Showing Posts For DreamReaver.7514:

Revisting Living Story Content

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


I posted this idea in another thread replying to the post but thought i would post it again here since in the end it is a suggestion.

If you going to make so much temporary content would be awesome if you miss an update and didn’t to do it fully you could like spend gems or gold to revisit the Living story you missed out on and you could experience at your own pace as you could choose when you want to unlock it when you have the time to actually enjoy and do the content.

You do the pvp arenas using gems, why can’t we do that with living story content, so we could revisit it anytime we want if we are willing to use gems or gold to unlock it for a certain amount of time. I know quite a few people that would love to revisit some for the old living story stuff because they loved it so much and doing this would delight them and i think would make everyone happy and could do the achievements, experience past content when they want and have time to do so and at the same time would generate income for Arenanet/NCsoft.

Unlock the content for yourself for 2 weeks, 1 month and permanently. 500 gems, 1500 gems and 3000 gems respectively something like that. Could make it like an over flow or instance for those that have purchased/unlocked the content through the gem store. And with the unlock you unlock the achievements that went with it and to add even more game play, etc you could add difficulty levels for the old content. The possibilities are endless, the content has already been done and new and veteran players can enjoy the past if they missed out, want to enjoy it again or catch up on some achievements they never got done. And we get our permanent content and temporary content at the same time, everyone wins.

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LS system is "burning" even great players.

in Living World

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Completely agree with burn out of the game.

2 week content is just too much. Most of the time i get enough time to experience all the new content. But lately with real life content of my own, Simply haven’t been able too. And knowing 99% of the content is temporary and will last 2 to 4 weeks, and simple don’t have the time to experience the content its putting me off the game game completely and i love this game over 2,500 hours played so far in the game.

A group of us was discussing the guildwars 2 and basically everyone is getting sick of this temporary 2 to 4 week content. It just too much, not enjoying the game because it feels like a job if you want to experience all the new temporary content especially if you have limited time to play the game. Some days all i want to do is do some leveling with an alt. But i feel i can’t because i want to see what all this new content is about knowing it will be disappearing soon enough. Its heartbreaking and so frustrating.

If you going to make so much temporary content would be awesome if you miss an update and didn’t to do it fully you could like spend gems or gold to revisit the Living story you missed out on and you could experience at your own pace as you could choose when you want to unlock it when you have the time to actually enjoy and do the content.

You do the pvp arenas using gems, why can’t we do that with living story content, so we could revisit it anytime we want if we are willing to use gems or gold to unlock it for a certain amount of time. I know quite a few people that would love to revisit some for the old living story stuff because they loved it so much and doing this would delight them and i think would make everyone happy and could do the achievements, experience past content when they want and have time to do so and at the same time would generate income for Arenanet/NCsoft.

Unlock the content for yourself for 2 weeks, 1 month and permanently. 500 gems, 1500 gems and 3000 gems respectively something like that. Could make it like an over flow and instance for those that have purchased/unlocked the content through the gem store. And with the unlock you unlock the achievements that went with it and to add even more game play, etc you could add difficulty levels for the old content. The possibilities are endless, the content has already been done and new and veteran players can enjoy the past if they missed out, want to enjoy it again or catch up on some achievements they never got done. And we get our permanent content and temporary content at the same time, everyone wins.

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Dark Haven Alliance lookings for guilds to make a difference!

in WvW

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Darkhaven does now have a new serverwide free teamspeak with 500 slots available for any Darkhaven guild with a lot of guilds that have joined already. The teamspeak is just not for WvW guilds , but for PvE and sPvP. guilds too. Come join us. Contact me or a RioT guild member for info. Note: this is not my teamspeak i am just helping to promote it.

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Uncontested Temple of Dwayna

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Darkhaven is open

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Guild wars is disconnecting my internet?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Same thing happening today, am in Australia and using ADSL 2. Have no internet issues till i start playing GW2 and then I will loose my internet completely and only happens when playing guildwars. And i can’t predict when i will loose my internet while playing GW2. Everything was perfectly fine and never had this issue until today.

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Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


It was epic last night, taking our keep back in our own borderlands, thanks for IOJ for distracting DR while we sieged even though they didn’t realize they where helping us. And in EB taking our keep was an epic siege and then SM. Great to see people persisted with the sieging and the reward was getting our keep and SM back and all our lowlands back.

