[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Showing Posts For DonkeyHaxor.4052:
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
I hated you :0. TMW was even around when I was on DR? You can go watch our videos of us on CD. Unlike the other guild from DR that went to CD and died 2 weeks later we willing decided to end it. Took a month and half off from driving
. Good to know my fans still remember me. Sry for having no clue who you are
1: Yes, TMW was on DR when you were..?
2: Wow can u not bring up boop we all know boop > krew even now.
3: “willingly died” is what ur saying??
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
So now that we have established darkjean is a keyboard turning kittenter and kyro s just a 1 push guild….who wants to throw DJ on her back and run our own ktrain on her wit me??
You still play O.o ?? What happened to “I’m taking a break, this isn’t fun for me anymoar, see ya in hell”?
Who are you again?
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Now i dont know what you are talking about… All none sense..
why are you keep saying i back down on challenges? Did you or FC spy somehow found out that i havent lost any duels? Its why you sooo wants to break my record ??
I actually accepted the duel request but the person who sent the request refused. Real duels takes place in pvp arena for more balance. And he is tooo scared. You dont get this?? Maybe you havent tried the proper duels…
I always accept duels in the proper way of dueling. You have no idea how much i want to lose my undefeated streak its why i accept all duel offers.
TBH i kittened u up last time we dueled. do you remember this jeannie?
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
O Yea did you solo me ? I bet you had help with FC zerg just to take me out . cause you can never take me on alone. Poor you go train more, pvp arena helps you toughen up. if not you should go back pve
R u still running banner regen condi in wvw BJ?
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
literally cringing hard irl rn
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
literally cringing hard irl rn
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Kyro only active guild on DR? So you don’t even acknowledge TMW and AXME that’s on your server? Guilds that can actually fight as a group whereas your guild just run around mindless dunno what to do. I give props to TMW and AXME since they put up some good fights but none to you and Kyro simply cuz all you know how to do is spam /laugh and stack 5 AC’s to defend a gate.
Ferguson’s Crossing been in t8 for quite a bit, but at least as a server, we’re connected and active as a community. We grow slowly, but growth is growth. Dunno what you gonna offer for a server when all you do is spam emote half the time we see you.
lol TMW left rip xD
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Im not 100% sure if this is a bug or what, but it seems it only happens in the OS so im going to assume it is.
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Brought to you by the dedicated WvW players not the PVF’ers… Good comeback DR.
Wait wait wait… weren’t you.. weren’t you the one bashing DR on this thread? Weren’t you the one telling people not to come to DR? What happened?
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
W0W bleeding a server of its people and then transferring off because “PPT not high enough” :^( sad
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
bleed it of players and leave under the guise of “We are a fight guild”. My complaint is with the PVF’ers ".
This would be the case, if 85% of our members that were in the guild werent from off-server. Maybe next time you group us in with all these other fight guilds check up on your sauces.
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
So… I was fighting a condi thief. I had vulnerability, poison, and bleeding. I use infiltrator’s strike and infiltrator’s return to clear a condi.. Does this randomly choose a condi on your condi bar or does it choose the lowest damage condi?
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Honestly this week isn’t that much fun for us either, rolling over servers with less population is pretty boring. If it’s any consolation we’ll probably move up a tier and the exact same thing will happen to us.
That picture is from last night though and I can tell you because I was there that FC was actually running the outnumbered buff on your bl. So there is numbers there, just gotta organize them.
Wait you mean to say.. FC doesn’t dominate bronze primetime? After all this time kittenposting on the wuv forums you guys have come to your senses? Joy will be so sad to hear this.
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Not all duels are intentional. I may be roaming around and fight another lone roamer, I want to 1v1 not 2v1. I’m sure most others would say the same. Don’t assume because they aren’t in a secluded area means they aren’t dueling.
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
OP has never roamed. Way too obvious.
If you’re not running SA thief, you have very little chance against condi builds. There’s just no way to counter 5+ conditions being applied every second by engis and necros and condi PU mesmers, or avoid power PU mesmer’s burst while mitigating the constant cripples (actually, that’s a little easier than trying to deal with damaging condi and challenging in a fun way, if not a little frustrating when it doesn’t work out in your favour)
How can they apply condition every second when they can’t even see you 90% of time?
Considering both of those classes have AoE conditions, stealth won’t matter. It doesn’t make you invulnerable.
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
BALANCE THE CLASSES. It cannot be that hard. Thank you, rant over.
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare