1 Home World Globe to represent.

2) Allow Players the Potential to Attack All Enemy World Globes & to Team-Up with Players from other Enemy World Globes. It’s possible for Players to create an In-Game Alliance with other “Friendly” Enemies to attack a 3rd Enemy’s World Globe.

3) Implement a WvW Home Globe Rank system based on weighted statistics.

Note: Players can pick a different Home World Globe from their Guild.

Core Map Mechanic 1 – 2

Old World Servers are transformed into New Globes. Each Globe owns all 4 maps.

Players are able to visit all Globes with Limitations.

a) Home World is called a “Globe” and is made up of 4 maps (Green, Red, Blue, EBattle). Home Team is given WP advantage on all maps except in Eternal Battle

b) Geographic Theaters of War are setup to allow Communities to form around a specific Time Zone. There are no time restrictions to when players can play WvW. Server Pride is preserved & International Pride is given a chance to take root & expand as our Old Home Servers are transformed into Home Globes.

……….i) PA – Pacific – 1 Globe
……….ii) NA – North America – 5 Globes
……….iii) EU – Europe – 7 Globes
……….iv) AF – Africa – 4 Globes
………..v) AS – Asia – 1 Globe
……… AU – Australia – 3 Globes

c) Players Enter All 4 Maps in their Home Globe as an Ally, and Enter All Maps in Other Enemy Globes as a Guest

d) Enemy-Guest follows a “Guesting” limit of (0-3) Enemy Globes per week that a player can visit. ANet can adjust this number to reduce or prevent un-fair matches, or (Zero) during tournaments

e) Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking a player’s Home Globe is displayed in a Random fashion every time it’s viewed by the Home Team

f) EotM Map implemented without WvW Rewards (i.e. Badges of Honor, WXP, WvW Achievements, Ascended Equipment, etc.)

Core Map Mechanic 2 – 2

WvW Home Globe Rank based on Weekly Weighted Statistics listed below

WvW Home Globe Rank is used as a reference point in giving out Weekly, Monthly, and Tournament Rewards.

a) Cumulative Kill & Tick Points earned from All Kills & Claimed Objectives on both Home & Enemy Globes

b) Home Globe’s Active WvW Players Total Count
c) Home Globe’s Outnumbered Buff for Server Total Time Count

d) Weekly X,Y,Z – Code the Map to allow a future variables not implemented

List of Major Mechanics & Triggers

Major Mechanics & Triggers are used to create & maintain balance & harmony within the WvW Universe.

a) Players & Guilds
b) World Globe Rank & Scoring
c) Feedback & Reward System
d) Services
e) Anti-Trolling, Buffs, & Counter-Weights
f) Defense
g) Offense
h) Supply
i) Portals & Spawn Points
j) Events – PvE & WvW
k) Maps

Original Concept

Classic WvW

In my opinion…

Classic WvW is server based & is the Alpine Map.

New WvW is megaserver based & is the Desert BL or EotM Map.

ANet tried to change Classic WvW by adding Desert BL to the formula.

Classic WvW players tried it…and didn’t like the Taste of New WvW.

In Fact…Classic WvW players quit playing Desert BL, or went to play in EBattle Map that tasted more like Classic WvW.

Some players suprisingly liked the taste of New WvW & actually play in Desert BL wondering why nobody else likes the great new taste.

ANet should consider putting back Classic WvW on the shelf & Stocking New WvW in a Beta mode until more players acquire a taste for it.

Then there will be two types of consumers willing to buy this WvW game mode. One that likes Classic WvW & the other that likes New WvW.

Please give credit to author if this idea is ever used.

A lot of effort went into this proposal…any rewards would be appreciated.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


PART III – Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.41

Major Mechanics & Triggers are used to create & maintain balance & harmony within the WvW Universe.

a) Players & Guilds

……Commander Squad UI
……Commander Tools
…Dynamic Level Adjustment to Level 80
…Free Accounts – Level 60 required to access WvW – See Related – [Feedback] – [Services] – [Anti-Trolling]

…Roamer / Scout / Zerg

Not Implemented
…Enemy-Guest Limit for a Player can be adjusted by ANet

…Guilds can Claim 0-3 objective per map (with HoT release) – ANet can adjust number – See Related – [Defense-Auto-Upgrades]

b) World Globe Rank & Scoring

…Per Tick – Every 15 minutes – Points Earned
…Per Kill – At Death – Points Earned

Not Implemented
…Per Cap – Objectives captured earn points at flip. Higher points are earned based on the Objective’s Upgrade Tier when flipped. Extremely low points awarded for objectives that have zero upgrades

…Per Cap – Objectives need to be claimed to earn Flip Points

…Per Cap – Objective Flip Points earned scale in relation to a Guild’s Home Globe WvW Rank. More points are earned if Globe is Higher Rank. Less points earned if Globe is Lower Rank

…Weekly PPT Cap of 25,000 – 100,000 Points for each Globe. ANet to adjust value to keep runaway scores from happening

…Weekly PPT Cap Adds Weight to Rank that scales to Globes that earn it first

…WvW Home Globe Rank based on Weekly Weighted Statistics in Parent Thread.

…WvW Home Globe Rank Top 3 & Bottom 3 – Global Theaters of War each maintains a separate list.

…Blood Lust Buff (with HoT release)

c) Feedback & Reward System

…WvW Titles

…WvW – Daily Task – Simple
………Big Spender
………Caravan Disruptor
………Invasion Defender
………Land Claimer
………Mists Guard Killer

…WvW – Daily Task – Structure
………Camp Capturer — EotM Generators do not count
………Keep Capturer
………Objective Defender
………Tower Capturer

…WvW – Guild Missions (with HoT release) – Guild – Weekly & Overall Favor Cap – See related – [Events-WvW]

…WvW – Guild Missions (with HoT release) – Player – Personal Rewards – See related – [Events-WvW]

…WvW – Scoreboard Display Total
…WvW – Scoreboard Display Prospective Points

…WvW – Scrolls of Heroics (with HoT release) – Hero Points

…WvW – Weekly Reset Bonus Chest (0-3) per WvW Rank Earned (with HoT release) – Tied to WvW World Rank

Not Implemented
…WvW – Daily Task – Simple
………Master of Ruins (with HoT release) – Removal Pending
………Veteran Creature Slayer (with HoT release) – Removal Pending

…Loyalty Counter – Every (250-500) WvW Ranks earns Bonus Chest. Resets to Zero if WvW Home Globe Changes.