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Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Darkhaven is uncontested

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Uncontested Temple of Melandru

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Darkhaven up for temple

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Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Darkhaven is up

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Uncontested Temple of Lyssa

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Darkhaven is open

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Precursor Drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Over 300g as well, over 2000 hours of play, no precurser. A guildie randomly throws in 4 rares, pics up a precurser, they had to ask what it was as they only been playing the game for a little while. Like everything in this game its down to luck.

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Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Did some guild bounties, while we wait for our guild rush to unlock. Have to say guild bounty missions is all down to luck of who you have to kill. The last 3 bounties we have gotten Yanonka the Rat-Wrangler for 1st mission, Sotzz the Scallywag for 2nd mission, Big Mayana for the 3rd, and thats not including the fast npcs, or the really hard ones to kill. So like most of the game is all down to random luck.

My guild likes the challenge of killing them, the fights are great its the finding them that fails most of our missions. 15 minutes is simply not enough time, have no idea how guilds find 6 npc for tier 3 and kill them, guess they get lucky with the npcs they need to find and kill and have a bucket load of guild members doing the mission..

When we first started doing guild bounties, we had about over 20 guildies doing it, now its slowly dropping, people don’t want to pre search, and once they get reward from the first kill there is no incentive for them to do it again till next week. So the people that weren’t online at the time miss out because no one else wants to do them because they already done it.

Give us more time to find and kill each bounty, have it scale to how many are representing the guild or something similar, and have your usual reward for the first kill but some sort for reward for doing bounties again.

Other than that slowly but surely we will have no one wanting to do guild bounties except to kill the first npc to get there reward. And for guild treks, well no one wants to do them, no reward, no point in doing them. Thank goodness they are easy enough to do with a few people, otherwise would never get them done for the guild merits.

Looking forward to guild rushes, they can’t be any worse than the previous guild missions.

Everyone loves the idea of the guild missions, just badly implemented, thought out and non existent interface.

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error code 42:4:7:251 Unable to Log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


same, was heading to shatterer

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Account Login Issue.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


i have the same issue, playing the game this morning, quit game had to do some real life stuff 1 hour later come back getting that error message, can’t log in

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Guild bounties - bounty hunt time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


I agree the non existent user interface for all representing guild members to see whats happening when a bounty mission starts is not helpful.

Would be good to have time left, what bounty we are after and what map they are on and if the npc is being attacked or not.

That way we can be more efficient in our time use and everyone knows who to kill and what map they are on. And if a guildie just logs in they can see a mission is on. 1 st npc is dead, have 5 minutes left and the second npc is in harathi, obviously everyone is there, with out having to ask whats happening, where are you, who you attacking, how much time left. Its there on there screen the instant they have logged in with there character and no one needs to have to reply to the question and continue killing or searching for npc.

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Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


I like the new change, from a person who has 9 80s, now i will have time to do pve without constantly doing events for the chests and level more 80s

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Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Well we did another guild bounty, we had about 40 members of the guild online and representing, and only 7 people looking for the bounty npcs, because everyone hates doing it and don’t want to do it, once we triggered we got about 20 people doing the mission.

Had the first guy found and killed fairly easy still over 10 minutes left, had to find bookworm bwiki, took us about 5 minutes find him and we couldn’t kill him in time, wtf. He wiped our group constantly.

Really did anet even test the missions. No one likes finding them before we start the mission, constantly looking at the guild mission thing to see how much time we have left, and who we got to kill next, user friendly interface is non existent for guild bounty missions.

Love the idea of guild missions, but the bounty needs to be completely overhauled so people enjoy it and actually want to do it.

Tier 1 and 2 is easy enough if you get a good bounty npc to kill, we have failed many times because of getting prisoner bounty npc or other quite difficult bounty npc.

Takes forever to find the npcs before we start the mission, we are constantly having guildies saying not doing this mission again because of looking for the npcs first and if you fail it no reward, they prefer to do something else than waste there time on it.

Not sure if other guilds are experiencing the same issue, or its just our guild and our guild members that truly don’t like doing guild bounty missions.

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Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


the worst thing, game can’t handle a lot of people doing an event, so you either get the sound issue, or the game just simply crashes. So by the time you log back in, either the event is over and you miss out on the chest, or you are in overflow and can’t get back to the event and miss out on chest.

everything is an illusion

Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Been awhile since i last posted here of the guild update.

