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LFG hardcore fractals on HoT's release [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Durden.5032



I’m looking for four players who would like to follow me on a fractal trip from October, 23rd to October, 25th.

The idea is to stack on junk food and survival things IRL to farm the hell out of the new fractal levels right when HoT drops. Ideally we’d go to bed when too sleepy to go any further, sleep a reasonable time (7h?) and come back. Starting on Friday the 23rd 1h or 2h after launch (so we have time to familiarise with some new features, do the Guild Hall stuff and all before starting), and running until as late as possible on Sunday night.
We would start with the current meta-team and then adapt our team comp given what we can play and what is needed. Everyone should be currently running 50 daily and know his class and his role in the group given any circumstances.

For that to work out, this is what I would like to see from each one in the team :

  • Warrior :
    Solo kite Mai Trin
    Solo heat room right at Thaumanova’s start
  • Thief :
    Solo fire phase in Svanir fractal
    Know when to run and stealth
    Defiance should always be at 0
    Stealth strategy at Mai Trin
    Shadowtrap at 2-seals on Hammer
  • Guard :
    Know what to reflect and when to reflect it
    Grab with gs#5 on Asura boss and Hammer boss
    Good use of aegis buffs
    Master of the Shaman Grawl boss
  • Ele :
    Might stack and usual blasts between fights with s/d/f
    Mai Trin with s/d or s/f for blasts
    Solo both laser phases in Aeterblades fractal
    Clever use of sandstorm, ice bow (constant freeze) and such

I personally am playing an ele main.

  • For everyone :
    Have a full ascended zerk stuff, including the aquatic weapon. Having another more tanky stuff would be optimal.
    Use serious food. Stack as much food in-game than you do IRL for the weekend.
    Unlock your fractal masteries first.
    Teamspeak/Mumble is mandatory. Being able to speak and understand English is as well.
    Having a second class you can currently play at 50 is nice. Including ranger and necro.
    Be 20+ years old. No exception.
    Be sure to be free your whole weekend. The point of this post is to find people 100% in, so unfortunately it rules you out if you live with your parents (considering you have to eat with them and can’t talk at night) or already have a family of your own. I asked for “holidays” at my student’s job from the 23rd to the 25th.
    Be okay with the fact that the whole experience will be streamed by me. I’m a small French streamer and it will be my first time streaming in 100% English on my channel so I don’t think we’ll have lots of viewers, but just so you know.
  • What I don’t want :
    “I’m the best”. You can be the best player in the world, I don’t want you in the group if you’re kitteny. “Been there, done that” people are the worst, they don’t bother you at first but at one point you notice it and it goes worst and worst until you ragequit.
    It’s ok to wipe and make mistakes. I don’t want anyone screaming at someone else in the whole thing. That’s why I want to make sure every member is a good player, so we cut out that “imma teach you noob” crap.
    “Anet is kitten” circlejerk. Yeah, that’s why you’ve spent thousands of hours in Tyria and you’re still playing the game today. There will be bugs, it’s a launch. Just cope with it. No one should ever say that kind of thing, criticism is only good when constructive.

Just want to point out : I may seem like a kitten, but most of this is common sense when you’re already 20yo+ and running 50 metazerk daily.
I’m not a speed runner in any way so don’t expect me to know a strat DnT or rT pulled on their last record run. That’s not the point. I’m a regular player that has been running 50 and 40 with Pugs every day for at least 3 to 4 months, including some runs with high-end PvErs that taught me neat tips and tricks, that’s all. If you’re a speed runner and want to join, be prepared to run like a PUG. A smooth PUG 50 run is done in 30min imo, that’s what I want.

The sooner you contact me, either here or in game, the sooner we can start running together to see how it goes

TL;DR : still looking for a war, a guard, a thief and an ele.

(edited by Durden.5032)

Error at Start

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Durden.5032


Same problem, everything is working fine but it’s kinda annoying when launching the game. It appeared when I started using SweetFX, but I don’t know if it’s linked because I get the same problem when launching the game without SweetFX.

Ready Up: Team Strategy - 6/27 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Durden.5032


The team fights with my team are generally played by our condi necro, bunker guard, h/a-a war and dps staff Ele. We do generally well, but can’t seem to win any against pure dps teams, who burst down our members one by one really quickly.
Long story short, do you have any advice on how to win against this kind of team ?

Anyway, keep it up Helseth, huge fan of you.

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Durden.5032


Prométhée World won’t be able to be there, as stated in the mail. Looking forward to the redo !