…WvW Vote Ballot NPC – that will spawn in a Home Globe’s Primary Spawn Point that gathers Votes from WvW players on Decisions that will impact the WvW or Home Globe Community. Free Accounts are not allowed to vote – See Related – [Services] – [Players]

…Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking a player’s Home Globe is diplayed in a Random fashion every time it’s viewed by the Home Team

…WvW Objectives held by Home World Globe are colored RED
…WvW Objectives held by Enemy World Globes are colored CYAN

…WvW Scoreboard Display WvW Total Points / Total Per Kill Earned / Total Per Tick Earned

d) Services

…Battle Historian – WvW Rewards Merchant
…Garrison (Keep services plus)
…Starter area (Citadel in Home Borderland)
…Starter area (Enemy Borderlands)

Not Implemented

…WvW Vote Ballot NPC – See related – [Feedback & Reward System]

e) Anti-Trolling, Buffs, & Counter-Weights

…Food Buff

…Outnumbered Flag Buff – Increases a player’s bonus for Experience, Magic Find, WXP, no Armor Damage on Death

…PvP Blood Lust Buff
…Resurrection Timer
…Siege Deployment Blocked
…Siege Despawn
…Transfer Lockout of Home World Globe
…WXP Consumables, Modifiers, Upgrades

Not Implemented
…Anti-Troll – WvW Dishonor Flag
……1) Let the WvW community of players flag the player(s) they think are Trolls.
……2) Put limitations on how this flag is applied to prevent abuse.
……3) Then decide on what the Dishonor flag does to these Trolls.

…Counter-Weight – Upgrade Despawn with a Decay Timer (with HoT release) – ANet can adjust timer – See Related – [Defense-Auto-Upgrades]

…Free Accounts – Can’t Buy, Deploy, or Email WvW Siege (with HoT release) – See Related – [Players]

…Free Accounts – Can’t Claim Objectives (with HoT release) – See Related – [Players]

…King of Hill Buff – Bottom 3 WvW Ranked Worlds get an automatic buff when attacking any Top WvW Ranked World’s Home Globes. Cross Global Theaters of War attacks also trigger Buff

…Implement a Dynamic Tier Level Buff with Decay Timer named “Tenacious”

  • Tenacious Buff’s Tier Level increases for each 20 consecutive minutes passing that Outnumbered Buff affects a player
  • Tenacious Buff’s Decay Timer has a maximum of 20 minutes & begins to count down once a player looses Outnumbered Buff
  • Tenacious Buff Tier level (Low, Medium, High) affects a player by:
  • —-Increase the Rewards for Outnumbered Flag Buff
  • —-Increase the Reward for Killing an Enemy by a Tenacious Buffed Player
  • —-Decrease the Reward for Killing a Tenacious Buffed Player by an Enemy
  • Tenacious Buff Tier Level & Decay Timer diplayed as an active Buff to the player
  • Tenacious Buff Decay Timer is paused during periods of Outnumbered Buff affecting a player
  • Tenacious Buff Decay Timer increases if the required 20 consecutive minutes of Outnumbered Buff affects a player recurr
  • Tenacious Buff ends when Decay Timer reaches zero, or a player changes map

f) Defense

…Auto-Uprades (with HoT release) – See Related – [Guilds & Counter-Weights]
…Inner Walls
…Siege Blueprint – Shield Generator (with HoT release)
…Seige Disablers
…Siege Weapons – Cannon, Motar, Oil Pot
…Stealth Disruptor Trap
…Supply Removal Trap

Not Implemented
…Upgrade Objectives Mannually Triggered – Borderland maps are Free for Home Team
…Upgrade Objectives Mannually Triggered – Borderlands maps will Cost Gold for Enemy Team
…Upgrade Objectives Mannually Triggered – Eternal Battle map will Cost Gold for Home & Enemy Team

g) Offense
…Siege Blueprint – ArrowCart, Balistae, Catapult, Treb, Golem

Not Implemented

h) Supply


Not Implemented

i) Portals & Spawn Points


Not Implemented
…Players entering WvW from PvE or PvP start in the Red Corner of Eternal Battle for Home Globe. WvW map Portals grant access to 4 Destinations

…1) Lions Arch
…2) Red corner of Eternal Battle for Home Globe
…3) Green corner of Eternal Battle Map of Any World Globe
…4) Blue corner of Eternal Battle Map of Any World Globe

…Choosing the Green or Blue Portal will now prompt players to pick from a list of All World Globes on Weekly Reset.

…Choosing the Green or Blue Portal will give players a customized list based on their Weekly choices & ANet’s enforced Guesting limit after Weekly Reset.

…Map travel using the (M)ap shortcut key allows simple travel to spawn points within a chosen World Globe.

j) Events – PvE & WvW

…PvE – Hero Challenges
…PvE – Jumping Puzzles – Mistwrought Vault & Obsidian Sanctum
…WvW – Into the Oasis (with HoT release)
…WvW – Eternal Battle Mercenaries
…WWW – Tournament Seasons – Rewards based on WvW Home Globe Rank
…WvW – Weekly Reset
…WvW – Guild Missions (with HoT release) – See related – [Reward System-Guild-Player]

Not Implemented
…WvW – New Globe Launch Queue – New Globe launches once enough players (ANet to determine number) have paid gems in advance & selected a matching Time Zone. Players are immediately charged gems & moved to new Globe when it does launch. Percent to launch & matching Time Zone displayed to players.

…WvW – Weekly Reset for Geographic Theaters of War are assigned different reset times based on Time Zone

…WvW – Weekly or Monthly Battle Leagues – Rewards based on WvW Home Globe Rank

…WvW – Annual Home Globe Theater’s Time Zone Re-Election by WvW Vote Ballot NPC

…WvW – Breakout (with HoT release)

…WvW – Borderland PvP Blood Lust Buff (with HoT release)

k) Maps

…3 Borderlands & 1 Eternal Battle

Not Implemented
…1-2 Borderlands, 1 Eternal Battle & 1 Live Beta

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


“Global Theaters of War” = no thank you.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Apokriphos.7042


“Global Theaters of War” = no thank you.

I completely disagree with your nonresponse to his detailed proposal. It still could use some tinkering but the world model has been outdated for a very long time, and looking into why it doesn’t work for the majority of wvw players is probably one of the most important tasks for the dev team. That, and scrapping the new maps, or getting rid of the duplicate bl’s.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I prefer the “world” model myself, and I don’t think grouping people into set “time’s” will work well for those like myself who have varying time zones which they play in wvw during. (I think creating the time zone based play would drive people like myself away from the game completely.) Not to mention many WvW’ers like to have “pride” in the server they are fighting for. Having it to where you’re in a global theater and you can also play elsewhere would ruin the server pride furthermore than it is currently.

I love the fact wvw is 24 hours a day, as I am located in NA, but I play on “weekdays” varying times from OCX to EU, and on my “weekends” I play NA primes. So it allows me to play during any time that I want, while not being restricted by “server”, or “specified times” to be able to enjoy wvw. (I hate games which do not have 24-7 fighting.)

