Showing Posts For Dott.7069:

Sanctun of Rall Success!!!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Dott.7069


I cant believe I got the mini… And AWESOME job SoR I can’t wait to do it again!


Micah The Protector/Elanor Snowmane/Dott
Reddit Refugees [RR]

(edited by Dott.7069)

[Sanctum of Rall] [ITM] is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dott.7069


Have you guys seen everything about guild missions today? It is looking really exciting and us at ITM can’t wait to try them and still looking for more people!

Micah The Protector/Elanor Snowmane/Dott
Reddit Refugees [RR]

[Sanctum of Rall] [ITM] is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dott.7069


Still looking for more peeps to join for epic guild missions!

Micah The Protector/Elanor Snowmane/Dott
Reddit Refugees [RR]

[Sanctum of Rall] [ITM] is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dott.7069


We are really excited about guild missions so come join us and we also do dungeons daily!

Micah The Protector/Elanor Snowmane/Dott
Reddit Refugees [RR]

[Sanctum of Rall] [ITM] is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dott.7069

Dott.7069’s community guild [ITM] located on NA’s Sanctum of Rall server is opening up recruitment for PvX. We’re looking for active members that plan on sticking with GW2 for the long haul. After the recent announcement of Guild Missions we decided to open recruitment and bring in a fresh wave of active players.

Some basic requirements:

Must have the ability to maintain a mature attitude.
Polite but fun (all humor welcome)
We want drama free people meaning the following, be able to take a joke, don’t overreact and mainly play nice with others.
Must setup mumble (voice chat)

The core of the Guild have played several MMO’s dating back to the mid nineties. Here are some of the games: Aion, Ultima Online, Everquest 1, Everquest 2, World of Warcraft, Rift, Lineage II, Final Fantasy XI, Guild Wars, RO and various other Free to Play games.

If you’re interested in joining us go here and reply to the post with your in game name and we’ll shoot you an invite or send me in game mail and will add you when I get on.

We’re mostly active around 5pm PST on weekdays and all day on most weekends.



Micah The Protector/Elanor Snowmane/Dott
Reddit Refugees [RR]

(edited by Dott.7069)

End Story Loot. (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dott.7069


I really hope people like me who have completed it can get compensated. I felt really cheated at the end when I really didn’t get anything cool and now its going to be fixed…

Micah The Protector/Elanor Snowmane/Dott
Reddit Refugees [RR]