Showing Posts For Drake Bauer.6034:

Using the level 80 boost on a max lvl

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drake Bauer.6034

Drake Bauer.6034

I’m so gonna use it on a Levle 79 toon … Would be Epic !!

Server: Devona’s Rest
Julie Gal

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drake Bauer.6034

Drake Bauer.6034

I would really apreciate any advice you can give a new player.

Server: Devona’s Rest
Julie Gal

So i have all these gems ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drake Bauer.6034

Drake Bauer.6034

Ok thanks for the feedback …

I’ll pobably end up buying extra character slots to have 1 of each class + extra bank slots

Server: Devona’s Rest
Julie Gal

So i have all these gems ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drake Bauer.6034

Drake Bauer.6034

Hey guys,

I’m a “returning” player. Guild wars 1 was.. no is my favorite game on the PC ever. I recently bought for the 4th time Guild wars 1 on steam but was sad that no one seems to play it anymore, so my friends and I decided to give Guild wars 2 a try.

Now i remember HATING this game when it initially came out. Everything that was great and unique in GW1 was stripped out in the sequel so i orignally played it when it came out for about 2 weeks and tossed it away.

With that said …. I swore that i would never come back to this game again …. so I bought the 99$ GW2 expension that comes with a bunch of stuff ,… (Hey .. i never said i was the smartest player neither)

But in all honesty, im glad i gave this game a 2nd try. Once I stepped on my EGO and realize this isn’t anything like GW1 , i think i’ll be able ot enjoy the game.

So basically, i’m a new player with 4000 or 5000 gems coming soon …. I saw that gems are used for in game benefits so i was hoping i could get some advice on what to get first ? What are the must have upgrades ?

I hear that there are missions that you need to buy in the end game with gems ? If that’s the case should i just hang on to them?


Server: Devona’s Rest
Julie Gal