I disagree with doing a “world reboot” and throwing people off from their current servers as many have made friends, and established wvw communities, and that would do no good for those servers wvw communities. (It’d possibly even disconnect people from one another and cause a loss of those who like playing with xxx on a server.)

In all honesty, Anet should remove mega servers, remove EOTM, and make everything “server” based again for playing, and have the overflows which they had 3 years ago in pve if “needed”. Prior to the general pve mega servers, each server had server pride, and fighting. Some servers were RP ones, others WvW, some PVE orientated and guesting was always an option. However with the servers having the pve on their server unless in overflow, it allowed guilds and communities to recruit new WvW players fairly easily, which is not as feasible any longer due to the mega servers. Players used to port into LA on their server and even be able to shout for backup in wvw if needed, without the enemy seeing them do it, which is another thing which was lost due to mega server implementation.

As for EOTM, I would love to see it removed. Let the players who are going around in EOTM, funnel back in WvW or PvE. (The worst that could happen is they start playing the different game modes for more then just farming.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



Hope this explains the proposal better.

Given the following choices…Would you prefer to:

A) Fight against 2 Worlds that the System Picks for you at the beginning of every week.


B) Fight against 2 Worlds that you choose at the beginning of every week from a choice of 24 NA and 27 EU Home Globes.

Option A = Current Map Mechanic
Option B = Proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War

Given the following choices…Would you prefer to:

A) Recruit players from your Time Zone to join your Home World by shouting in LA Map Channel.


B) Naturally let players choose your Home Globe based on its designated Theater of War that Annually gets voted on by your entire WvW Globe’s Population.

Option A = Current Map Mechanic
Option B = Proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War

The proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War will let you play with friends & family.

If you’re in a different Home Globe away from your friends & family…then just pick an Enemy Globe that you both can meet on then team-up & fight together there.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058



Hope this explains the proposal better.

Given the following choices…Would you prefer to:

A) Fight against 2 Worlds that the System Picks for you at the beginning of every week.


B) Fight against 2 Worlds that you choose at the beginning of every week from a choice of 24 NA or 27 EU Home Globes.

Option A = Current Map Mechanic
Option B = Proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War

The current system for matching is fine, however where it breaks down is when worlds have players and guilds “gaming” the system. (Hince why there are under/over populated servers currently.

If “players” were to pick each match who they were fighting at random then the imbalanced matches could continue by players specifically picking much weaker opponents then they currently have in matches.

Given the following choices…Would you prefer to:

A) Recruit players from your Time Zone to join your Home World by shouting in LA Map Channel.


B) Naturally let players choose your Home Globe based on its designated Theater of War that Annually gets voted on by your entire WvW Globe’s Population.

Option A = Current Map Mechanic
Option B = Proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War

I believe my view on this was stated when I stated I do not like having the “home globe” based off of time zones, due to the fact I play during OCX/SEA/EU and NA prime times depending on which day of the week it is. I enjoy the 24hr system as it is currently in the way which no server is “based” from a specific time zone.

The proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War will let you play with friends & family.

If you’re in a different Home Globe away from your friends & family…then just pick an Enemy Globe that you both can meet on then team-up & fight together there.

The main issue I have is that would destroy the wvw communities servers have spent time on setting up, as well as many have spent countless hours with comrades in.

I know many who put countless hours each week into maintaing a wvw community, you build friendships/bonds, and they cross a set time zone, so how would those go into the “Home globe” setting when the home globes are broken into specific time zones? Would everyone’s work thus far over years have been for nothing?

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



Hope this defines the proposal better.

New Map Mechanic has a built in counter to hopefully prevent players from “gaming” the system.

Here’s the specific mechanics that prevents this:

PART III – Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.33
a) Players & Guilds

Not Implemented
…Enemy-Guest Limit for a Player can be adjusted by ANet

Designed mechanic is meant to encourage players to attack the Enemy Globe that is attacking their Home Globe:

PART II – New Map Mechanic v.33

1) Core Map Mechanic

New Home World is contained in a Globe.

Snip 8<

c) Players Enter All 4 Maps in their Home Globe as an Ally, and Enter All Maps in Other Enemy Globes as an Enemy-Guest

d) Enemy-Guest follows a “Guesting” limit of (1-3) Enemy Globes per week that a player can visit. ANet can adjust this number to reduce or prevent un-fair matches, or during tournaments

e) Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking a player’s Home Globe is diplayed in a Random fashion every time it’s viewed by the Home Team

You’re correct that players have the potential to pick weaker worlds.

Given the following choices…would you prefer to:

A) Attack the weakest Globe that represent zero threat to your Home Globe.


B) Attack one of the Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking your Home Globe.


C) Continue to accept a World where Players take it upon themselves to move to a Top Tier World to have fun.

Option A&B = Proposed New Map Mechanic & Global Theaters of War
Option C = Current Map Mechanic

The World Reset is meant to allow Communities to form around a specific Time Zone.

It does not in any way stop players from other Time Zones from joining their friends and family.

Players from different Time Zones can choose to pick the same Home Globe, or they can join different Home Globes but still team-up & play together based on the New Map Mechanic.

Players from different Time Zones can & should pick your Globe to rejoin you.

Just tell them which New Globe you all plan to meet up on after the World Reset…which…your World should have voted in setting their Theater of War before the Reset.

I understand WvW on weaker Worlds are Extremely Fragil. I’m on one myself.

Long Term recruiting for your Globe should be easier as the system will naturally attract players from your Time Zone to join your Globe.

The Theater assignment is also annually voted on by the entire WvW Globe community in case demographics change.

Free Accounts are not allowed to vote.

The Theater Time Zone is only meant to let prospective WvW Players know which Time Zone that WvW Community is organized around.

Let me update the information in the Global Theater of War posting later today.

Thanks for pointing out the misunderstanding.

Edit – Forgot to include these related Map Mechanics that should help weaker Globes get back into the competition.

PART III – Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.33

b) World Globe Rank & Scoring

Not Implemented

…WvW Home Globe Rank Top 3 & Bottom 3 – Global Theaters of War each maintains a separate list.

e) Anti-Trolling, Buffs, & Counter-Weights

…King of Hill Buff – Bottom 3 WvW Ranked Worlds get an automatic buff when attacking any Top 3 WvW Ranked World’s Home Globes. Cross Global Theaters of War attacks also trigger Buff

…Implement a Dynamic Tier Level Buff with Decay Timer named “Tenacious”

Sorry WvW Community…please don’t take this posted update as spam. I’ll really try to keep to posting updates on a single monthly basis.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: rchu.8945



I think you have some great ideas, but I disagree on removing the world servers. To me “server pride” is an important factor, for both WvW and PvE (especially with raid content coming). I think the mega servers really messed things up, while there’s benefit for PvE, but it also created problem where the good maps with good PvE groups completing Meta events are always full with people “taxi” people in. Just as an example is the Auric basic meta events. I’ve been the zone for a week, each day with duration from 3 to 4 hours sessions. NOT once have I completed. MIshi made a good point that mega servers really took down the “server pride” in some ways, for those that do PvX instead of just PvE.

