Showing Posts For DreadedX.9057:
As simple as the title suggests. I just played three PvP games that go towards the Daily but only two registered on the tracker. I didn’t come out early. I stayed to the end and even waited for the next game to begin.
This is such an obvious feature that should have been implemented from the start. Like you said, I don’t understand why it’s not already in the game.
Hope we see it soon.
I don’t know if this is just how they intended on designing it but I find it really annoying when you expand the achievement list on the tracker, how it randomly decides to close itself. The reason why I have expanded it is so I can keep a close eye on my progress. What I don’t want to have to do is keep clicking the button to open the list so I can see where I am up to. That’s the whole point of eliminating the need for pressing ‘H’ all the time. This is probably just a tweak that they need to sort out. I hope I’m not the only one that is getting annoyed by this.
oh the woes of this annoying achievement from last night. Firstly I was happily doing the regular Daily before the patch (which I didn’t know about!) before the servers closed for the update. I hadn’t finished it but wasn’t far off. I log back in after the patch and what do I get? Daily reset. Two objectives had been saved though but instead of keeping your progress of the other ones the patch had implemented the new objectives without warning. So off I go grinding these new objectives for the daily when I get to the last one, Combo Kills with another player. Aaaarrrrrrgh!!! What a nightmare it was the last hour before reset last night. And it wasn’t just one or two people having problems either, the chat was full of people asking why the hell they weren’t getting the credit. I messed around with different combos with players for ages and while I managed to get 8 done I ran out of the time before I could finished and the daily reset again! LOL. Well thank you for waste of time their ANET. I don’t usually bother posting about frustrations and minor problems I have with the game but this was just eating away at me last night. I was trying to think how many different ways I could kill a mob with another player but no matter how hard I tried the end results were just so erratic. I lost track of exactly how much time I spent on it but it was probably close to an hour and as I said I got those 8 recorded combo kills. I tried in WvW and PvE and it just wasn’t happening. Surely a combo kill should be recognized as simply this :- both players do damage to mob, mob dies, kill recorded.
Lets hope it’s fixed soon.
No boosts
Finally sussed out the final jump into the clock face after 8 attempts. I simply wasn’t jumping early enough.
I have to agree with this thread too. I have noticed it more of late but there is a difference between a ‘challenge’ and the kitten right insane. When I kill a mob I don’t expect another one to pop straight up instantly which I have happened on numerous occasions now. It’s so annoying, especially when you have just cleared an area and you just escape with minimal life then you get struck down by a respawn…
Not what should happen!
Well I’ve been playing through beta and launch day and I can’t say I have ever witnessed an FPS issue with the game. Taking into consideration the different levels of effects the game has to tweak with in the video settings and hardware requirements I would say it’s pretty balanced.
I am running an i7 2700k @ 4ghz with 8gb RAM on a GTX480 graphics card and with all the settings in maximum, I never drop below 40fps with raid like crowds and spells/flashes hammering down. My fps will rise to around 100+ when wandering a zone quite happily. What you have to remember is that CPU is just as if not more important than the graphics card with this game. It was similar in RIFT where you really need decent processing power to accompany the high graphics. Obviously you can dumb things down in the settings but I am having difficulty understanding how your fps can be dropping that low in with that card and processor. Even with only 2gb ram I think you should be ok although doubling it certainly wouldn’t hurt.
Something of a small annoyance that I have found with the game so far is the constant weapon unsheathing, particularly weapons staying drawn after combat has ended. I think it is more annoying with bigger weapons like a two handed greatsword but in general weapons staying drawn after you have finished your combat generally make your character look, I don’t know how to put it…untidy? I think it might be better to have an option in the settings menu that you can use to turn on/off your weapon automatically sheathing after combat has ended. I realize that you can bind a key to perform this function but having to press this all the time can become most tiresome indeed. Also, I have noticed that when not even going into combat and simply using quest items in the game world, can sometimes draw your weapon. I mean what for? You’ve just turned some valve or interacted with something stuck on the ground and it thinks you’re going into combat! This is obviously not game breaking and would not be prioritized very highly but I think it deserves a look at. Would anyone else agree?
Yes, I have been getting the same thing. Moving the camera towards surfaces and they will disappear for a second. I thought it was just a temporary glitch with the zone I was in but it does it anywhere.