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Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durzo.1265


Hello, I would like to learn more dungeon paths, especially Arah.

I would love an invite and would be willing to help teach others what I know

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durzo.1265


Dailies only need one thing worked on now, and that is PvE dailies.
Give us dailies that don’t put all the players in one map, running desperately from one event to another. Don’t do territory specific dailies, including mining and logging.
The key to a fun daily, for me anyway, is making it take a while because of the work, not because of the waiting. These are a couple of ideas I had for dailies that I personally would prefer over Plains of Ashford Event Completer, or Daily Shatterer.

A “Smelter” daily, for mining 30 units of ore, and then refining the ore into ingots, or something like that. Just something to add more depth to dailies that involve resources.

“Dragon Slayer” daily. This would be about the same as Claw of Jormag or Shatterer daily, except now everyone can choose where and when to go, and it won’t be as congested. Additionally, you could have any non-event dragon slaying count towards this daily, like completing the Arah story mode.

Additionally, dailies could be an opportunity to bring back something almost everyone misses, old-fashioned questing. Let dailies be walking up to a mercenary or Pact officer, and taking a job, a contract, or a quest. These could be anything as simple as slaying 20 marsh drakes and bringing him their scales, or as involved as traversing The Shiverpeaks in search of enough snow truffles to make the quest-giver’s special recipe.

I love Guild Wars 2’s no grind approach, but I also enjoy the old-fashioned quest grinding a little bit every now and then. I think the ultimate solution would be to provide things that are associated with grinding(like slaying 20 beasts, collecting their pelts, and turning it in), and combine it with what GW2 already has, then you would have a grind-based thing for people who like it, as well as a new component that wouldn’t feel like grinding amidst all the other non-grind content.

In conclusion,
1. Complicate PvE dailies just a little bit.
2. Bring back old-school style questing and disguise them as dailies.
3. The game is a lot of fun so I don’t really care what happens either way.

Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durzo.1265


1 – If it were easy, it would be meaningless.

2 – You can’t expect games to meet your every possible expectation and make you relentlessly satisfied every time you play it. If you have a huge number of complaints, you may be playing a game you don’t like. If you only have a few, small complaints, you’re probably just being too critical. It’s a free to play game that has been churning out free DLC and bug fixes for the last 2 years. It has responded to a lot of player complaints, and is continues to have a pretty much democratic relationship with the players.

It’s easy to become irritated by stuff like this because we have been trained to demand instant gratification and perfectly optimized products, despite how unreasonable that expectation is. Just slow down and try to notice what’s good about the game. If you spend your time trying to figure out what they could do better, you’ll never enjoy yourself.

The debate...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durzo.1265


For anyone wanting to get in on the lore of Guild Wars, I cannot recommend the books enough. They aren’t overly long or dense so it’s a quick read, but they are dense enough for anyone who loves Guild Wars to get 3 really good doses of awesomeness. You will learn a huge amount about the games from the 3 books.

As far as your character goes, I personally wouldn’t be scared of remaking it. And while I agree the leveling on this game isn’t the best, they have made a lot of changes since release and I think leveling is actually way better than it used to be. The way your story is presented is a lot more interesting, and the level rewards and restructuring of unlocks make leveling a little more satisfying. But if you’re totally against leveling, you can always use Scrolls and Tomes to non-level your way to 80, using crafting and dungeon runs to quickly get any levels the items couldn’t get.

The easiest way to enjoy this game is to slow down, and not let everyone else’s cynicism and unreasonably high expectations play into your agenda. People are so overly critical that it’s started to affect other gamers, to the point where they feel obligated to keep up or prove themselves, and it robs them of enjoying the actual game. Other people treat it like a business, constantly being unsatisfied with how much gold or loot they obtain. I’ve recently tasked myself with getting back to the ‘role-playing’ aspect of MMORPGs, and I’ve found it quite rewarding. If you want lore, just put yourself in the Mesmer’s shoes, and do what you would do if you were in that world. Generally, this way of playing doesn’t offer enough non-stop stimulation for people, but it’s great for uncovering the finer details in the game.

How do you like to play Guild Wars?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durzo.1265


I like to stop and smell the flowers.
I have been with Guild Wars since shortly after the release of GW1, and I’ve always enjoyed the lore and experiences they’ve created in Tyria. Just yesterday in Dry Top, I walked into a heavily damaged building, still barely standing from the recent devastation wrought by the Mordrem. The barkeep was just sitting on the floor, and when I spoke with him he told me he wasn’t sure what he was going to do, and even if he got back on his feet, pretty much all of his regulars were dead. That kind of thing doesn’t really add heavily to the game, but I think it’s so great for a MMO to have, and it really helps complete the world and validate the lore. I’m one of the players that likes to get into the ‘role-playing’ part of ‘RPG’. I really enjoy putting myself in the armor of my adventurer because I feel like it makes the world feel so much more vast and alive. I tend to notice all the extra content that doesn’t take the form of points or loot.