As for WvW being fun, Im on JQ and the fights against human opponents are almost none existent (based on my play time and frequency of logging into WvW maps), zergs are moving from one keep to another simple to cap and leave, let other opponents take it again so they can come back and recap it. This is not fun.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



I agree with you wholeheartedly about server pride.

I plan to rejoin my Globe after the World Reset that I’m proposing…whatever Time Zone my WvW Community decides to place it in.

The World Reset is meant to allow Communities to form around a specific Time Zone.

It does not in any way stop players from other Time Zones from joining their friends and family.

Players from different Time Zones can & should pick your Globe to rejoin you.

Just tell them which New Globe you all plan to meet up on after the World Reset…which…your World should have voted in setting their Theater of War before the Reset.

Long Term recruting for your Globe should be easier as the system will naturally attract players from your Time Zone to join your Globe.

The Theater assignment is also annually voted on by the entire WvW Globe community in case demographics change.

The Theater Time Zone is only meant to let prospective WvW Players know which Time Zone that WvW Community is organized around.

I want WvW Communities to THRIVE without having to Recruit using the LA Map Channel.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


This is why I left my first reply as short as possible, to prevent any rebuttal. I do not appreciate any attempts to discriminate against players and separating all our worlds. Especially when you wish to do so by time??? WvW runs around the clock and as such requires communities to be built for continuous coverage. That’s why your concept is a non starter right from the get go. Remove any time prioritizing and begin again.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Oh and EotM stays right where it is! A lot of players enjoy and actually prefer EotM to WvW. It would be incredibly selfish of us to demand anyone play on a bl or EB instead. Especially demanding they play on those new bl’s….

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



I think you’re misunderstanding things…

WvW does run around the clock…that’s a good thing.

The Theater of War mechanic does not in any way whatsoever prevent a player from picking any Home Globe to join.

What it does do is let players know ahead of time…that the typical player for that Home Globe has voted & approved that they want to be associated to a particular Time Zone.

This allows players to know ahead of time…that they will be playing with other players that share the same day & night hours.

You as a player can pick & join any Home Globe you want to…there is no restriction.

The Theater of War mechanic helps in the Long Term because it allows WvW Communities to gather & play at the same day & night hours.

Night hours for your Home Globe in the proposed New Map Mechanic could be covered by Alliances with other Globes from different Time Zones.

Globes that attack you during your “night” period could be handled by a retaliation strike against the attacking Globe from your Allied partner Globe that’s in a different Time Zone.

I got your back bro…anybody messes with you…gonna get slammed by me.

That’s the concept here.

Also, WvW Guilds do not need to recruit in the LA Map channel hoping to find similar players to join thier Home Globe anymore.

I don’t like EotM either…and it really does nothing to encourage the true WvW fighting that many want to experience in my opinion. EotM was meant to be a waiting room for the main attraction…but instead turned into a Freakish PvE carnival of ktrain that bleeds soldiers from the main WvW War.

Here’s what I’m proposing to do about EotM in case you missed reading it:

f) EotM Map implemented without WvW Rewards (i.e. Badges of Honor, WXP, WvW Achievements, Ascended Equipment, etc.)

Edit – This Reboot of Base Map Mechanic & Population is flexible enough to work with the Old Alpine Map or New Desert Map.

Thanks for the feedback.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Server Pride:
Then why change servers to globe, and break globes to being centered around certain time zones, thus leaving other time zones, or displacing certain players who are currently on a server and have their server pride?

Time zone coverage:
If all WvW communities were to do the same thing, then having “globes” would be no different then the current servers. (Everyone would end up funneling back into a few places for 24hr/day coverage.) And by place I mean currently its “Server” under your system it would be a select few “Globes” which were “alliances” with one another. (Same result in the end, just different name.)

So then there would be no change from the current server system if this were to happen. (Other then everyone in the game would get a free transfer/recruitment opportunity.) WvW communities would plan to go on XXX globe together as they are on XXX server together currently.

Currently the servers with activity outside of NA prime attract others who are not NA prime players, ect…

Just as a question:
Why would servers need to be broken down into time based “globes” for WvW which is a 24 hours a day 365 days a year game mode on GW2? Even with alliances that would diminish the “pride” players on a server feel for winning a match on their own.

Guild recruitment:
Guilds have always recruited from all various forms, and for guilds to stop using LA chat, ect.. Adding in globes, and making wvw globe/alliance based would not stop guilds from recruiting for “their” guild via LA or other chats. Players on GW2 and some guilds have pride in the “server” they are on as well as the “guild” they are in, and doing things with those groups without assistance from others.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



Creating Globes allows for dynamic Match-Ups based on individual player’s choices. The current Server Tier based system uses glicko to create Match-Ups that in my opinion…doesn’t work.

Globes breaks open the only 2 enemy worlds attacking your server mode that is built into the Current Map Mechanic.

This is why I’m proposing to throw out the Current Tier Based system of 3 Worlds fighting each other in 8 or 9 Tiers.

All Globes have the potential to attack each other in an all out battle royale in this New Map Mechanic proposal. Imagine 24 NA & 27 EU Home Globes crossing over borders to fight each other…which will happen with this New Map Mechanic.

Keep in mind the player’s choices in attacking a Globe is subject to a Guesting-Limit that is in place to reduce un-fair matches from occurring. ANet can increase or decrease this number based on players trying to game the system.

Also, the WvW scoreboard will be redone to display the Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking your Home Globe in a random fashion to help you decide who to attack...this should help further randomize the Match-Ups that’s based on individual players choices.

As far as Time Zone…

It’s a player reference point that should help to build community imho. Players that share the same day & night hours tend to play at the same time.

Players can pick & join any Home Globe they want go to…there is no restriction. So if you are a night owl…then pick a time zone where the majority of players are on with you.

World servers will need to be converted into Globes.

This moment would be the best time to reset the population.

Before this reset is done…I’m proposing that we ask the entire WvW population of each World to pick their Time Zone.

Long Term recruting for your Globe should be easier as the system will naturally attract players from your Time Zone to join your Globe.

The Theater assignment is also annually voted on by the entire WvW Globe community in case demographics change.

The New Map Mechanic will allow you to play with friends & family even if they’re on a different Enemy Globe

That being the case…you should be able to team-up & form Alliances to fight a common Enemy Globe between yourselves.

Your friends & family might be in a Globe that’s in a different Time Zone from yours & can probably recruit better in that Time Zone to help launch strike attacks against the Globes that attack your Home Globe at night.

In my opinion…this should lead to more dynamic Match-Ups…which hopefully will level the field….as it becomes a lot harder to be the top dog with more Globes attacking each other.