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


Presented like that.. ahah!
But one day, we will be buffed, and that day, you will cry over your ascended zerker armor it took you so long to get ! Mouhahahahaahahaha ! (demoniac laugh)

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


Given how many classes can potentially dps in a zerg, compared to how many classes can play truly support, I feel more useful for my server as the guy who save the others butt with his water fields!

But again, that’s how you see the “play how you like it” feeling of gw2 I guess ahah.

Are you getting your ELE Ascended Armour?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


Getting it because I’ve been wanting to change my build for a few months so here’s the occasion, and I like to have an up-to-date stuff. And that treadmill will keep me going until the final of Scarlet’s arc comes up

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


I don’t pretend staff eles have an important role to play in 1v1. I agree their role should be in a zerg, buffing their mates.
My point is, if for any reason you end up 1v1 (like when you’re running from spawn to your zerg and a solo opponent catches you), then you stand a chance. But sure, don’t go roaming with a celestial staff ele.

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


Staff elementalists can win 1v1. That’s a fact, you can not deny it as it happened. It even happened again to me a few minutes ago.

Well, here you go :

(edited by Durden.5032)

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


Calm down DeathPanel. He’s not alone as I’m in the same case as Cobalt, and several of my elementalists mates do the same. Maybe staff ele isn’t just your thing.

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


Noted. On a personnal point, you think I should definitely leave my Cleric stuff for the Celestial one ?

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


I’m still waiting for more experienced elementalists theorycrafters to comment the build I linked, so I wouldn’t follow myself until they confirm it’s a good way to go, especially since celestial gear is so painful to get ahah !

EDIT : oh, and be aware that this kind of build is really difficult to master. Took me more than 100h I think, playing every gametype with it, from open world to tPvP. There’s one spell for each moment in each fight, you just have to learn how and when to use each. But again, I’m an average player

(edited by Durden.5032)

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


Yup, it is!
Well, as I said, I’m not using exactly the same build at the moment, mine is slightly different because of my cleric’s set. But I think they are really close to each other.

The thing is, with that kind of build, you’re ok in dungeons and valuable in a WvW-zerg.
And while roaming, it’s been a rare occurence that I lost in a 1v1 duel, because when you master that kind of build, it’s really difficult to be killed, as you’re evading most of the opponent’s dps + you’re dispelling every single condition. You don’t have much dps, but you’ll win over the long run, as there’s one moment your opponent will lose his concentration, and you’ll kill him at that moment. But be prepared for long fights, especially against guardians (I’ve done some duels against guards lasting for more than 10min, I can tell you that’s a reaaaaally long time for a duel !).

Elementalist builds for WvW with Staff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durden.5032


It’s not purely what the OP asked for, as it’s a support build, but what do you think of this build guys ?

It says “for fractals”, but it might be good in WvW as well imo. I’ve been using kind of the same build until now but with a cleric stuff, worked pretty good, but I wonder if this one is better ?

[Noes] of Piken Square Recruiting!!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Durden.5032


C’mooooooon guys, we got cookies !

Attention: Guild Bounty Missions Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Durden.5032


+1 Bullshizle, how are we, small guilds/casual players guilds, going to get that much points ?

Farming fractal relics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durden.5032


I was wondering, if I want to farm fractal relics, should I farm the 2nd level or the 10th level of the FotM ?

Thanks !

(btw, if someone whisp my main character when I’m on an alt, will I get the message ?)

Caption Contest #1 [Closed]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Durden.5032


“My infinite intelligence, along with my piercing eyes, tells me we should go that way. TO YOUR LEFT BOOKAHS !”

caladbolg skin

in Crafting

Posted by: Durden.5032


They may have translucent blades, but right now they are the weapons with the skin closest to Caladbolg.

caladbolg skin

in Crafting

Posted by: Durden.5032


Seems like verdant and/or warden (great)sword look like Caladbolg. I can’t remember which exactly

Recipe: Eye of power scepter ?

in Crafting

Posted by: Durden.5032


Ahah don’t worry, I’m not gonna break into your golden market, I just want to get all recipes in each crafting profession

Recipe: Eye of power scepter ?

in Crafting

Posted by: Durden.5032


I just saw this post and I thought, if the recipe for the EPS isn’t sold by any Karma vendor, maybe the recipe looks like the one in the link.
Like :
1 Eldritch Scroll
100 Mystic Coin
250 ?
1 ?

I just want to know if some of you have made experiments on this, or if you have any clue about it.

Two legendary weapons at the same time?

in Crafting

Posted by: Durden.5032


I was just wondering, has anyone tried to hold two legendary weapons at the same time ?
Like, are the effects combining, or is it just the effects (like footsteps) from the right hand weapon we can see ?