Showing Posts For Dr Hawk.1485:

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Hey Dr Hawk…

So I was rereading your post, and thought I would ask, what is your favorite activity? I noticed that although a few of us posted what we liked to do, you never posted yours!

Just thought I would ask (and help bump you back to the first page for any other prospective posters). Good luck again with your guild search!

Mwari :o)

In-Game tends to be anything really. EVE got me into PvP, and the threat of losing everything made it both a high risk, high reward experience that has yet to be matched in any other game I have played except DayZ. I love PvE WHEN ITS FUN. An example would be Borderlands 2. Never have I done a quest that involved me getting explosives for a 13(?) year old girl, who also happens to be a crazy SOB. If its a fetch quest then go die in a fire game… And I love exploring. Dark Souls is the paramount for me when it comes to exploration. Finding Ash lake UNDERGROUND was one of the coolest things I have seen in a game.

Out of Game

I love swimming and am an avid free-diver. My current apnea record is 4 minutes underwater, and I am always trying to find ways to top my best (and make sure I do it safely so I don’t die :P) I also love the outdoors and fishing, and have done several survival courses. I have this big fear that I will end up like “the generic gamer” the media paints us to be: Fat and unfit. So I do everything I can to challenge that, plus I get a kick out of actually explaining to someone why a reef knot might be a bad idea for a binding knot :P

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Might choose soon, waiting for any last minute posts.

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Some good responses, I will follow up soon…

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Server info – Located in Sorrow’s Furnace
Time Zone – GMT -7 Mountain Time


So I bought a game that has gotten me back into MMO’s. Fun gameplay, cool story, and not a complete button mash/macro fest. I don’t know if any of you heard of it but that beside the point. I realize I am burning out. And not from the game. Any MMO I play I love to do it with friend’s or acquaintances. In this game I have sadly neither, or rather one who lives across the world and makes it difficult to sync playtimes. So I come here looking for some comrades to play with. Let’s get to business:

Who am I?

I am a 4 year EVE veteran, primarily covert ops for hire but corp work as well. Other mmo;s include the generic. WoW, ToR, Mabinogi, Vindictus, etc… I also am a big enthusiast of FPS games and adventure. Dark Souls and DayZ being my big interests atm. As such I enjoy teamplay and cooperative spirit (Sunbro’s ftw!) so you can be sure I won’t be looking to abuse you guild or just be a Solo Saul. At the same time I do like to lone wolf it and explore, so don’t be surprised if I run off to chase a fly or something. I am easily distracted. I am already fairly well versed with Guild Wars 2 and will not assault you with n00b questions. I may ask you what might be optimal for A? Or can B affect C? Logically based questions.

What am I looking for?

This might turn some people off. I want a fun group to play with. As such this means I WILL NOT commit to some “MUST BE ON 24/7 AND HAVE +10,000 RATED GEAR OR WE KICK!” guild. I will say this right out. I have 3 jobs. I am a 3d artist/Game level Designer, Contract electrician/cable runner, and security guard. I have a thing called a life. It sucks but is needed. HOWEVER, I am still a hardcore gamer, being that when I am done I come home and play anyway. Just be aware I might be out of town or busy and cannot come to your raid RIGHT NAOW! Other than that, I just want some friendly, fun, mature people to play with.

Anyways I hope I am satisfactory for you requirements and I look forward to meeting prospective friends! I may be reached here on the forums or at my skype account. lxdrhawkxl One last thing is to comment on your favorite activity, so I know you actually read this and not copy paste a generic requirement message. I look forward to your replies!

Edit -

Hey Dr Hawk…

So I was rereading your post, and thought I would ask, what is your favorite activity? I noticed that although a few of us posted what we liked to do, you never posted yours!

Just thought I would ask (and help bump you back to the first page for any other prospective posters). Good luck again with your guild search!

Mwari :o)

In-Game tends to be anything really. EVE got me into PvP, and the threat of losing everything made it both a high risk, high reward experience that has yet to be matched in any other game I have played except DayZ. I love PvE WHEN ITS FUN. An example would be Borderlands 2. Never have I done a quest that involved me getting explosives for a 13(?) year old girl, who also happens to be a crazy SOB. If its a fetch quest then go die in a fire game… And I love exploring. Dark Souls is the paramount for me when it comes to exploration. Finding Ash lake UNDERGROUND was one of the coolest things I have seen in a game.

Out of Game

I love swimming and am an avid free-diver. My current apnea record is 4 minutes underwater, and I am always trying to find ways to top my best (and make sure I do it safely so I don’t die :P) I also love the outdoors and fishing, and have done several survival courses. I have this big fear that I will end up like “the generic gamer” the media paints us to be: Fat and unfit. So I do everything I can to challenge that, plus I get a kick out of actually explaining to someone why a reef knot might be a bad idea for a binding knot :P

(edited by Dr Hawk.1485)