Or, you might be lucky…and have all your friends & family on the same Globe…but then I’d advise you to make friends with other Globes to take advantage of Alliances across Time Zones.

I’m for Time Zone based Alliances that will allow International pride to be nurtured.

I got your back bro…anybody messes with you…gonna get slammed by me.

I think pride for me means building a strong and healthy WvW Community. It’s great if the Community has all players from every Time Zone…but I don’t think that would be practical or possible in my opinion.

It’s kind of hard to tell prospective WvW Recruits that your World is strong in all Time Zones…if you are…then maybe I need to add a Global Theater of War that says…Strong in All Time Zones.

Actually having single World Servers that are Strong in All Time Zones…is probably one of the primary reasons Top Tier Worlds are so heavily stacked in my opinion.

Huge population in-balances between servers can be created by an accumulated amount of player’s behavior who take it upon themselves to migrate to Top Tier servers to have fun.

Long term…I believe this New Map Mechanic and Global World Theaters of War will provide a nurturing environment that is missing with the Current Map Mechanic & Ambiguous definitions of Community. The Time Zone is meant to bring players that share the same day & night schedules. together.

As an example…I think when a husband and wife wake & sleep at the same time…they share more of their lives together…than when it’s the opposite.

Edit – This Reboot of Base Map Mechanic & Population is flexible enough to work with the Old Alpine Map or New Desert Map.

Old Alpine map in my opinion had the right size and feel. New map will take time, but it feels like it just needs a higher number of players to reach a critical mass where the fun begins.

Seriously…thank you for asking these questions. I’ll be right back after I get some Advil.

I’m joking about the Advil…:P

Thank you…

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


I support this.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Swift.1930


I prefer the “world” model myself, and I don’t think grouping people into set “time’s” will work well for those like myself who have varying time zones which they play in wvw during. (I think creating the time zone based play would drive people like myself away from the game completely.) Not to mention many WvW’ers like to have “pride” in the server they are fighting for. Having it to where you’re in a global theater and you can also play elsewhere would ruin the server pride furthermore than it is currently.

I love the fact wvw is 24 hours a day, as I am located in NA, but I play on “weekdays” varying times from OCX to EU, and on my “weekends” I play NA primes. So it allows me to play during any time that I want, while not being restricted by “server”, or “specified times” to be able to enjoy wvw. (I hate games which do not have 24-7 fighting.)

I disagree with doing a “world reboot” and throwing people off from their current servers as many have made friends, and established wvw communities, and that would do no good for those servers wvw communities. (It’d possibly even disconnect people from one another and cause a loss of those who like playing with xxx on a server.)

In all honesty, Anet should remove mega servers, remove EOTM, and make everything “server” based again for playing, and have the overflows which they had 3 years ago in pve if “needed”. Prior to the general pve mega servers, each server had server pride, and fighting. Some servers were RP ones, others WvW, some PVE orientated and guesting was always an option. However with the servers having the pve on their server unless in overflow, it allowed guilds and communities to recruit new WvW players fairly easily, which is not as feasible any longer due to the mega servers. Players used to port into LA on their server and even be able to shout for backup in wvw if needed, without the enemy seeing them do it, which is another thing which was lost due to mega server implementation.

As for EOTM, I would love to see it removed. Let the players who are going around in EOTM, funnel back in WvW or PvE. (The worst that could happen is they start playing the different game modes for more then just farming.)

Three little comments:
1- Judging by the base idea, I’m pretty sure choosing a timezone wouldn’t really cut you out of anything. You could just choose the same timezone your server currently is, and you would get the same experience.
2- I wouldn’t suggest removing EotM… whether or not it is a great feature, it’s still an element of the game. I’m not a fan of the new borderland, but I’d still suggest moving it to the sidelines and leaving it in the game. Can’t hurt to have extra content. A lot of people love EotM, and making one or two people happy by completely removing something completely isn’t worth much when it ultimately ruins several other players’ experiences.
3- As far as I recall, megaserving was because of a drop in the playerbase that left people in emptier servers pretty much out to dry with events like The Shatterer. Server pride is a great thing – if your server can still function and complete events that require large numbers.

But I’ll agree that a reboot isn’t exactly a fun or player-friendly way to go about fixing WvW problems.

Been there, punned that.

Ehmry Bay Guardian

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


My current server has a decent size of population in all time zones, except they lack a bit during NA prime. (So I would have to choose between the 3 time zones I play during, if the system went to the globe idea, which would kinda suck.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



I’d say formally “Labeling” your Server for 1 Time Zone, but letting all Time Zones back on isn’t too bad a price to pay…

When the New Map Mechanic will give you the opportunity to pick from a choice of 24 NA and 27 EU Home Globes to visit as an Enemy-Guest.

Enemy-Guest follows a “Guesting” limit of (1-3) Enemy Globes per week that a player can visit. ANet can adjust this number to reduce or prevent un-fair matches, or during tournaments.

So your old WvW Server Community can still choose to Re-Stack from all Time Zones, but they’ll probably realize that it’s not a good thing to put all your population in 1 basket given this New Base Map Mechanic.

Thanks for helping me earlier to define things better.


Never thought the Population Reboot was anti-player.

I viewed the Population Reboot as an opportunity for players to pick a New Globe that matches their Time Zone…so they can play with other players that share their day & night hours.

As an example…I think when a husband and wife wake & sleep at the same time…they share more of their lives together…

Players can still choose to pick their Old World Server in whatever Time Zone the majority of its population chooses…if that’s what they really want to do.

The Global Theater of War will not stop them, but they should know that the New Map Mechanic will be in place…and will have an “Enemy-Guest” limit in place to prevent un-fair matches.

Thank you for the encouragement & feedback.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: FogLeg.9354


I just got back from guild raid where we ran for 2 hours in prime time, in all 4 maps, trying to find single enemy group to fight. We found none. So I am a bit tired and annoyed.

So some thoughts. not in any specific order. Feel free to ignore if you find them out of context

I do agree that the current “servers” system does not work. I think it stopped working with megaservers and that is a lot of time ago. For new players picking a server has no meaning, they probably play for months before discovering wvw part and then see that they are stuck in “wrong” server. The server they had to choose before even playing the game. Its a mess really.

Replacing them with Globes based on time zones sounds fine to me. Maybe I missed it, but I did not see any mention of different languages. For US its not a problem. However in EU most servers have some additional language/country beside english. Some like german or french are official server languages, some like russian or polish, italian or finnish just tend to gather into one or two servers. Representing your country could be massively important, even more then playing in certain timezone.

Then at some areas I feel you are not going far enough with proposed changes. Why you feel its important to have exactly 4 maps to fight in? Just because we have 4 now is not really good reason if you try to improve current system. Why not have just one map? Specially when 3 maps are currently empty. If, and only if first map is already full of people, open up next map to fight for.

