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Siege Equipment / Guild Forum Section / Black Lion Gathering Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doctorfun.3470


  1. I agree, and don’t even understand the reason why it isn’t so. After all this is Guild Wars and so the whole guild should be able to benefit from the effort of some of its members, for a common goal.
  2. I also agree here, the guild forums are very cluttered and any change for the best would be welcome indeed.
  3. All gathering tools should be account bound and stackable. Binding them to a single character doesn’t seem to achieve any goals, although I could of course be missing the point. And why oh why can’t I stack a pile of 23 iron axes with another pile of 17 iron axes to obtain a third pile of 40 iron axes?
Political correctness is common sense driven to insanity!

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Doctorfun.3470


I’m happy to report that my tooltip probelm is solved after performins a -repair. Not only that but the game performance has improved, especially zoning times.

Thanks for the tips here

PS: after the first comms error (the usual “GW 2 can’t access the login server at the moment” that happens on weekends – one would think they had enough time to sort it out by now) the problem is back. I’m doing a new -repair right now, but this is getting annoying.

Political correctness is common sense driven to insanity!

(edited by Doctorfun.3470)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Doctorfun.3470


I have the tooltip problem. I can list items and buy them (didn’t try to sell anything) and pick them up. But I can’t see a single tooltip for items listed or even for items in the gem shop. Also the gem shop refuses to display the amount of gems I have. This wasn’t happening earlier, so it’s either due to a patch or a local file error. I’ll try the -repair procedure and see what happens.

Political correctness is common sense driven to insanity!