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Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dryder.2741


So, how is the second part of your text relevant if we talk about weapon and armor diversity? Let’s not make this a general Gw2-is-lacking-a-lot-more thread.

Perhaps what didn’t come through in my post is that what surprised me when I first played Vindictus was that I was shocked and immediately recognized that this was exactly the kind of armor style (maybe even weapon style) that GW2 was trying to emulate in development, except they rendered a much poorer version of it. I couldn’t believe the similarity at first, but I knew that Vindictus’s style was created before GW2, so apparently this is what they based some of it on.

Btw, if you want proof GW2’s armor/weapon art went downhill from GW1, just look in the gem store, the Primeval armor looks a billion times better than anything now and it was a skin taken and updated from GW1.
Btw the Runic Blade in GW1 was my favorite looking sword, based on the LOTR sword ‘anduril’. I recently saw the latest GW2 version. They covered it in cheap-looking glitter and tacked on the lamest particle emitter to vomit sprinkled glitter all over the place. They used to be so good at making cool, attractive skins, what happened? They took the classic GW1 fiery dragon sword, which in GW2 (HoM unlock) still looks better than almost anything else, painted it a flat light blue removed the particle effect, it looks like plain garbage and they act like it’s epic gear? They also took the awesome Zodiac sword that used to be black and white/gold in GW1, screwed up the colors and again they act like it’s desirable when they just made it worse! I’d like to know who’s responsible for these inexplicable aesthetic decisions? They have the rights to all the great GW1 stuff and just squandered it all!

(edited by Dryder.2741)

Youtube monetization

in Community Creations

Posted by: Dryder.2741


if you ‘monetize’ your youtube video with ads, you are making money off of the ad revenue, not the Guild Wars IP.

I don’t know anything about this topic, but I don’t think this makes sense. Making money off the ad revenue is like saying you’re making money off the money. How are you really making money? Using GW2 content. But whether it’s ok or not I do not know.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dryder.2741


I was a GW1 founder since beta. I honestly have never been more disappointed in a game, going from GW1 to GW2 The armor and weapons in Guild Wars 1 looked beautiful and awesome. I’ve looked at every piece of armor and weapon in GW2 and it is 99.99% ugly, purely quantity over quality. I dare any of you to log into GW1 and take a look at what people are still wearing in the cities, I haven’t wanted to play GW2 in around a year since doing so.

It’s almost funny, because I recently noticed a game called Vindictus, that came out before GW2 and immediately recognized that GW2 had been developed trying to copy Vindictus. And the thing is, Vindictus looks a million times better not to mention the skills used in fighting which make it actually tactical and fun, unlike GW2. I started playing a character named Hurk and you have to time many of your attacks to the moment you’re going to be hit, which counterattacks and gains health. This sort of reflex-based, hand-eye coordination stuff is what GW2 is sorely lacking because they dumbed down the game in order to allow everyone to play it; the skills and armor are really disappointing.

(edited by Dryder.2741)

In my opinion, the armor is ugly in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dryder.2741


The armor and weapons in GW2 are god-awful, sinfully ugly. There’s really no excuse, given the outstanding, epically beautiful job they did back on GW1 armor and weapon skins. I took a long break from playing GW2 and having returned, the lack of cool looking armor to aim for has completely robbed me of enthusiasm for any kind of grind.

If you want proof, just look in the gem store, the Primeval armor looks a billion times better than anything now and it was a skin taken and updated from GW1.

Btw the Runic Blade in GW1 was my favorite looking sword, based on the LOTR sword ‘anduril’. I just saw the latest GW2 version. They covered it in cheap-looking glitter and tacked on the lamest particle emitter to vomit sprinkled glitter all over the place. They used to be so good at making cool, attractive skins, what happened? They took the classic GW1 fiery dragon sword, which in GW2 (HoM unlock) still looks better than almost anything else, painted it a flat light blue removed the particle effect, it looks like plain garbage and they act like it’s epic gear? They also took the awesome Zodiac sword that used to be black and white/gold in GW1, screwed up the colors and again they act like it’s desirable when they just made it worse! I’d like to know who’s responsible for these inexplicable aesthetic decisions? They have the rights to all the great GW1 stuff and just squandered it all!