The other thing I really dislike about scoring is the constant tick based on how many objectives each side is holding. This tick basically rewards servers for not fighting, not being active, not even being online. And its terrible. I honestly do not feel any new and improved system can implement similar passive ticks where score is increased just for nothing. There should always be players doing something before they earn some points. Just for example you could get points for capturing objectives (but only once, when you capture them) or upgrading structures (obviously not with auto-upgrades like we have now but really bring in dolyaks, spread the supply around and talking with guards so they dont run off) or even capture a flag events spawning randomly on the map. What I am after here, is that you should never get any rewards if you are not doing anything and all the rewards should scale based on how many enemies are active same time.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



I’ve setup sub-topic threads here to continue these discussion in detail here:

WvW Time Zones and Language Options

Updated – Part I) WvW Population Reboot & New Theaters of War v.11 to v.12

WvW Maps and Scoring

Thank you for the feedback.


(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


wow there is alot here ummmm dont know where i stand on it,

1) Servers
Its hard for me to say get rid of servers aka home worlds since it helped create the people i know. Before the mega server i saw the same people in the PvP lobby and the WvW borderlands and we kind of knew one another. There was something special about that. Even today me being from Crystal Desert a server which is kind of dying. WHen i get into team speak with people in PvP, one of the first things that comes up is what server are you from. When its strong guilds become part of the community and to me there is something special about being part of a team. I had 1 friend leave our server for a server with more action but he came back simply because CD he said was more like family. The time zones and picking a world to rep is intersting but for me personally have a server to give myself too is a good thing.

2) This would be a huge Reboot
Anet is really slow with changes and this would be a huge change. Lol i mean we spent $100 on this expansion and we were given a amazing looking map with nothing else. Literally this map had nothing on it.

3) Free lancing world feels too much
The ability to choose any world to attack is a bit much. Depending on how many teams you just feels like way to much.

4) Population and scoring
This definitely needs changed and has needed it for over 2 years. Also the rewards for all these things need boosted.

Overall what your asking is quite interesting but i dont know if anet would get a overall like this done quickly and correctly.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


They need to at the very least close servers if they don’t have the courage to do an Alliance based system.

WvW lost basically 50% of the player base over the last year yet we still have the same amount of servers o fill, and now the maps are even bigger.

I think 2 tiers would be plenty, I doubt that WvW has more than 250-500 people playing at one time globally.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


@kdaddy & Xillllix,

You might be misunderstanding the proposal. Proposal will do the following:

1) Preserve All Home Server Identities by converting Servers into a Globes.

2) Enemy-Guesting Limit allows players to Enter any Globe, but allows ANet to keep players from gaming the system.

3) Re-Use of Old or New Map is possible with a few tweeks that are already detailed in the proposal.

4) Players from Different Globes can chat and agree to meet on a shared Enemy Globe & form an Alliance to fight together.

5) Players from Low Population Globes can choose to visit higher ranked WvW Globes to team up & form Multi-Globe Alliance Zergs.

Explained below in the New Map Mechanic:


A) Require Players to Choose 1 Home World Globe to represent.

B) Allow Players the Potential to Attack All Enemy World Globes & to Team-Up with Players from other Enemy World Globes. It’s possible for Players to create an In-Game Alliance with other “Friendly” Enemies to attack a 3rd Enemy’s World Globe.

C) Implement a WvW Home Globe Rank system based on weighted statistics.

Note: Players can pick a different Home World Globe from their Guild.

Current Home Servers are Converted into Home Globes.

a) Home World is called a “Globe” and is made up of 4 maps (Green, Red, Blue, EBattle). Home Team is given WP advantage on all maps except in Eternal Battle

Snip 8<

c) Players Enter All 4 Maps in their Home Globe as an Ally, and Enter All Maps in Other Enemy Globes as an Enemy-Guest

d) Enemy-Guest follows a “Guesting” limit of (1-3) Enemy Globes per week that a player can visit. ANet can adjust this number to reduce or prevent un-fair matches, or during tournaments

e) Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking a player’s Home Globe is diplayed in a Random fashion every time it’s viewed by the Home Team

Snip 8<

Edit – Forgot to include these related Map Mechanics that should help weaker Globes get back into the competition.

PART III – Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.33

b) World Globe Rank & Scoring

Not Implemented

…WvW Home Globe Rank Top 3 & Bottom 3 – Global Theaters of War each maintains a separate list.

e) Anti-Trolling, Buffs, & Counter-Weights

…King of Hill Buff – Bottom 3 WvW Ranked Worlds get an automatic buff when attacking any Top 3 WvW Ranked World’s Home Globes. Cross Global Theaters of War attacks also trigger Buff

…Implement a Dynamic Tier Level Buff with Decay Timer named “Tenacious”

Thanks for the feed back…hope this makes better sense.


(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Your idea is great, at least it’s better than the current system.

Personally I really don’t care if it’s Alliances, Globes or all these other things people have proposed… Server identity or not.

All I want is to connect, play and find large fights with 4 full different maps.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


PART II – New Map Mechanic v.33
Before explaining the Proposed New Map Mechanic. Let me explain the Vision that drives it
1) World based War…that’s why it’s called WvW.
There could easily be 3 Worlds to 1,000 Worlds at War.
New Worlds can easily join the War in the future.
Old Worlds can be retired from the War if its population can’t support it.
3) War between Worlds should typically have no borders, but should have limitations to reduce or prevent un-fair matches.
All Players/Guilds are given the ability to attack any World.
Map Mechanics will be in place that scales and can be adjusted to reduce or prevent un-fair matches.

Major Mechanics & Triggers are used to create & maintain balance & harmony within the WvW Universe.
a) Players & Guilds
b) World Globe Rank & Scoring
c) Feedback & Reward System
d) Services
e) Anti-Trolling, Buffs, & Counter-Weights
f) Defense
g) Offense
h) Supply
i) Portals & Spawn Points
j) Events – PvE & WvW

About the vision:
U got some excelents points that share my vision but i dont think the system would require that many complicated world globe system nor map, it should be kept simple, and as much i have server pride, we could be reduced into 3 servers/factions and that would not kill server pride becouse groups would move to the X side and stay together and merge with others, maybe this would allow some guild also to grow even more.
On the #3) War between Worlds should typically have no borders, but should have limitations to reduce or prevent un-fair matches.#, this is more critical than many player might think, we should be fighthing over structures and mechanics with the add of open field fights instead of capping empty towers and leaving them to recap later, guilds on gw2 barelly have an entity compared with what guilds were in Gw1with far less upgrades, in this was mostly a downgrade, guild should be fighthing for keeps and castles to get whatever that keep is good for, being chest, mats, mechanics, boon, stategic point in the map etc.
With this the map mechanic it is not needed to have 3 equal maps(per server/globe) but a global mist map with smaller maps incorporated with castles that would get ontrolled by X color for Y faction and here is where ur “map mechanics” would enter giving tools and fights for people fight for.
I would just request events for smaller guilds/groups to be helped on the GH within the add of events rewards like requesting smaller grups for task atack in enemy stuff or defense and why not scouting maps ?