We are still recruiting. We run guild missions, unlocking the next type of mission soon, just researching what we need to get it.

Since missions have been add, the philosophy of the guild has not changed, we still do not require representation, still play how you want when you want.

We are a casual guild, we hover around the 490 members mark. That said we only have about 60 members log in in 24 hour period, use to be around the 150 mark, but a lot guildies have had enough of GW2 because of the required grind to get the the ascended and legendaries and nothing else of interest to do. But they will not be kicked from the guild, like i said we are casual guild and if you choose to take a long or short break from the game, you will not be kicked. So if you choose to return GW2 sometime in the future, less you will know that you will still be in the guild.

So if you think Saint and Sinners is the type of guild you are looking for on the Darkhaven server, whisper me or message me DreamReaver or a SaS member.

We still have a lot of Australians in the guild that are playing, our peak time of members online is around 5pm to 7pm Aussie time or 10pm to midnight server time.

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Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


My guild did there first guild missions yesterday. Here are our thoughts.

Spending all the time tracking down the npcs first before starting the mission, the guildies found tedious and boring, no fun whats so ever. Once we started the bounty, killing the bounties was great, we we killed the first person, we rushed to the next location, entire guild searching for the npc and we found and killed him with like 30 seconds left, it was great and everyone was so happy we just did it.

Suggestions: Give us 30 minutes per bounty to locate and kill each npc. So when you start a mission, the npc appears what ever map they are on and we all got to rush there find the person and kill it and then move on to the next one. Finding the npc before we start the mission no one enjoyed doing. if you had the npc only appear when the mission started, then everyone is looking for him at once rushing around frantic and enjoying the mission, instead finding an npc before we start and following him till everyone has found the npcs. So boring, repeat so boring and tedious.

And interface, guildwars 2 has never had the best interface, why isn’t there a descent interface for the missions. Would be great when we trigger a mission, everyone representing the guild, gets the timer and the npc we need to kill and what map they are on on the actual game screen not hidden away in the guilds tab that takes up your gamescreen so you can’t see stuff all on the map.

And finally, why do we have to earn all the merits to get the other guild mission, not everyone wants to do guild missions first, we want to try the puzzle missions and the others, but no we have to do guild missions first and at the moment and eventually and long time time from now we will be able to do the puzzles, etc, we have only done 3 bounty missions and feels like everyone one is quite sick of looking for the npcs before we start the missions.

And what a stupid place to put the first mission, at the end of art of war guild tree, i pity the small guilds who unlikely have any of that researched. Way to divide big guilds and small guild, the have nots and haves, arenanet very stupid decision . Sometimes i wonder if arenaet even think about what they are doing, they have this great idea but don’t think it through properly. Dividing a community is not smart in an mmo.

In the end great idea of the missions, very badly implemented and not very well thought out at all. Hopefully they are listening and reading this thread and they have ideas of how to fix the issues people are having with the missions.

Finally a nice little reply in the thread from an arenanet person would be nice and show that they respect our comments and are listening, even if they just say, “Thank you for your feedback, we are working on the guild missions to improve the experience of all players”. Any feedback would show that you do care about your player base, after all we are your customers, with out us you wouldn’t have an mmo.

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Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


I don’t usually post in the forums. But this overflow and guesting is getting out of hand and extremely annoying.

Was fighting Jormag on my server Darkhaven, he’s down to 1/4 health and i get the stupid sound issues that GW2 always has had since launch of the game and crashed the game, relog in and in overflow, joined a guild member in party and still could not get back out of overflow.

Did all the hard work of fighting the dragon and miss out on the chest because the game crashed and i get into overflow.

My guild is getting really annoyed about this overflow, our server and we can’t even play on it. We don’t guest and yet we get penalized for not guesting by missing out on the dragons. People on there home server should get priority over guests. This was never an issue before they changed the loot for the dragons and other world events.

I get a limited amount of time to play because of work. Can’t always do the dragons when they are up.

Once again why should people on their server home be punished for people that are guesting onto it.

Make the dragons spawn randomly so they can’t be predicted, or give home server people preference over guests, or make that you only can do world events on your own server, something needs to be done.

Congratulations arena net all what you currently doing with your updates is kitten people off, with guesting, small guild unable to do guild missions, ascended items, etc, etc. Not a smart way to keep your customers or keep them happy.