Additionally, I’ve recently started noticing there are some minor things I can do while playing to really enhance my experience. For instance, I noticed that if I played with the camera zoomed in to the 2nd closest setting, and tilted so that it was closer to the ground, it made Tyria appear much more immersive. I realized that I had been playing with my camera pointed at the ground, which is totally necessary for battle, but when I’m exploring in role-playing/adventure mode, positioning the camera in that more immersive position keeps the game feeling fresh and expansive.

But enough about me, what about you? How do you prefer to forge your legend? What way of playing is the most fun for you?

Anti-needlessly mean people feature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durzo.1265


Mostly I just wanted to know how many people felt the same about the trolls.

I think overall, GW has more of a friendly community than it does a hostile one, and I think that is a victory all it’s own. The best thing we can do is just keep being cooperative, and keep being friendly and helpful to the new players so they feel welcomed when they join us in Tyria. And hopefully, the end result will be the cultivation of a community so friendly and awesome, that it turns trolls into friends

Anti-needlessly mean people feature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durzo.1265


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just want to play Guild Wars 2. And I don’t mean get my dailies and do some dungeons, I mean put on my Turtle Beaches, stop and smell the flowers kind of playing. A big part of that experience is interacting with other players, in fact that’s one of the foundations of the game. So one thing that has bummed me out on multiple occasions, is being right in the middle of enjoying myself, usually during some kind of event or what have you, and then being suddenly attacked by some random player for pretty much no reason. Sometimes you’ll be talking to someone, maybe asking a question or giving someone advice, and then a third person feels the need to personally demean you for asking a question, or saying your way of playing is stupid or somehow less valid.
So to get off the soapbox and on to my point, I would just really like for there to be a way to maybe buffer this. I don’t expect this to just be magically solved, because people are people and they’re gonna be how they’re gonna be. However, Guild Wars already has a really great community to start with. On a highly populated server, it’s easy for all the whiners and complainers to annoy and distract, but there are still plenty of people just playing and having a good time. And just to be clear, I’m not talking about the occasional complainer, or people getting into arguments; that’s just human behavior. I’m talking about the people who consistently bash other players and initiate conflict by being overly critical.
I was thinking a reputation attribute, negligible to the actual game, it would be more of a social component. Players could like or dislike other players, and it could just be a straight-forward number to signify how well a given player gets along with the people he or she plays with. It doesn’t have to be that, I would just like a way for those of us who feel positively about the game to say, “we don’t like this guy, all he does spew negativity in the map chat and criticize everyone.”. Or maybe if people are reported just for spewing hate, they are limited on how frequently they can enter map chat text.
Like I said, doesn’t have to be those ideas, it doesn’t have to be anything at all. I just wanted to see if anyone else feels the same or if I just miss the good ol’ days of my MMOing. Thanks for giving me a place to rant :P

Get rid of most of the waypoints in the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Durzo.1265


I think map traveling is an important feature to add, because no one wants to spend all their time running back and forth between capitol cities for only a couple of objectives.

However, there are parts of the game where clusters of 4 or 5 waypoints are almost right next to each other, and I think it really robs players of being able to experience the awesome world that has been built.

I think a lot of maps should have zero waypoints, and most of the fast traveling should be done when going to cities, or places like Fort Trinity.

It would provide a much more immersive experience if I had to run to most places, at least when exploring a place like Diessa Plateau. Having to run places would make me feel more “in” that world, rather than being on a computer. In my opinion, the less time a player spend in menus and maps, the more alive that world will feel.

How to fix the major flaw with his game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Durzo.1265


You make some good points, but there are reasons why there is no dedicated healer in GW2, and they are very good reasons. I do not ever want to see a dedicated healer in this game.

Medium Armor Suggestion/Plea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Durzo.1265


In general, I think the armor in Guild Wars 2 is fine, and in fact I think a lot of it is downright awesome when put on the right character. However, when it comes to medium armor, I find myself conforming to one ubiquitous style of armor: the long-coat.

All the medium armor choices are dominated by coats that are long and cover the legs. I desperately want to wear ninja-style armor on my thief, so that he resembles the Assassin I played in Guild Wars 1. An example of the type of coat/leggings I’m looking for would be the Profane armor skin in the Gem Store, but alas, it is only for light armor.

I think that if you moved beyond the long-coat style of medium armor, it would really open up options for future armor design, as well as create an even higher diversity among the medium-armor wearing players. Again, if you need another reference as to what I have in mind, reference Obsidian armor from Guild Wars 1.