Gw1 is about the 2nd great war in tyria, while that is only thematic we had in factions an excellent campaign that brought us alot of life with the kurziks and luxons, and this could bew the new Guild Wars age for gw2, it is in theme, probably would fix WvW and would add more space of improvement for sure.
Also we could have the Guild ledder back to see wich guild contribute for for that faction/globe/server.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.6940


It would probably be better to Cut EU servers to 24, removing the lowest ones. You would need some discussion on how the redistribution of players takes place.

Allow free transit across atlantic between EU and US servers. People would have to chose an alternate server biased towards lower ones.

Allow free transit down to any of the lowest servers.

Give lower servers better personal rewards.

Balance the classes, remove or at least reduce invisibility.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



Appreciate the feedback.

The Globe definition is already simple & required for this New Map Mechanic to work properly.

PART II – New Map Mechanic v.33

1) Core Map Mechanic

New Home World is contained in a Globe.

Snip 8<

c) Players Enter All 4 Maps in their Home Globe as an Ally, and Enter All Maps in Other Enemy Globes as an Enemy-Guest

d) Enemy-Guest follows a “Guesting” limit of (1-3) Enemy Globes per week that a player can visit. ANet can adjust this number to reduce or prevent un-fair matches, or during tournaments

e) Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking a player’s Home Globe is diplayed in a Random fashion every time it’s viewed by the Home Team

Alliances should be Player based & not system enforced imho. Let the players dynamically create it themselves.

Globes breaks open the only 2 enemy worlds attacking your server mode that is built into the Current Map Mechanic.

This is why I’m proposing to throw out the Current Tier Based system of 3 Worlds fighting each other in 8 or 9 Tiers.

All Globes have the potential to attack each other in an all out battle royale in this New Map Mechanic proposal. Imagine 24 NA & 27 EU Home Globes crossing over borders to fight each other…which will happen with this New Map Mechanic.

Keep in mind the player’s choices in attacking a Globe is subject to a Guesting-Limit that is in place to reduce un-fair matches from occurring. ANet can increase or decrease this number based on players trying to game the system.

Also, the WvW scoreboard will be redone to display the Top 3 Enemy Globes attacking your Home Globe in a random fashion to help you decide who to attack…this should help further randomize the Match-Ups that’s based on individual players choices

The New Map Mechanic will allow you to play with friends & family even if they’re on a different Enemy Globe…

That being the case…you should be able to team-up & form Alliances to fight a common Enemy Globe between yourselves.

Your friends & family might be in a Globe that’s in a different Time Zone from yours & can probably recruit better in that Time Zone to help launch strike attacks against the Globes that attack your Home Globe at night.

In my opinion…this should lead to more dynamic Match-Ups…which hopefully will level the field….as it becomes a lot harder to be the top dog with more Globes attacking each other.

I’m for Time Zone based Alliances that will allow International pride to be nurtured.

I got your back bro…anybody messes with you…gonna get slammed by me.

That’s how this Player based Alliance is envisioned to work.

Hope this better explains things for you.


Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I am a bit confused with certain aspects but the ability to transfer for any map and fight any opponent makes it so what is the point of having a home globe.

The problem becomes to me the middle servers. ALot of people would want to go to dead servers for simple Guild Missions for WvW and dailys and the rest probably want to be in a active map. The ability to choose any server to fight at any time to me will result in dead maps.

Also i talked about the unity of guilds and teams. This obviously helps since you have the chance to meet and team up with more people. It also potentially creates a mismatch in potential scoring. tier 1 server guild runs with a t7 and they steam roll some t3 globes. Obviously it go go any direction but people want to go where there is more action and preferably when they are winning.

there is so much to consider when you open it up like this but i do like the idea of changing some things up.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



You defninately have a good point.

Take a look at this portion of the proposal that deals with Population Re-Distribution.

There’s also a whole section on Reward found under the proposal:

PART III – Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.33
c) Feedback & Reward System

Hope this explains things better for you.


Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



Point of the Globe.

a) Home World is called a “Globe” and is made up of 4 maps (Green, Red, Blue, EBattle). Home Team is given WP advantage on all maps except in Eternal Battle.

Snip 8<

c) Players Enter All 4 Maps in their Home Globe as an Ally, and Enter All Maps in Other Enemy Globes as an Enemy-Guest

d) Enemy-Guest follows a “Guesting” limit of (1-3) Enemy Globes per week that a player can visit. ANet can adjust this number to reduce or prevent un-fair matches, or during tournaments

World Servers are transformed into Globes. Each Globe owns all 4 maps.

Players are able to visit all Globes with Limitations.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: LordOtto.2650


I give +1, because somebody is really trying to save wvw, and gives some point of view how it could be done, I don’t even think that anet is thinking about wvw, they will in a few months, when it will be to late, the ppl gone will play other pc games, coming out just right now. F@llout4, Th3 D!v!sion
WvW must be saved…
Diku has an idea, it is good, bad?!, anet should think for them self, not us for them…
I think wvw -ers were the true veterans, if they leave, many will leave to, only raids will sustain the population, until it is so hard for many ppl, they will go play another game.
‘cause we all know, that every person likes to play the hardest content released, but raid is commanding ppl to use full zerker gear (this means everything put on power, precission, ferocity, even the thank only +150 toughness, and a zerk druid, +3 full condi, if not, you fail the timer, you loose every time, no mater how good you are, dps really maters here…so anet is messuring our true valor in who has more dps and full condi set). How you explain to all your friends, raid mates don’t bring shields, don’t bring lots of skills with survivebility, because we need only might, cc +180 power signets in their skill utility, and then explain to them, that for 4-6 hours be 100% good at what you are doing?! This is elitism, I’ve become myself one…and still can’t do the raid, because the ppl who like play their own play stile, or they just can’t do it without lots of survivability.. that equals with time loss…
Yes, I had to write all this down, to tell that I’m thinking of leaving Gw2, I can’t find elite players, can’t find normal players in wvw, so why to play?
(And if I’m lucky to find a good group to raid, they understand the facts, think logic, what about the rest of people?! I will not play with them to teach them.. no elite player will, because the real life time…so if you are not raiding atm, after a month by now, you will be left out , because you know nothing… it is so easy to see youtube, and copy, here it is not true… 10 to coordinate, with ts to, it is not simple, everyone has his bright idea..even me! that’s the true)
In WvW there were no problems, everyone rolled what he wanted, did what he wanted, it was simple, fun, sometimes challenging, it was everything…

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


ADDED – New Globe Queued To Launch Event

PART III – Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.35
j) Events – PvE & WvW

Not Implemented
…WvW – New Globe Launch Queue – New Globe launches once enough players (ANet to determine number) have paid gems in advance & selected a matching Time Zone. Players are immediately charged gems & moved to new Globe when it does launch. Percent to launch & matching Time Zone displayed to players.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: xaiMera.3809


Anet should just bring back old wvw and put the new one on public beta again, that way they can test and implement suggestions and hopefully fix all it’s issues.

