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The Narcotic Brotherhood - Stormbluff Isle - [PvE|WvW|PvP] - [NA|EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Din Narcotic.2561

Din Narcotic.2561

Guild Updates

  • UMBC has been added as a trial member
  • Ryanlittle has been added as a trial member
  • Delgan has been added as a trial member
  • CasualBran has been added as a trial member
  • YoungFifi has been added as a trial member

I know I haven’t posted an update in about a week- it’s been a busy one. Nice to see our ranks are growing stronger and larger every day. We’ve been constantly running dungeons and hopping into WvW for some epic Stormbluff Isle action- it’s been great so far and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

New Guild Upgrades

  • Art of War III
  • Politics IV

Yesterday I placed some banner boosts in Lions Arch, the response was great and in that we picked up some solid members, I’m glad that everyone enjoyed the free buffs and we plan on doing this much more often- hopefully daily.

With the completion of Politics IV and the banquet table we’ll be hosting an event (hopefully sometime this weekend) in Lions Arch. We’ll be providing food, drink, and plenty of buffs for everyone so be sure to stop by and grab an ale!

Again thanks to everyone for the feedback I look forward to seeing you all in-game, if you’re on Stormbluff an in need of a guild just read up on what The Narcotic Brotherhood is about- if you feel it’s something you’d fit into please don’t hesitate to contact any of us!


The Narcotic Brotherhood - Stormbluff Isle - [PvE|WvW|PvP] - [NA|EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Din Narcotic.2561

Din Narcotic.2561

Guild Updates

  • Alleyviper has been added as a trial member
  • The Movement has been added as a trial member
  • Rikes has been added as a trial member
  • Emmalena has been added as a trial member
  • Alpha Reaver has been added as a trial member
  • Ze Moose has been added as a trial member

With this new wave of applicants we’ve reached around 60 active guild members, the influence is pouring in from nightly dungeon runs, WvW, and sPVP. Glad many of you are with us and we’re looking forward to many more recruits!

New Guild Upgrades

  • Art of War II
  • Economy III
  • Guild Treasure Trove

We’re excited to finally get the guild treasure trove complete! Once the site is live you’ll find information there on how to receive the various runes/gems/etc from the bank. For now we’re just doing open shares through guild chat- which usually work best anyway. We’re all for sharing and helping one another, thanks again for your interest and hope to speak with more of you in the future!

As far as an update on the website my designer has been ill lately so it should be done ASAP, thanks for your continued patience as we work to get the new website live.

Female Armor Skins

in Asura

Posted by: Din Narcotic.2561

Din Narcotic.2561

At least my girlfriend has cute dyes to keep her happy :/

She’s glad they’re at least cute, but the heavy armor on her guardian really isn’t making her happy… haha.

The Narcotic Brotherhood - Stormbluff Isle - [PvE|WvW|PvP] - [NA|EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Din Narcotic.2561

Din Narcotic.2561

Guild Updates

  • Myni Shuffyl has been added as a trial member
  • Aragon the Valiant has been added as a trial member
  • Paintmaster has been added as a trial member
  • Callie Allora has been added as a trial member

Again welcome to the new trial members, we’ve recently bumped our license up to allow more members to come in. We’re always looking for new players to join our ranks, be sure to stop by ventrilo and come hang out- even if you aren’t going to join us you can always come play some other games with us.

New Guild Upgrades

  • Architecture IV
  • New guild member license

Again any of the following names above can be contacted for more information or an invite if you feel our clan would fit your needs. If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to message me in-game or here.

Thanks again for your time and we’ll be sure to get the site live soon!

The Narcotic Brotherhood - Stormbluff Isle - [PvE|WvW|PvP] - [NA|EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Din Narcotic.2561

Din Narcotic.2561

Guild Updates

  • Kuraigu has been added as a trial member
  • Beuvole has been added as a trial member
  • Jack Shriker has been added as a trial member
  • Lucon has been added as a trial member
  • Ragnar has been added as a trial member

Thanks to everyone for the positive responses from the guild post, was great speaking to everyone in-game and through the forums as well as Ventrilo. A lot of the above listed trials are actually friends of friends but a few have come in from this post- again thanks for the feedback and welcome to the guild!

