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[Vid] Warrior Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


What’s the build for spvp when running this?

How long can you survie as a moa?

in PvP

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


Dodge roll and if that fails then learn to run out of LOS – It can save your life.

Any decent Burst Precision builds out there?

in Warrior

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


I’ve been having trouble finding a DPS build I really enjoy playing as a warrior, but experimenting with several different build has taken me to Axe/Axe /Longbow.

I do use the Burst Precision Trait and I do love it. I do know the Sigil of Intelligence does almost the same thing and you could spend your points and trait on something else. The main reason why I like it so much is, that you decide when you want to crit, unlike the Sigil where you have to use within the next 3 attacks after swapping – It’s just to easy to mess up with the SIgil and gain nothing from it at all imo.

The build has plenty of power, and your Eviserate gets quit crazy if you get the might going from your sigils as well – Did do a 7800 crit on a light armor the other day but it is rare, and you will mostly see crits between 4-6k, but plenty of them with Berserkers stance going and adrenaline up most of the time. 27K Vitality and a nice thoughness value takes the initiate attacks from the enemy and your condition defense is quit nice, though I do have trouble with certain builds where CC and Conditions are spammed with no end to it.

I would love to use the Mending heal for better heal and more condi cleans. But it is too hard to get off with all the Interrupts, so for now I’m sticking with the Healing Signet.

Enjoy and feedback is welcome.

So far I'm not satisfied with Warrior damage. Does anyone have any advice?

in Warrior

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


OP: Your post was a great laugh.

The rest: I’m sligtly dissapointed that a post like this gets so much attetion when my Sword/Board & rifle thread only got constructive feedback from one – Shame on you. ;-)

I Expect some flaming, now that the concept of sarcasme can be quit hard to grasp….

Stacking condition duration

in Warrior

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


I dont know how they calculate it exactly, but when I change Deepstrike to something else the total duration given on the “Gash tooltip” drops to 8-something.

Not sure about the rest, but my guess is you calculate it from the base value and add it.

So 10% from 8 Sec would total up to be 8.8 sec. and so on.

A Sword/board & Rifle Build - What say you? (SPVP).

in Warrior

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


I used to have 30 in the toughness tree. Mainly cause bouncing bullets and other shield talents were just too good. Also 5% of your toughness added to power was too good for over all DPS.

I decided to let go of the 10 points in Tactics and the boon buff, for the 30 in Defense, and getting “bounching bullet”. 5% From Armored Attack feels better then depending on boons giving you 1-2% each, as I dont have boons on me all the time. And the Missile Reflection is jsut cool and fun to use.

A Sword/board & Rifle Build - What say you? (SPVP).

in Warrior

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


Hello there.

Since there has been a few threads on this build I thought I would throw in my setup, and reason for it too. Heck! I might learn something, and perhaps helping some of you guys as well, so it is a win win..right?

Like most others I started with the glassy HB build, but I grew tired of it, as it felt like a on trick pony. And as I learned the mechanics better along the way, I experimented with several other builds.. Axes, maces, Bows, before I decided I would go for Sword/board and rifle as I had planned before launch. I just hadn’t figured out how to take it on, and make it work for me. So before I start it is important that this build works for me, and is not some magical setup that rules all the others out.

Rifle and Sword Synergize well around bleeds, so I went down that road with the following skills to boost it on its way.

Sigil of Superior Earth for Rifle & Sword. This grants you 60% chance to put on bleeds when you crit instead of 33% from the Precise Strike. This is great for stacking bleeds since you often get more then one bleed jsut from hitting with your Sword or Rifle this way.

Sigil of Geomancy for the Board to put on 5 stacks of bleed while shifting to Sword and Board.

Mending for heals and to remove conditions.
Dolyak Signet: Reduce incoming damage, and Stabillity.
Fear Me!: Scares people off, a nice abillity if you need a breather for a few seconds.
On My Mark: Adds a stack of 10 Vulnerability. I love this one, it helps my damage on the way on top of the Vulnerability I get from Rending Strikes.
Signet of Rage: Several Boons to help your dps.

Strength 10: Primary for the Beserkers Power, to get the extra overall dps.

Arms 30: Deep Cuts (50% longer bleeds), Rending Strikes (33% chance on crits for Vulnerability) & Crack Shot. On top of these I get +10% Bleed damage, and 10% Crit-chance with my Bursts.

Defense 20: Turtle Defense, & Shield Master. They are pretty straight forward, and I’ve become a great fan of my board skills recharging 20% faster – Sweet.

Tactics 10: Empowered. This further increases my dps whenever i got one or more boons on me, and scales depending on the number of boons – Very nice!.

For the Armor I’ve chosen Rune of Hoelbrak. For the Power, Might, and especially for the -20% Condition Duration.

Amulet & Jewel = Rabid.

Power 1181
Presicion 1860
Thoughness 1950
Vitallity 1021

Attack 2386
Crit-Chance 49%
Armor 3161
Health 19422

When I play I try to go with the rifle for as long as possible. Kite, apply Bleeds, & Vulnerabillity mixed with Rifle Butt, and Aimed Shot for the Cripple. And ofcause all helped along with my Utils.

Sometimes I just use the rifle to close the gab, since there are some classes and builds i deal with easier in close combat. Again, I try to make good use of my Utils to boost the DPS of my Sword, helped along with the defense of the Board.

I play it very situational, as I don’t have a cycle. But it is mostly about applying bleeds and Vulnerabillity and then stay a live, while dealing the pain with sword or rifle.

KillShot hits for 2500-5800 depending on amounts of boons, stacks of Might and stacks of Vulnerabillity – Or it did so during testing against the Heavy Golems.

I guess thats about it – Input welcome.

[Warrior]18k HB on Chief. Possibly the highest raw HB that can be achieved. Can anyone go higher?

in PvP

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


In my humble opimion HB is fine. It takes alot of setup to make it work and get most damage from it Bull rush, or some other root, Frenzy, and Signet of Rage for that extra crit chance. And then we must remember target can still break stun/root, or simply dogde long before the Warriors Bullrush takes him to you – If he dosn’t he asked for it.

But yes it does insane amounts of damage, and yes it is incredible fun when you mange to make it work. But to me you lack to much in other areas from running this burst spec. I’ve done it too, about the first month, but I got bored and felt it became a one trick pony.

I still enjoy it for PVE Though :P

The Incentive to PvP

in PvP

Posted by: DinesenDK.5067


The SPvP is quit fun, yet I would agree that a few more maps would be nice. The cosmetic rewards are a joke as an Incentive to join SPvP in the Mist. I would like to see xp reward, so it would be possible to level from SPvP. Another thing that would be nice, would be some coins comming your way as well – Could be based on your rank vs Loss/Win? Finally I would like to see our players who join up for this, would fight the servers we fight in WWW instead of our own, and the result from each match would count towards the WWW score.

How about that?