Still love the game, but every new patch i seem to loose some of that love and eventually will drive me away and to another game, like so many of my friends and guildies have left already.

No game is perfect and hopefully arena net are listening to there customers and trying to figure out what they are going to do and how to make most people happy. I still have faith in them.

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


487 members now, very limited spots, we are on Darkhaven server, we have over 300 Australians in the guild.

We have no requirements to join or represent the guild. We are a casual guild.

our motto: Play how you want, when you want.

The guild is fully upgraded.

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


450+ members now, space is limited, as we won’t be starting a sister guild.

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


We have just recruited our 400th member over 130 active members in a 24 hours period during the working week, and more during the weekend. Have a fully upgraded guild too now, No more improvements need to be researched and now just producing guild banners and other perks for the guild.

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


350+ members now. we have mostly new players to the game, so join us and if you have nay questions there is bound to be someone that will answer it.

Around 7pm onwards Australian time is when we have the largest amount of members on, average over 50+ members on line and can get to 100+ members during the weekend/ During prime-time American times we have i think around 30+ members online on average, but not sure since i am sleeping during that time.

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


we have just got our 300th member, and about 100 members active in the last 24 hours, we are still recruiting, so if you are on Darkhaven or wanting to come to Darkhaven, whisper me DreamReaver for invite or more info. We accept anyone and everyone from anywhere with no requirements in joining us

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


we have reached 200+ members now

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100% Map completion no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


still no answer, i will keep annoying support till i at least a get a reply of some sort from them

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


130+ members now

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Just another update.

We have just reached 100 members, have 3 commanders in the guild.

We are now the biggest Australian guild in Darkhaven and probably the biggest Australian guild on all servers, we have approximately 80 Australians in the guild.

We accept members from any country and any server. We have about 40 to 50 active members in a 24 hour period and more on weekends and most of our members are active during the week.

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100% Map completion no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


I have contacted in game support and no answer from anywhere. I have the Been there done that title which confirms my 100% completion

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Not interested in changing servers, been with Darkhaven from the beginning. But if there is anyone interested in recruiting for the guild on there/other servers, feel free to contact me and we can discuss it.

Saints and Sinners is growing quickly on Darkhaven server, have almost 60 members and of that 60 probably about 50 are Australians.

We are now the main Australian guild on the Darkhaven server that I know of.

We are still very casual players, as we grow we will hopefully do more of everything in guildwars.

We accept everyone from everywhere doesn’t matter what country and how experienced you are at guildwars. Aussie timezone might just be perfect for you.

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100% Map completion no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


anyone? i would really like the reward i earnt for this

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


We are always recruiting so please don’t hesitate to wanting to join us.

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Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


just a quick update:

We now have Ventrilo up and running.
We have about 40 members and 90% of them are Australian.

So if your an Aussie and on the Darkhaven server, come join us, less you know you will have people in your time zone. And if your not Aussie, still welcome, we accept anyone and everyone. Maybe the Australian time zone is perfect for your gaming time wherever you are in the world.

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100% Map completion no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


About a month ago I completed 100% map completion, got no reward for it, no chest, no anything. I put a ticket in ingame and never got a reply.

I really would like to get my deserved reward for completing 100% of the maps.

Any way i can achieve this, with out trying to do 100% map completion with another character.

thank you for your time

everything is an illusion

Saints and Sinners looking for new members

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Saints and Sinners [SaS]
on the Darkhaven server

A bit of info about us:

We are a small mostly Australian guild.
We started out as a group of local friends and slowly expanding the guild to all who would like to join. We accept all style of players, veterans to new players from anywhere in the world.

We won’t kick players from the guild if they are inactive for a long time.

We are casual guild that do a bit everything. WvW, PvP, Jumping Puzzles, Dungeons. Whatever we choose to do. We play the way we want, when we want with no pressure or the feeling of obligation in that we have to play the game or do dungeons, WvW, etc.

If you would like to join contact me in game DreamReaver, or a guild member to let an officer know there is someone wanting to join. Or just leave a message here.

We have a website: (still work in progress)
We have ventrilo

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(edited by DreamReaver.7514)

Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: DreamReaver.7514


Home World: DarkHaven
Guild Name: Saints and Sinners
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: DreamReaver
Focus: casual
Quick Notes: Small mostly Australian guild

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