Current Guild Upgrades

  • Guild Armorer
  • Guild Workshop
  • Guild Emblem
  • Guild Stash
  • Politics III
  • Art of War I
  • Economy II
  • Architecture III

We’re currently in progress of getting our Guild Treasure Trove up and running, once the website is complete we’ll start more properly organizing sPVP toruney groups, as well as WVW parties- which will in turn allow us to focus more in the Art of War tree. We do daily dungeon runs anywhere from AC to the high level ones (I’m currently only 31 but we have numerous 70’s and 80’s in the guild.) I look forward to hearing more from the community if anyone is interested in joining please contact any of the following officers:

  • Din
  • Neesha
  • Ink Black
  • Alx
  • Cobra LLig
  • Jaded
  • Behr

Thank you all once again, hope you’ve enjoyed the read and don’t forget to stop by our ventrilo and visit!

The Narcotic Brotherhood - Stormbluff Isle - [PvE|WvW|PvP] - [NA|EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Din Narcotic.2561

Din Narcotic.2561

Our website is currently being upgraded, the work in progress site is constantly being worked on and is not the final product but can be found here:

Our actual site will resume at the follow address:

Clan Overview

The Narcotic Brotherhood is a clan that has been around almost six years now, most of our members have played every MMO to date- spanning from UO to SWTOR. While our forums boast nearly eight hundred registered members I’ve always kept the actual member-base at a fairly reasonable number. We’ve always had an extensive recruitment process in which we find that most players want to stay with us because of the feeling of community and the bonds of friendship that are made- unfortunately not everyone makes the cut.

Mission Statement

The goal of the Narcotic Brotherhood is to form a tight knit community of well skilled players, when we come together to play games it’s more than just playing the games- it’s about coming together as a community, working together to be the best, and enjoy one another on the climb to the top.

While we welcome all players of all playing styles to consider membership, we are fairly particular in our recruitment process. We strive to be some of the best players around, and we can only be as strong as our weakest link. We are constantly testing one another’s abilities to improve, we’re about hard work and determination, we want good players- but we don’t shun others, we aren’t elitists.

While we are tolerant and patient with recruits to try to help them improve their abilities and make them worthy members of the Narcotic Brotherhood- we aren’t going to hold your hand. You’re going to get out of this what you put into it- make sure this is what you want before you sign up. We aren’t here to give you hand outs or to spoon feed you to better yourself, you’re going to have to work for it. In the end we reward those that put in the hard work and help others.

General Information

Server Choice

  • Stormbluff Isle

Gameplay Focus

  • PvE – Both casual players and hardcore players are welcome, we hope to have some server firsts with completion of dungeons and the like
  • PvP- Many members have already expressed interest in setting up ranked groups for structured
  • WvW- I hope to lead many great parties through the Mists as our clan battles for territory in hopes to be the number one spot in WvW matchups

Member Base

  • Our members are comprised of players from all over the world- we welcome players from NA, EU, and even Oceanic timezones to join our clan- we want to ensure that there is always players on and available be it for PvE or PvP.


  • This has always been a big thing for me, being able to communiate with one another is vital for clan management and teamwork in-game. It is a requirement to have a working microphone as well as Ventrilo- being present in our server and communicating with us shows that you are interested and also helps with working together in-game. Even if you aren’t part of the clan but would like to join us in GW2 or other games please feel free to stop by!

The Narcotic Brotherhood Ventrilo
Port: 7930

  • Another great form of communication is our forums, everything from in-game affairs to joining up on your 360 for some all-night gaming… we use the forums for everything- relaying important clan information, clan news, to posting member artwork… you name it. It’s vital to use this tool in addition to Ventrilo, while not a requirement- it’s suggested. Also you need to register on the forums prior to applying so you’ll be all set for posting either way! Head over there and check things out- again if even you aren’t interested in joining us for GW2 you can always join us in other titles/platforms.

Closing Statement

I thank you for taking the time to look into our clan and I hope you apply and join us- our players aren’t restricted solely to Guild Wars 2. A good amount of our members enjoying playing other games together from casual bouts of Terraria, to hardcore ranked matches of League of Legends. Even if you tend to get tired of Guild Wars 2 (which is going to be hard in my opinion) there are always good friends around to play other titles with, from PC to consoles.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/concerns- you can PM here, on the clan forums, or just post a reply- thanks again.

(edited by Din Narcotic.2561)