Xeciel | OCX Trigger-Puller

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: VladR.9827


I give +1, because somebody is really trying to save wvw, and gives some point of view how it could be done, I don’t even think that anet is thinking about wvw, they will in a few months, when it will be to late, the ppl gone will play other pc games, coming out just right now. F@llout4, Th3 D!v!sion
WvW must be saved…

In WvW there were no problems, everyone rolled what he wanted, did what he wanted, it was simple, fun, sometimes challenging, it was everything…

i agree also +1 for them both

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


I haven’t read all of it (yet) but regarding the server pride area, I suggest that a player should be rewarded (either with incentives or titles/AP) for staying loyal to particular server whether its going up or going down like a sinking ship. It will help the bandwagoning which usually happens just before a season to some extent.

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


One thing that i think anet did right was the tier concept…
The only broken part was the way they handled it post implementation.
For me… the system should work on a match-up style where every week one server goes up.. and one goes down on the tier.. except tier 1 where there is no way to go up and last tier where there is no way to go down..
So for example..

Server A x server B x Server C
A finishes on first position
B finishes second
C finishes third.

On the next match up week server A goes up a tier and server C goes down a tier. Server B remais where he is to fight the new oponents..
Server A slot is filled by the server who dropped from the tier he is joining..
Server C slot is filled by the server who went up a tier from and so on..

This would make every server try hard every week and stop the game politics such as “server x pushing week”

And this would make sure you would be constantly fighting different oponents every now and then..
I actually like server pride and tier concept.. but anet doesnt know what to so about it..
Just my 50 cent

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



I’ve setup a sub-topic thread here to continue this discussion in detail here:

WvW Rewards & Titles

Thank you for your feedback.


Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



I’ve setup a sub-topic thread here to continue this discussion in detail here:

WvW Match-Up Mechanic

Thank you for your feedback.


Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


Diku some of the things you want are comply counter by other things you want. Take caping a keep. You can spend all night trying to keep this keep but in doing so you give up open fields fights more ppt from more lesser objectives and over all feeling of zerging vs other groups also ganking with a smaller group. Its a chose you must make from group to group of what your objective in wvw is going to be. You simply cant do it all or have it all at least “must be the best that it can be all the time chose.”

There a few ways to play wvw atm that i can think of the open field fights set numbers or zerg vs zerg, the major objective braking , the ppt game, the defing of ppt or major objectives, the gank game. You can do a few of these at the same time but often you need to chose what your main aim is in the time you play wvw. At the same time the other 2 sides also make a chose that may simply not match up with your own. This is the problem with RvR games there a lot to do but not always some one to do them with or at least every one has there own view set on what they want to do with there time. There no npc like players who simply do want you want and only what you want.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

This is pretty ambitious. The main thing that sticks out to me is that defending would become impossible. Under your system, servers could and would double team each other, and the defending server would be left to defend under impossible odds. What sort of mechanic would be in place to prevent this sort of thing? Otherwise, I support this very big change. As a last note, I think the megaserver idea was great, and something like this needs to be implemented for WvW to save it from death by non-population.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


@Stand The Wall

Take a look at this map mechanic:

d) Enemy-Guest follows a “Guesting” limit of (1-3) Enemy Globes per week that a player can visit. ANet can adjust this number to reduce or prevent un-fair matches, or during tournaments

ANet can enforce a really strict “Guesting” limit of 1 Enemy Globe that a player can visit for the week. This would force players to be highly selective who they attack.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



I agree…WvW has many different things to do.

It’s critical to have someone to do things with.

You can only fight against players from 2 World Servers in the Current Map Mechanic.

The New Map Mechanic allows different players to meet & play on any Shared Enemy World Globe.

This should allow you to play with friends or family that could be on different World Globes.

Which gives you more choices in who you can play with.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180



I agree…WvW has many different things to do.

It’s critical to have someone to do things with.

You can only fight against players from 2 World Servers in the Current Map Mechanic.

The New Map Mechanic allows different players to meet & play on any Shared Enemy World Globe.

This should allow you to play with friends or family that could be on different World Globes.

Which gives you more choices in who you can play with.

I think that should be the roll of EotM not WvW (mind you that i feel EotM should be more of an open pvp zone with chosen sides and a pve like end of match reward and have it comply removed from wvw.) I am suggesting having a 4 game type the open rvr or open pvp by changing EotM.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



Thanks for suggesting the idea to Dissolve Servers & Embrace Megaserver as it relates to the New Map Mechanic that’s being proposed.

Let’s discuss your idea in detail here:

WvW Dissolve Servers & Embrace Megaserver


(edited by Diku.2546)

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



You’re bringing up many ideas that should probably be discussed in detail.

Let’s work on expanding your ideas here:

WvW Redefine Game Mode by Changing EotM


Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


With megaservers and whatnot they could do so much for WvW without destroying servers.

I will say right now I am vehemently against any kind of “alliance” system.

That being said there are too many servers and too few players right now for WvW to be a healthy game mode. What I would like to see happen, it won’t, but I would like to see it happen is for there to be 9 new WvW-worlds created.

Each world would have X number of slots in each timezone. More during NA seeing as there are more NA players, and fewer in the TZs that have fewer players. This would keep worlds from having overwhelming non-NA timezone advantages, and give non-NA players some semblance of balance. Players could either pick on their own or have their GM/guild rep pick one of these worlds for them.

Give players X amount of time after announcement before launch to decide what world they wanted to be a part of. Spur of the moment knee jerk decisions have caused us lots ofproblems already, Let them do pre-signups if necessary to allow them to “reserve” a spot on that war world or whatever you wanted to call it. Funnel new players to the lower populated worlds as they join the game to try to help with balance.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546



Did you see this sub-topic thread about Megaserver?

Did you read this thread that details how Population Reboot is supposed to work:

Did you see the detail about New Globe Launch Queue.

PART III – Expanded Details of Major Mechanics & Triggers v.35

j) Events – PvE & WvW
Not Implemented

…WvW – New Globe Launch Queue – New Globe launches once enough players (ANet to determine number) have paid gems in advance & selected a matching Time Zone. Players are immediately charged gems & moved to new Globe when it does launch. Percent to launch & matching Time Zone displayed to players.

This queue detail is found near the bottom of this post:

(edited by Diku.2546)